Sunday, June 11, 2017


I don't know about you, but sometimes I think my world gets shaken up a bit because I still have big important life-lessons to learn.   I wish it were possible for me to learn everything I need to know all in one setting.  Then I could go on about my way and live out the glorious plan God has for me and not fret so much.
But, considering the fact I'm super stubborn and extremely opinionated it takes a bit before things sink into my head and even longer for them to reach my heart.

I saw my neurosurgeon last Friday for my three month post-op visit and I was told what I already suspected.  It's going to take another full year for me to recover completely from our car accident from May 2016. "Fused spines heal slowly" he said, "there will be good days and not so good days before you will even come close to becoming your old self!  You must take your recovery as it comes.  One day at a time."
Now, given the fact I'm a get-up-and-go person this was NOT what I wanted to hear.

Doesn't God know I have things to do, projects to finish, a house to clean, books to read and dinner to fix?  Doesn't He know that I have a business to run, friends to lunch with and an elderly mother to attend to?

I've been forced to just sit within the quiet that engulfs my home sometimes and listen to the silence that surrounds me.  I'm working at doing my best to submit to the "one day at a time" thing while remembering my faith is securely anchored in somebody bigger than you and I.
Strange as it may seem, I find it here, inside the calm and peace of my La Chaumière de Briarwood, I'm able to offer up my hopes, plans and dreams and fears to the Most High for His safekeeping.  In the midst of the chaos my imperfection brings I will trust Him to do whatever He feels is best for me while guiding me to the place He wants me to be. 

Three-hundred and sixty-five days to go.

I can do it. 




  1. Thanks for this post with words I need to hear. 365 days is a long time, and your attitude is great. Our Great Healer is close by.

  2. Good morning Rebecca,
    Yes, one day at a time can sometimes be a very difficult process to follow, especially since many things in life encourage us to take on the World, kick butt, "Just Do IT", "Get r done, reach for the stars, etc., etc. But in the end, there is only so much that a single person can accomplish in any given day. And as I age it seems like "that particular" any given day is getting SHORTER!!
    I, too, have had some major health concerns over the last 15 months and I have had to reassess my life and my attitude towards it. I have found that it is very important to spend some quiet time each day, usually early in the morning, and decide what is most important to do today. I focus on ME first. Because if I do not FOCUS on ME, then everything else goes haywire.
    I hope you have an exquisite day today and enjoy every moment!!
    Love and hugs, Laura

  3. When I was a senior in high school, my police officer dad was in a high speed chase. In the resulting accident, he ended up having 2 spinal fusions. I'm in my '60's now, my dad in his '80's. Spinal fusion was just beginning to be used in those days. Dad's injuries were in his upper back. Today, he is pain-free & able to do just about everything. (We are all thankful for the back-up feature in our vehicles; life CAN be too exciting sometimes!) Just thank God every day that He is your healer; your hope, I know, is in Him, not even the doctor's words.
    Susan I have really missed your blog; so glad you are back.

  4. You can certainly do it Rebecca. I know it sounds like a long time, but just the fact that this will heal and you will be back to your old self to me is enough to hold on and like you said- one day at a time. Patience is something I have to work on all the I know its not an easy thing.
    Take care

  5. I definitely know what you mean. It has been a year since I had my debilitating fall leading from injury to weight and muscle loss to surgery to slow recovery...seems to be taking forever to get back to my old self, which my doctor says will never happen. I used to go on up to 6 mile hikes, keep very active and always full of energy. Now I am celebrating taking a 1 mile extremely easy hike in 3 hours!! I want to have my muscle and energy, but it seems to take way longer than I want it to. I have overdone my exercise and injured myself at one point and the doctor had to rein me in. It is hard to be patient!

  6. Oh Sweet Lady, I wish you had a book out about your interior of your home. I was a fan of Emilie Barnes and had a few of her books. She has gone to heaven. Perhaps you'll think about a book to publish!!! hint hint.

  7. Good Morning, Rebecca! I've just found your beautiful and encouraging blog....and it won't be my last visit. This particular entry is speaking gently, yet firmly, to me. My heart is EVER-GRATEFUL to HIM, but there are DAYS..... :-) I'm trying to be patient too, in my wait for a total hip replacement....and may I just say that my patience is being tried?! Ok...rant's over! Let's wait together to find our Lord's complete healing, even if it takes time. Keep Hope... Keep breathing....Keep trusting...and Keep believing. Before you know it, we'll BOTH reach our goals! ~Kath
