Saturday, June 29, 2013


Dear Friends...

I've been away for a while nursing a back injury and I've missed posting so much!   Today I want to take just a couple of minutes to update those of you who are interested in my progress.  First and foremost I'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who've taken the time to write, send cards, notes and even the precious book from my friend, Miss Lady Bug.   You are all the BEST and you are why I've enjoyed blogging so much over the past four plus years.  You are a blessing to me and I can't thank you enough for kindness.
My back is continuing to heal and I'm getting stronger every day.  I've done a great deal of resting (hard for me!), but I've been able to use the past two and a half weeks to focus on getting better.  My fracture is healing and I ended up not having to wear a brace (for which I'm thankful).  If I stand for too long a period of time I start to ache, but I've noticed my biggest trouble is at night trying to sleep.  Overall I'm doing wonderful...just can't lift anything heavy and I'm moving a bit slower.  I've benefited greatly from my generally great health and strong bones.
My summer will be consumed with focusing on getting stronger.  I've been able to keep up my Booth at Serendipity Market (Edmond, OK) with the help of my guy and my daughter.  I had lots of product finished right before I fell so that has helped a lot!  My A Gathering Place Website continues to suffer with empty shelves, but I hope to change that soon.  I keep saying that, but I really do mean it.
Yesterday my Mr. AGPMan took me up to my Booth and I snapped these pictures for you.  Don't forget that if you are one of my website customers I'm happy to offer anything in my Booth online if you see something you like (and if still available)...
Thank you, again, for you kindness.  You all amaze me.  I hope to visit around more soon!
Happy Fourth of July to you all...and may God continue to Bless America!
Love to you...


  1. I am so glad to see your post today Rebecca. Your booth looks fantastic and that straw hat is adorable! Take care my friend and enjoy your July 4th celebrations!

  2. Dearest Rebecca,
    For my lunch break I just pay you a short visit. Great to read about your progress! I'm off to more cleaning, than cooking a dinner for 8 at my home tonight... Busy.

  3. I am so relieved to hear that you are getting better and improving all the time. Just remember to take it easy, girl.

  4. Oh dear friend, keep on healing. Your spirits are good which is helpful and nice your hubby and daughter are keeping your booth going.

  5. Dear Rebecca,

    So glad to hear you are healing--I'm sure it has been hard (not to mention painful) to be laid up and not your typical active self. But I gotta say, your booth looks so gorgeous, you'd never know you weren't giving it your usual 100%. How great that you can lean on your sweet husband and daughter for help.

    Continue to take care, and know I'm thinking about my sweet Oklahoma friend!!


  6. You have a great Fourth of July too. Glad you are starting to feel better! Sue

  7. Blessings to you Rebecca, I don't know if I missed the post about your back or forgot-but here praying now! Having walked through herniated discs and sciatica, I know a little about back pain and it ain't fun!!!! So good that you have help though. Sending love and prayers to you today.

  8. Glad to hear your back is not as bad as it could have been. Not a good start to summer and I hope you will recover quickly.
    Sending a hug and prayers Rebecca.

  9. Your booth is majestically beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I am praising the Lord that you are becoming stronger by the day. May you continue to grow stronger and stronger and the healing continue.


  10. Your booth is looking fabulous Rebecca! I am so glad to hear you are doing ok after your fall. Just keep taking it easy and following your drs. orders - Had a friend who had shoulder surgery and she was doing so well with her rehab- she decided she could do more then she was told to and now she is suffering terribly for it.

    Had a fire scare here last week - we were put on pre-evacuation status and several days we wondered how things would go but God was so good in controlling the wind direction and helping firefighters get control of the situation.

    bee blessed

  11. I'm glad to hear about some healing happening! Continue to do the same, OK? Hugs, gentle ones, for you and no jokes or funny stories to make you laugh, as I'm sure THAT would be painful.♥♫

    PS-the booth looks fabulous. Nothing like it here for sure.

  12. Glad you are improving! Little bit every day!! Your booth looks gorgeous!

  13. Oh, Rebecca- I was away from blogging for a while because I didn't have a computer. I am so so so sorry to hear about your back. I will certainly be keeping you in my prayers. I hope you are soon healed-I an so glad you have such a wonderful hubby and daughter to help you. xo Diana

  14. oh!!! I have been so busy, I didn't know! I am so glad you are doing better and swooning at your gorgeous booth!!!!

