Saturday, November 6, 2010

~HAPPY PINK SATURDAY...silly pinkness just for you~

(with pink roses, of course!)

HAPPY PINK SATURDAY GIRLY GIRLS! I'm just being silleeee! :)  I've been in my studio all week and I'm barely getting my PINK SATURDAY POST in on time!  I decided instead of robbing borrowing pics from the internet (noo, noooo, NOOOO!) :( and since I didn't feel like forgot to take pictures of  my stuff (FAIL!) I thought I'd show you some vintage images I had fun playing around with earlier this year!  As you can SEE I'm HOOKED on playing with PINK! :)

Thanks to Miss Beverly of HOW SWEET THE SOUND for hosting our PINK SATURDAY PARTY week after week!  I hope you'll stop in and visit all the gals who work so hard (unlike me this week) to get their pink offerings ready for you to dream about!

Now...this old graphic reminds me of my favorite JANE movie, Sense and Sensibility!  I'll take the BBC version, please!

Pink Snowmen MELT my heart...

When I was little I begged my Momma for a pink purse.  I finally got one! :)
Wasn't Juicy Couture, though!

I wish someone would give me I could buy an old church and paint it pink!!!
 You think I'm kidding?
I'm not!
I'd host sweet pink weddings...
serve fabulous tea sandwiches, yummy frosted cake
(with pink roses, of course!)...
and sparkling pink-berry punch!
It would be divine...and
(Than with my sis!)

My big sister would help me because it's her dream, too!
(Right, Lin?)

Another Pink Christmas will be here soon!
Have you got your PINK ON?
If you don't, are you at least THINKING ABOUT IT??
Thanks for stopping by today!  I PINKY PROMISE to do better next week!

Love to you...


  1. That's such a fun picture of you with your pink purse. Looks like you were very proud of it, and I'm glad you have the picture to remember it. Happy Pink Saturday.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    I have that movie (BBC version)! I found it at a garage sale! The WHOLE set of Jane Austen! I was so excited I latched onto that like you wouldn't believe!
    I love the pink church. It's beautiful! My sister's old house use to be pink inside and out! It.was.adorable. She called it Teacup Cottage. Pink on the outside with creamy white shutters with the vinyl picket fence. You would have loved it. Climbing roses everywhere. The inside of the house was shabby chic furniture with pink rose motif everywhere with dreamy pictures and knick-knacks.I'll see if I can get some pics of it.
    I went shopping with my daughter yesterday...and we went to this antique mall that had tons and tons of pink Christmas decorations. It made me wish I had pink in my house. Beautiful old stuff that would just make you... sigh.
    Thanks for sharing your adorable pictures.I just love visiting your blog.

  3. I love your pictures. Thanks for participating in Pink Saturday. It is so fun to see what you are up to. I better start thinking of Christmas, it will be here before we know it. I consider myself reminded now and I apreciate that

  4. LOL! Rebecca, I could not believe this post....all the way through it, I could so relate! My daughter and I just watched this evening Pride and Prejudice together. Then I scroll down a little and I too had a little pink purse when I was little...for Christmas when I was in second grade....and ALLL the girls were so envious! :) And then scrolling down a little more, I too had a package of cards several years ago that I had purchased with the two little girls shopping together as it reminded me of my little sister!! I loved the cards so much that they are all gone now!

    I love the pink church idea!! You should do it!!!

    Have a wonderful pink weekend friend!
    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  5. Fun post, Rebecca! You do good, even in a PINK PINCH!! BTW, not only have I seen a pink church, but I have a girlfriend who OWNS one as her studio! Actually, the inside is what is pink! Ele at Little Bit of Heaven ~ you may know her ~ she is on my sidebar.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  6. Such darling little pictures! I especially love the one of the 2 little girls walking along with their shopping bags. Priceless!

  7. Lovely pink Rebecca.The snowman is so cute.The sisters,that is such a beautiful photo.

    Happy weekend to you!

