Sunday, November 4, 2012


I love this quote by Gladys Taber, from Stillmeadow Seasons...

"But housekeeping is fun, and I think the women who hate it lack imagination. It is one job where you enjoy the results right along as you work. You may work all day washing and ironing, but at night you have the delicious feeling of sunny clean sheets and airy pillows to lie on. If you clean, you sit down at nightfall with the house shining and faintly smelling of wax, all yours to enjoy right then and there. And if you cook–ah, if you cook–that creation you lift from the oven goes right to the table."

After watching the storm coverage on the East Coast this past week I promised myself yesterday as I cleaned and scrubbed my La Chaumière de Briarwood that I would never again complain about housekeeping.  I'm serious.  I'm going to at least TRY to keep my complaints to a minimum!  Seeing the devastation wrought about by SANDY snapped my whiny thoughts right back in line.  What those people wouldn't give just to have a home to sweep and mop...

 We all have so much to be grateful for, don't we?

I hope if you are able you'll consider donating to the RED CROSS or some other worthy charity to help our fellow Americans who are in need.  

Blessings for a lovely Sunday.

Love to you~


  1. God bless you this beautiful Autumn day.

    Sandy did such damage and so many are affected. Lord help them all.

    Speakin' of housekeeping and serious cleaning....i am needing to get my can in gear and get some of this stuff done.

    Hope you have a super day,

  2. Ahhh! I absolutely love that quote! Makes me want 2 roll up my sleeves this very minute and start cleaning!! I used to love reading the "Love Comes Softly" series bec it had the same effect on me with it's sweet "homeyness"...(by Jeannette Oake). I bought a Gladys Tabor book on ebay last year due to Susan Branch adoring her and her books...but I yet have taken the time to open it! Maybe I should! :)

    I heart goes out to all these poor victims. So sad and heart-wrenching. And we do have so much to be thankful for. Puts things back into perspective...and you realize we have NOTHING to complain about.

    Thank for, Rebecca, for your sweet note! I too would love to meet you in person someday...but if not here, we have the guarantee of such a fun meeting in heaven!! Praise the Lord for His goodness!! :D

    xoxo Carolyn

  3. I love housework! I like re-arranging things and adding things here and there AND, I hate dust! so I use my trusty swiffer duster all the time. I feel so bad for all the people that don't have homes anymore and for all those that have months of clean up due to sandy...I donated to the red cross already and we also will be donating to the salvation army as we do every year for the holidays. Your right, we need to help our fellow Americans especially now. Such a wonderful post Rebecca! Hugs Jennifer

  4. So true! I too will try very hard to clean gratefully and never complain again. I live in New Jersey and no words can describe the feeling here. I lost a handful of roof shingles and I feel so blessed to still have my home to keep warm in, hot running water, and food in my fridge. Knowing that my community is suffering so much makes me terribly sad. Thank you for your prayers and your support.

    xo, abby

  5. We always bought Family Circle mag during my childhood so I grew up reading Gladys Tabors column. We also (and I still do) had a number of her books about Stillmeadow (bought thru Farm Journal Book Club). I think back now that she may have been the biggest influence (outside my Mother and Grandmothers) for my love of country and eventually cottage chic decor. Back in the late 1950's (I was only 7 or 8 yrs old) I dreamed of having a farm house with cottage decor and dogs and cats and a horse or more (I ended up with all of it). Just thinking about her again brings back such sweet memories of her columns and books. Thanks for taking me for a walk down a sweet memory lane.
    Hugs (Congrats to your husband)

  6. I too, have had a bad attitude at times on cleaning my home. Yes, GOD does have a way of reminding us those things....what if I had nothing to clean? Murmuring and complaining has no place in our hearts, especially since most of us are very blessed in one way or the other. Well, you know what happened to those in the BIBLE after all their murmuring and complaining, after GOD gave them everything they needed over and over again....Lord, forgive me....I am blessed! from one sweetie to another~~~Roxie

  7. That is so true, Rebecca. Sometimes when I finish cleaning and look around I have this-well, this won't last long feeling. I need to join you and rejoice that I have a home to clean and enjoy- Blessings- xo Diana

  8. Thank you for your post.
    Living in New Jersey and seeing our beloved shore completely devastated is shocking. My family was blessed to all be safe.

    We will rebuild as so many before us have and come out even stronger by the grace of our God.

  9. Miss Rebecca,

    I love cleaning my Bella Vista. I am reminded of all the love and hope my home holds each time I lovingly wipe away the dust and 'happy mess.'

    I pray for each of the persons affected by heart aches for them.

    Such a refreshing post!

    Love, B

  10. Okay, I'm mopping the kitchen floor this week with a smile on my face. I am so spoiled. Thanks Rebecca for the reminder to be grateful.

  11. I so agree with that! I love cleaning my house every Saturday morning and then the cooking begins. It's one of life's pleasures, IMO. :-)

  12. Dearest Rebecca,
    Indeed, we ought to never complain. We learned that from all our consulting in poor countries. We ARE spoiled and blessed compared to most people on earth. Too bad that many of our nation are suffering right now due to natural disaster. Let's keep them in our prayers and also let's all pray for our nation on Tuesday that it will turn back to God once again as a strong nation under God.
    Hugs to you,

  13. She is my all time favorite author. I own most of her books and re-read them all the time. Kit

  14. Hi Rebecca, my heart just aches for all of the victims of Sandy... and you are right... I have always loved doing my housework and alot of ladies have told me I am nuts... well, as I dust and vacuum or do laundry, I think many of the same thoughts you described... I am thankful I have a lovely home and my family and enjoy making things nice... my mama never once complained about doing these things... it was always with a smile and a cheerful attitude... my precious memories of her are always with me as I do the same things around our home that she did... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  15. I love to clean my house! Now that I have back problems, I can't do it like I used too and it's tempting to feel sorry for myself but that goes downhill fast! Being thankful for what I *can* do is a much better solution! ♥

  16. Hi Rebecca, yes you are so right! Why is it so easy for us to complain about small things? We humans are a strange bunch! Thanks for reminding us what's important in life.

  17. You are so right--I am so happy to have a house to clean! Thanks for the reminder! I have a lot to be thankful for.
