Thursday, January 2, 2014


Blessings to you all for a Happy New Year!  

Thank you for all the notes and comments as we said an earthly goodbye to my hubby's dad just after Christmas.  Tough times during the holidays this year and honestly we are so glad they are over.

We returned from Nebraska late last night after nearly a week long family gathering that included the memorial/funeral for my Mr. AGPMan's father.   He was buried with full military honors and the service was beautiful.

Needless to say we are glad to be home.  The skies turned cold and ominous the night before we left and we hit crummy weather during the entire drive through Kansas.  Once we hit Oklahoma the roads were clear once again.

Our La Chaumière de Briarwood never looked so good.

Hope to share fun stuff with you soon.  Thank you again for all the kind words and expressions of love and sympathy for our family.

Love to you...


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    May the peace of God be with you and yours.

  2. I was away over the Holidays, Rebecca. I am so sorry to hear of your fil's passing. As hard as it is to let him go you know that he is in a better place and the rest of your family members will join him someday.

    It has been a tough year for your al the way around. Know that I am praying for you and your hubby and his family, too.

    I hope your New Year is full of bright promise. xo Diana

  3. Have prayed you and Steve all week. What a beautiful picture. Although it makes your heart ache, in years to come may it bring healing and hope. What a beautiful lady with her faithful son!

  4. Sympathies to your family. That is such a touching photo of the flag presentation.

  5. Glad to see that you made it home safely. It does make it hard for the holidays and I can relate to it with losing my dad on Christmas Day when he passed away. 2014 has to be a better year for all of us. Take care. Many Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  6. Rebecca, what a touching photo. May God speak peace and comfort to your family and that your New Year is blessed.

  7. Rebecca, I know what a difficult time this had to be! My continued prayers are with you and your family. Glad you are home!


  8. I am so sorry for your loss!! From your other post he sounded like a great guy! I am also glad that you made it home safely. The guy on the right has to be your hubbies brother! They look so much a like!

  9. Oh, sweetie... Her little face just makes me cry. So many of these sweet ones have passed this year. I can't tell you the number of people I know who have lost parents, including Mr. Magpie. Today, one of my close friends, who just lost her lovely mother, and I are going over to visit her mom's best friend in Hospice. I hate it, but it appears to be that time in life. When I get sad about it, I just think of the reunion on the other side. And to them, we won't be gone long enough to notice because a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day with The Lord. So the way, I figure it, we will be separated only by minutes!

    Love you and am thinking of you and your sweet husband and his mom.



  10. Love to you too dear friend! I know that it was a very SAD time but I am sure you enjoyed spending this time with the family! Support from the family is what get's us thru those sad times! BIG HUGS and continued prayers to you and MR AGPMan!

  11. Rebecca, It's always hard to give them up but knowing where they are forever makes it a little less hard. We only grieve ourselves because we won't be able to see them again till we too will be in Heaven. So glad you got home before the horrible weather hit. I hope Mr. AGP's Mother is doing well, it takes time and always much sadder on the holidays when you loose someone then. I lost two Grandparents during Thanksgiving week years ago. It was a few years before I could be Thankful instead of grieving for my loss at Thanksgiving. My thought for continued healing at this time for your entire family. To God Be The Glory. Judy

  12. Glad to hear you got back home safe and sound. Praying for your family that each day the load gets a little lighter.

  13. When I read about your loss, I thought of Heaven's gain, and the song 'I'll be Waiting on the Far Side Banks of Jordan' I pray God will hold all of you close during this time.

  14. Sono tanto dispiaciuta per la perdita di vostro suocero, col dolore scrivi parole ancora più meravigliose... ho notato che spesso citi versetti della bibbia ed io anche t'incoraggio a leggere "giovanni 5:28-29" e "rivelazione 21:3-4"... un forte abbraccio a te ed alla tua famiglia di cuore

  15. From Donatella:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your father, with sorrow write words even more wonderful ... I noticed that often cite verses from the bible, and I also I encourage you to read "John 5:28-29" and "Revelation 21:3-4" ... a big hug to you and your family from heart

  16. Whenever I read about your military funerals I think of what a comfort such a lovely ceremony must be to the family. I hope you were able to relax somewhat over Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2014.

  17. Rebecca, My sympathies to you and your family.
    So sorry.

  18. Oh Rebecca, just dropping in to say hello. I'm back to blogging some again. Oh my, I'm so sorry to find out of your family's loss. My warmest sympathies to your dear family.
    Take care.

  19. Lets hope if the year stars out sad it will end happy. So sorry for your loss. yvonne