  15. Such encouraging news, Rebecca. It was a real treat to hear from you again and to see some photos of your booth. (I'll take one of everything please lol)
    *gentle Hugs*

  16. So glad to hear you are doing well. your booth looks amazing! I can't believe one person (with a little help) does all that. I love your taste--and so basically I would want every thing in your booth :)

  17. I am praising The Lord for this praise report. Continue to feel better each day, and I pray sweet and easy sleep for you with no discomfort in Jesus precious name and for his sake.

    Amen and Amen.



  18. I'm so glad I stopped by here tonight to find you healing and able to do more each and every day. Blessings to you for continued healing and success on your booth. It truly is beautiful!

  19. Dear Ms.R, I'm so pleased you are doing well. I pray you completely heal & this will be nothing more than a bad stretch of days with lots of God's love all around you in prayer from friends and family. Keep resting and your booth is A M A Z I N G!!! Truly beautiful. Hugs and love. Tammy

  20. Rebecca sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Isn't is nice to have a supporting family to help you with your booth? God bless. Becs

  21. Hi Rebecca, I am happy to hear that you are resting and healing! Keep doing what you are doing:) Love all of your pretties in your booth and I want it all:) Have a blessed Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  22. I am happy to hear you are healing and feeling better daily. I hope sweet sleep returns to you soon. Your booth is beautiful!

  23. Rebecca,
    I am so glad you are continuing to heal! Being still is so hard for long periods of time. Your booth is fabulous...I wish I could see it in person.

    Blessings and Wellness,
    Amy Jo

  24. Dear Rebecca,
    I have been travelling and didn't know about your accident. I'm so sorry that happened but glad that you're healing. Prayers for a speedy and peaceful recovery. As always, your place looks beautiful!

    Blessings to you,

  25. Rebecca, so good to read your post, I was wondering how you were doing....Guess God thought you needed a slight break (Sorry for the pun) Take the time rest up, your booth looks great!


  26. Take care and continue to get

  27. So glad to read your post today & that you're feeling better! Your booth looks so elegant, hope to stop by to see it in person soon....and maybe you'll be there! Blessings! Christy

  28. I haven't been around for a while, but I wondered how you were doing. Take good care, especially as you find yourself feeling stronger and more confident.

  29. Hi Rebecca,

    Glad to know that you ARE taking care of yourself. I know that it is hard for you to just do nothing, but your health is waaaaay more important. We all love to read about your happenings and your beautiful family, so we want you to get well so we can continue to read about you and your happenings!! Take great care and continue on your road to recovery!

    Best wishes always,

    Mary Molina

  30. Rebecca so glad to hear that you are feeling better. 3 years ago I had a fall and a compound fracture at T11. It was very painful and did take time to heal. I found that resting offered the best relief. After 6 weeks I noticed that I was able to do a little more and each week was a little more improvement. I still have some discomfort now and then, but I trusted our Great God to heal my back, and He is ever faithful. Blessings to you,

  31. Rebecca, I have been worried about you, I was glad to read this post and hear that you are doing better. I too have a bad back and have been down a few times and it is not fun, especially for us creative types. I love all of your new items, you are so talented. Again, so glad you are doing okay, just take is real easy until you are healed. P.S. Love, love, love your booth!

  32. Rebecca I'm so Happy to hear that the Healing continues and you have been surrounded by Love and Encouragement as you move through this difficult time. Your Booth looks Amazing and in Thinking and Planning ahead you have been able to take the time for Rest and Recuperation now, when you need it most, which is a Powerful Testimony as well!

    Hugs and Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  33. Rebecca, I just picked up the latest issue of Romantic Homes. What do you think the chances are that they would be interested in featuring your booth in an issue? I would love it and I'm sure your Blogger friends would love it too. It would be nice to have your house makeover in there too when you and Mr. AGP finish your kitchen redo. You know all of us out here are anxious to see the results. Meanwhile, I hope you are feeing better every day and will soon be back to blogging more often. Hugs from Judy in Arkansas...moved here from Louisiana last year.

  34. Judy...I don't know if RHomes Mag would be interested in my booth or in our home makeover which is currently focusing on our kitchen. would be interesting to see how the home has been transformed since 2005 (which is when the photos where shot!). Our home was featured in 2006 (October) and some of my product in 2006 (September). I don't think there is one thing that is currently the same in our home...especially the kitchen! I hope you will write them and ask! It would be fun to do again! Thank you for writing...tried to find your blog/email but it's nowhere to be found. :( :( :( xoR

  35. Sciatica I have also Rebecca. Not fun. Take it easy and praying for you again to recover nicely.

    Hugs from Canada