  8. What a happy pink post Rebecca! A great way to start the weekend....I am so looking forward to Christmas and yes I will have some pink in there somewhere!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Tina xo

  9. Happy Pink Saturday Miss R! I LOVE your pinkie post! I love the idea of the pink church for pink weddings. I would come there and renew my vows! :) Love the picture of you with your cute little pink purse! I remember the days we dressed up with purses hats and gloves! Those were the days! So glad I grew up when I was a wonderful time! Little girls were taught to be little ladies. Wonderful memories!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Hi Most Pink Rebecca! Oh, you know I love me some silly and when it's Pink it's the best! :)
    Such sweet graphics! Love the idea of a pink church. The Lord's Supper could have tiny little bites of Pink cake and Pink Lemonade. I'm sure our most loving Savior would smile so big - well, He'd probably laugh too! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. I am loving the picture of you with your sister most of all. Happy Pink Saturday Rebecca and I wish a wonderful week ahead for you and your family, Char

  12. I come here for my pink fix every chance I get. I sigh and dream of pink and I love the sweetness I find here. My hubby is NOT a pink fan at all, nor does he like I try to keep those to a minimum in the house. Left to MY OWN devices, I would have pink and white...and maybe a smidgen of soft green or turquoise...sigh...Pink Saturday is just the best! Hugs- Diana

  13. the pink church idea is great!!! it would be a huge success, and just pretty to look at!

  14. I love that adorable picture of you with your cute pink purse-priceless!! Thanks for your sweet comment!!


  15. Rebecca, what a cute and beautiful post today. I have already started decorating for Christmas. My children are coming and I want things to be a reminder of their childhood, so nothing but whimsy at my house, except for a small pink tree for the room my daugher will sleep in. Love the pink church and the idea of weddings is super great. Hugs, Pat

  16. are a silly today. I love all of the images, especially the little girls with the pink shopping bags! Makes me want to go shopping today myself!!

    Happy Pink Saturday, my friend!


  17. I understand and know that there is no better shopping than with your sister! I feel the same way! Woohoo, that's fun!

  18. Happy Pink Saturday! Just love the images you've chosen! Hope you're having a marvelously pink day,

  19. So romantic and beautiful imagens! So cute with your first pink purse!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. How beautiful, you and your Sis on a shopping trip. One can just see lots of love pouring from the heart. This is such a precious image..of (2) sisters who are needing each other through "thick and thin". Lovely Post for Pink Saturday!!

    Carol from
    Good 'Ol Texas

  21. Love all the pinks in your post but I got a real laugh out of your descriptions. So funny. Don't change a thing.

  22. Sandi...

    I accidentally hit DELETE instead of PUBLISH on your comment! :( Here it is below! Forgive me! xo~Rebecca

    Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage has left a new comment on your post "~HAPPY PINK SATURDAY...silly pinkness just for you...":

    Happy Pink Saturday, sweet Rebecca! Love all those vintage images; especially the first pink purse one. I would love to see a real pink church! Hope you're having a lovely pink weekend.


  23. Rebecca~
    I always love to stop by for a visit because it just makes a girl feel special! Let us know if you ever get a pink church - I always thought it would be fun to remake a church into a home.
    love the vintage pictures.
    love and blessings.

  24. I love this post. How neat would a pink church be? Just think of how many people would come in just out of curiosity!

  25. Hi Rebecca!
    I just love your pink saturday pretties. Love the sisters with the shopping bags. I miss shopping with my sis and hope to soon.

    You with the pink purse is so cute.

    hugs and Happy Pink Saturday!


  26. I love the pink church and wedding idea. I think that would fly down here in Alabama. I have been to several pink tea parties at a couple of Baptist churches in my little area in the last year. They were fun and they were for the ladies in each of the churches. And as a wedding chapel it would be a great. Cottage chic and pink is really popular in our area. My wedding in 2009 was pink roses - even my wedding dress.

  27. Do better next week? Oh Rebecca, your entire blog is pink and beautiful. I can see I need to spend a long time here so I don't miss a thing! Thank you for stopping by. Sorry I'm so late to the party:)
    I can't wait to get to "know" you better!

  28. Your vintage images are beautiful. I like what you did with them.HPS............late,
