Last October my Mr. AGPMan and I took a trip out east for a little visit with my older sister. While we were there I found the most amazing crystal stemware I'd ever laid my eyes on at a small local antique shoppe.
The pattern is called JUNE NIGHT (Love Lace is the un-trimmed version) and it was made by TIFFIN. You can read all about it here...
After returning from our little jaunt to the east of Oklahoma I made it my mission to find even more of the aging Stemware I decided I just couldn't live without. I checked out Replacement.com and was excited to find that even though some of the pieces they offered were pricey at the very least they were available.
I chatted with my hubby about hunting down enough pieces to set a lovely holiday table and went on and on about how excited I was about the possibility of scoring a few more! Well...while one of the water goblets was out on my kitchen counter my clumsy guy knocked it over and broke off the stem.
I just smiled and said "That will be $40.00, please! Oh...and I only accept cash!" :) (I actually wanted to beat him up a little bit, but in the end figured I was at least 10% partially responsible for not putting the goblet back in the china cabinet even though the man was a TOTAL CLUTZ!)
Now...when my hubby and I married I didn't register for things like stemware. I'd have been happy with a crock pot and a chicken to go inside of it if you want to know the truth! :) Crystal and china were things poor college students like us just couldn't afford. Not long after we purchased our La Chaumière de Briarwood I stumbled upon some fairly inexpensive stemware (not crystal) that was just like the glassware my mother had once collected using her Green Stamps.
The stems were pretty and since they reminded me of happy times in my childhood I was more than happy using them and never really looked into getting anything I felt would be truly beautiful. At the very least I figured when I did decide to purchase something more along the line of what my heart always wanted I'd pass the twenty-four piece Green Stamp set (above) onto my AdrieGirl...
While my hubby was getting dressed for an afternoon business meeting he told me to go ahead and open the boxes our mail carrier had left on our porch. He seemed to know what was inside even though I didn't have a clue...
Tucked inside one box were two of the Iced Tea Glasses and in the other one were twelve stemmed Water Goblets. He found them on eBay and surprised me with them!
Now I have sixteen Waters and eight Ice Tea Glasses. I hope before long to find another eight Teas for a total of sixteen as well!
My guy is the most ROMANTIC MAN I'VE EVER KNOWN! I honestly didn't even know he remembered he'd broken one of the glasses let alone think he would remember the name of the pattern!
Now...something else really quick I have to show you!
Over the weekend my hubby (who, by the way, is COMPLETELY FORGIVEN for breaking that first goblet!) and I were in our neighborhood ROSS STORE and I found these amazing German Wine Glasses from Spiegelau!!!:) I decided to Google the glasses and man they are NOT CHEAP!
The original price for the six stems was $40 (Ross' original price was $24.99) and they were marked down to $6.99! They had two boxes for a total of twelve stems for only $13.98! I'm thinking they will be a sweet anniversary gift for my son and daughter-in-love come this May!
Along with the tall stemmed wine goblets they also had a set of six glasses with shorter stems. They were also only $6.99 and so I purchased them as well!
This all puts me in such a happy-yappy, yippy-skippy mood! I love, love, love to save all those nickles, nickles, nickles.
(Thanks Baber!!!!)
Our weather is suppose to turn super nasty here in Oklahoma by the morning and so we are hunkering down for a long winter's night.
Love to you...