Friday, April 12, 2013


 Some exciting changes are coming to my Booth/Space at SERENDIPITY MARKET in Edmond, Oklahoma!  As soon as I can I'll be sharing with you more about where my little shoppe is headed...can't wait to show you pics and to tell you what's new!!!  I'll just say for now a WINDOW of opportunity has come my way and I just can't pass it up!
Now...see the clocks at the top?

Tick-Tock!  Tick-Tock!

Don't you just love clocks???
I think they look pretty sweet dressed all in white...
Well...take a look below at what they looked like when I found them...
I actually liked the one on the left...but it had a couple of nasty scratches so WHITE PAINT TO THE RESUCE....
This pink, yellow, green and blue clock was sweet and whimsical...but I like it much better now that she's transformed!
I almost passed on this one...but once she was painted she actually turned out to be pretty sweet!
Tag Sale Shopping tomorrow!  Two fabulous estate sales are slated to begin in the wee hours of the morning and I'm too excited to speak!

Hope your weekend is fabulous...

Love to you~


  1. Your clocks look great, Rebecca! I have a thing for clocks {apparently}. I'd have to stop myself from buying more because I have one in every room! Now that I have the booth, I can pick them up if I want, make them over, and put them in my booth.

  2. Rebecca your clocks turned out so pretty.....
    I love to view your transformations they always turn out beautiful my friend ;)

    Hugs to you sweet friend~

  3. I always love to see what you're up to with your painting, and these are FUN!

    Love you...



  4. I always love to see what you're up to with your painting, and these are FUN!

    Love you...



  5. What a fun post. Time will Tell!! I love the clocks, you totally amaze me. You accomplish sooooooo much in a days "time" I feel like I'm in slow motion. Besides your shop, which I wish I lived closer too, your blogs is always top notch, your shopping time and redesign time, clean up time, family, church and (rest? mind would be in high gear at night planning and reminiscing the days activities.)
    Thanks for all you do to keep us entertained and updated.
    Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for adventure next.
    Have Fun

  6. You are such a tease... tell us about your "window" of opportunity!!!... whatever it is, I know it will be fabulous!... LOVE vintage clocks and collect them myself... your white ones are so pretty... I have an antique French mantel clock from Paris signed and dated inside 1880... so much history... so many precious moments in life these beauties have counted... I always listen for them to tell me stories from the past... do you?... have fun at your estate sales... I feel like driving to Oklahoma to go with you!... scared to fly... only times I ever flew were with Jack as the pilot (he used to fly the police helicopter)... anyway, you always find the best tresors!... can't wait to see them... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  7. I like the Brown? one the best. I'm not sure I could have painted that one R. But I do like how it turned out. Funny, I need a clock in every room & in some rooms two size depending. BUT, at night when the house is quiet, I can't stand the ticking. It's like a drippy faucet to me. So, a clock must tick every so quietly to make into our home in the quiet rooms or else.... :) Hugs. Tammy

  8. Dear Rebecca. This clocks are amazing. I`m crazy about clocks. Have them eveywhere.
    I must say, when I saw that lampshade you made, I almost jumped here. It`s so very pretty. The foot too, wow. Whatever you make, it turn out fantastic.

    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Hugs from me

  9. Precious transformations! Love those sweet clocks! I can't wait to see what's ahead for you! Have a blessed and fun weekend, HUGS!

  10. How pretty, Rebecca. Looks like a new collection for me to start.

  11. Dearest Rebecca,
    Only time will tell... These are lovely! Wishing you lots of excitement for the estate sale and for your booth!

  12. The clocks turned out fab! I can't wait to hear what your big opportunity is...

    Amy Jo

  13. I am a BIG clock nut, I have clocks everywhere and I LOVE all your white chippy beauties! Good luck at all your sales...wish I was going with you!

  14. Can't wait to hear your news, Rebecca. I am excited for you no matter what it is. I love clocks, too. I have always had this inner sense of time passing since I was just a child- my little SweetCheeks has it, too. xo Diana

  15. Your clocks look just great! I love clocks too..but hardly ever find them when thrifting.

  16. Hi Rebecca!!
    I have a thing about clocks...always have. Something about time and never to be retrieved ...and minutes constantly marching forward...all of it intrigues me. I also love the tick tock of the clock...enjoy it on a quiet day or laying in my bed at night!! I have quite a few and never feel bad to pick up another...especially love the teeny tiny ones to tick in little unexpected corners!

    Love how your clocks turned out!! Wish I could go with you on you wee hour excursion!! Look forward to seeing your treasures and also hearing your news! :)

  17. It always amazes me what a fresh coat of paint can do. They're perfect. Sounds like you have a fun some fun changes coming up.
