Thursday, January 24, 2013



It's been almost a month since my surgery and today I'm more thankful than ever for pain-free hands!  I visited my doctor yesterday and I'm continuing to heal while growing stronger every day.  The incisions in my palms are still tender and I have some residual numbness at the tip of my middle finger on my right hand.  But, given the still visible swelling and bruising on my wrists I've been told as the nerve paths heal the numbness should pass.  I'm a slow healer so it's going to take a little more time before I'm 100%.

Trust me when I say I can live with that.  


I've learned some interesting things during my month-long hold-up.  None the least being I'm a terrible patient.  My once firm belief I held a high tolerance for pain was thoroughly annihilated by day #3 post-op!  I can assure you BIG HUGS and I'M SORRIES are owed to my Mr. AGPMan.  Amazing man I'm married to~  He has more patience than I and he's kinder, too!  That said, I truly believe he's a happy man now that I'm well on my way to being normal my old self again.


Today I have a new found appreciation for them.  I will never look at them the same way again.  I'm serious.  I won't.  Without them I struggled to do the simplest things~
brushing my hair
 turning the page of a book
and opening the lid to a screw-top jar
on my own... 

Thoughts of sewing and painting with ease or doing any other kind of crafting without help caused me to reflect upon every good and common thing in my life.  I missed driving my own car, doing my own housework and running errands.  I found I greatly missed all the things I complained about each and every week...

I'm not trying to be all philosophical here..  I just think it's time I do something about my tendency to WHINE about things that absolutely should be viewed as blessings in my life.


Later, when I am buried in the busyness of my days, may I stop and reflect long enough to allow the memories of this experience to influence my frenetic schedule and to redirect my outlook back to the things that matter.  My work can cause me to place more importance on achievements than the everyday gifts I've already been given.

Open hands.  Palms up.

Grateful to God
for healing

A husband who loves

Friends and family who care

Children who call and visit

for more chances to share my
with you.

Love to you...


  1. you poor baby....praying for you and your talented hands!

  2. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment. I am so happy your hands are doing so well. Praise, God!

  3. So glad to hear you are healing and getting stronger day by day, Rebecca. It is hard to think about not having the use of a body part that we don't really give a second thought to.

  4. Rebecca I am thrilled to hear that you are healing well!I get what you are saying.We go through life everyday doing things we do and not really thinking about how lucky we are to have what we have.I know this from personal experience too!

  5. Hi Rebecca, I'm happy to see that your hands are healing a little bit each day :-) Soon you will be back in full force! Hugs Jennifer

  6. Hi Sweetie,
    It is so good to hear your progress. And even more amazing to see how God uses everything in our life for our good. How often we take for granted those simple tasks of life. I pray for a speedy recovery and am thankful you are now on the mend and pain free!

    Again thank you for being open to sharing your real life with us.
    Be blessed,

  7. Hi dear one, sending healing prayers your way....
    So happy that your on your way down the road to recovery!
    Feel better sweetie ;)


  8. Hi,

    Get well soon. I feel your pain. After a complicated surgery (cervix cancer) 3 yrs ago.

    People complains in every lil things we encounter in life. How I wish w could appreciate the small things we have in life.

    Happy pre week-end.

    Greetings from a frozen city of Stockholm,
    /CC girl

  9. What a beautiful post Rebecca. I hope you continue to gain more strength as the days go by. You are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in your life:-)

  10. Dearest Rebecca,
    Glad to read you are well on your way to full recovery. Yes, hands are two things we don't want to miss...
    Enjoy the rest of your mending time.

  11. Glad to hear your hands are better. I have had a burning pain in my palms for a year. Started after alot of sanding and painting. Palms look swollen with visible purple veins. Have not seen a dr. since most things just don't go away any more. Praying for u to heal.

  12. I can SO relate! I am 7 weeks post op working hard to regain use of my fingers and wrist. So glad to hear that you are recovering well. It sure does give me a greater appreciation of the workings of every member of my body.

    Blessings to you

  13. Oh Rebecca,

    Why does it take the hard things for us to realize the beauty in the every day? I know for me, (more times than I care to count) the really hard things have chipped away a little more of ME, meaning my selfish ways. God has his way with His children. Even if we don't always understand. He does work everything for good for those who love him! I am glad you are getting better... your posts always are a highlight in my day.

    Amy Jo

  14. Dear was so good to hear from you and to hear you are healing so well! Amazing how we take our hands for granted, until we don't have them, huh? Love your prayer...


  15. Rebecca, it is so great to see you blogging a little bit again. I sure have missed your posts, especially thoughts on a Sunday Morning. Hope you have speedy healing for your hands. I can't imagine not having the use of my hands. I feel the Lord protects my hands because he knows I have to type every day for a living. It is only a miracle that I don't have carpal tunnel myself. Have a great week and take time to heal.

  16. I remember thinking similar thoughts when I broke both elbows at the same time years ago. We certainly are fearfully and wonderfully made and times like this make us reflect and how blessed we are!

    So glad your healing process is going ok and know you will soon have this all in the past and it will be a dim memory- well maybe not so dim- but a memory none the less!

    Rest well friend

  17. Stopping by to say hi and get well soon!
    Sending some farmhouse hugs,

  18. Hi dear one, I'm so thankful that your hands are healing and before you know it, you'll be back to life as it was-but without pain. Thank you Jesus. Have a wonderful evening.

  19. Sending you sweet wishes to help you feel better every day :) -Al

  20. Rebecca~
    I love your post! We take so much for granted and having a down time can make us appreciate how much we DO have that the Good Lord provides. Take care & keep healing!

  21. Glad you are healing, but wait a minute...Missing house work, girlfriend I would milk the sore hands a little longer when it comes to house work!


  22. So sweet, Rebecca. Sounds like it has been trying for you on many levels. It's strange how setbacks in our physical health can help us reflect so deeply about those things that are truly important in life, and to help us lean unto God more. Spring is on the way and with it brings renewal, new life, healing. I pray that you'll feel better each day. xoxo.

  23. What wonderful insights since we do take a lot for granted until we are faced with a limitation then we are reminded how much we have to be thankful for each day. Blessings for continued recovery.

  24. glad to hear you are improving and getting things almost back to normal . .... and you have learnt patience too ((HUGS)) love mouse xxxx

  25. Wishing you to be completely well very soon. Hugs...Lu

  26. Just want to wish you a good & fast recovery.
