Wednesday, August 5, 2015

~FRENCH INFUSED VINTAGE DESK...Oooooh Lahhhhh Lahhhhh~

The year has just marched itself right along, hasn't it?  Can you believe we are in August already?  Where has the year gone?

I'm always saying that and the answer I come up with is always the same.

It flew by waaaayyyyy too fast!
When you are the proprietor of a vendor mall booth like I am you have to think ahead.  Otherwise you (and your sales!) get crushed by the big H. L. (your favorite craft and go-to store).  Fall is around the corner and so this week that is what I'm working on...


Hard to envision crisp, cool weather and falling leaves when it's 100+ degrees outside.  Still...must press onward.
I did take a little time out of my schedule today to finish up a fabulous old desk I had only managed to paint WHITE a few weeks ago.  Wasn't sure what I was going to do with it...just know that things that are plain-ol'-white just don't bring in the money these days...  Not unless the piece is extra fabulous if you know what I mean!  There has to be something SPECIAL attached to the item before people will oooh and ahhhhh about it and then pull out their trusty pocket book and lay down the ca$h.
This great old find was painted with simple white paint and then a vintage French letter was transferred onto the fronts of each of the drawers.  The top was accented with a vintage mailing envelope, also French (both available from Graphics Fairy).

Finished it up with a bit of glaze and wahhh-lahhhh....


The desk was originally in incredible condition even though the knobs had been changed out at some point.  I know that only because there were remnants of 'one-hole-knobs' on the back side of each of the drawers.  The brass handles are them more now that they've been painted and aged!

Looking forward to the summer winding down.  Junkin' is so much MORE FUN when you're not suffering from heat stroke! 

Love to you...


  1. I guess this is a dumb question, but is the transfer done by Mod Podge? I see this all the time, but afraid to ask. I guess I could google and not show my stupidity. Beautifully done.

  2. Oh gosh dear Rebecca, your desk turned out gorgeous my friend....
    It's been in the 90 degree tempts by me and it's hard to believe that the stores are starting to display all their fall items....
    Time sure does fly by's August already....eek....soon it's time to plan for the Holidays......don't know that I'm ready for it.....oh well are we ever


  3. Dearest Rebecca,
    You are smart for always working ahead of time and getting great ideas worked out.
    Sending you hugs for a happy weekend.

  4. So love that you are blogging again. Your talent is so inspiring! That desk is so beautiful...
