Sunday, November 7, 2010



One of the things I've loved most about being the mother of a beautiful young daughter has been watching her grow into adulthood.  Admittedly, it took me quite a little while to view her as a real grown-up person, but I guess lots of parents sometimes feel that way about their kids.  And, I suppose if you pressed me I WOULD have to cop to the truth and tell you there have been moments when I've had to remind her that I was the Momma and that SHE was the child! life forged ahead and the years clicked away, one day I found myself standing along the sidelines in complete awe as she fell in love, and then married her beloved.  Unbelievably, the once tiny baby, the fair-haired girl I had literally begged God for emerged from her cocoon, wrought with early childhood challenges, by standing tall and staying strong.  To tell you I am proud of her doesn't even come close to what my heart feels.  Simply put...from the moment God placed her in my arms she's been nothing short of a miracle.  Nothing short of a blessing.

My Adrie-Girl is a 'giver' and as much as I love to masquerade as one myself, I am not.  Some people are able to give freely from somewhere deep within themselves and it is truly the most amazing thing to witness firsthand such profound benevolence in a person.  Just as there are people who have the gift of compassion or discernment, so has my girl been blessed with the gift of giving.  If you need her, she will be there and the most incredible thing is that she never keeps score...

 And so, I shouldn't have been surprised when my girl walked into my La Chaumière de Briarwood last Sunday afternoon with little presents for everyone in her family.  Despite the fact we had all gathered here for a 'late' family birthday dinner in her honor (Adrie's big bro, Brandon, was out of town last week) she came bearing an armload of gifts and for absolutely no good reason.  We've all come to understand it's just 'her way' and sadly we probably have a tendency to take her (and her gifts) for granted.

After passing out her treasures she then came to me and placed a small gift bag in my hands (complete with pink bow, of course!).

"This is for you, Momma!  I hope it blesses and encourages you!"

Knowing how much I love quiet morning time and how I'm always on the hunt for an uplifting, encouraging read, she gifted me with a lovely little book called "The Tender Words of God" by Ann Spangler.

Other than me thinking
" your money!" 
(I'm such a mom!)
the only other thought that crossed my mind was how truly grateful I felt for being blessed with such a kind and precious daughter.  Far too often I forget to tell her, and even more-so, to thank God for her. 

This morning as I thumbed through the book (I've always been one of those people who skip around and read things out of order) I landed on the page in the second photo above...

As I read the words printed under the title
"I Will Remember This",
like the writer, I couldn't help but think about God's promise to watch over and protect those who belong to Him.

If I had room here I would write out in detail all the instances in my own life where God has made good on His promises to me.  From childhood illness, a terrible car accident (which easily could have killed both my mother and I), to helping me through two fairly tough pregnancies, I'm able to clearly see God's grace in my life.

As we journey through the month of Thanksgiving I hope you'll be able to carve out a bit of time from your busy, jam-packed days to offer a prayer of gratefulness up to the Most High for what He has already done (and gifted you) in your life. 

(Thank you, Adrienne, for the quiet, gentle read!  I love it.)

Blessings today as you enter into His presence~

Love to you~


  1. Rebecca,
    Yes, God is good to us, isn't He?He pours His blessings upon us everyday. If we would just pay attention and acknowledge it. It would change our perspective.
    Aren't daughters a blessing too? I thank my God everytime I think of my girl. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of my blessings too.
    God bless,

  2. Lovely post, I too am blessed with wonderful children who love to give of themselves for their family, every day I thank God for all his blessings.
    Love Jillx

  3. I am pretty sure that your daughter turned out so well because she had a great role model in you! I like to think that my mom is the reason I am who I am today. The relationship between a mother and daughter is priceless, I can't wait to share that bond someday with a daughter of my own! Have a wonderful Sunday!


  4. That was a sweet post about your lovely daughter. I have sons and there is a difference in the sweetness equation but they are both giving and loving to Don & I. Plus one is enclosing a porch for a blessed Sunday.

  5. What a beautiful gift from your beautiful daughter Rebecca... I try always to be a giver, not just material things, but love and support to those I care about... and I am blessed with a wonderful family who gives back so much as well...your daughter is lovely... xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Lovely and inspiring post Rebecca! Thank you for getting my Sunday morning off to a beautiful start!
    Tina xo

  7. What a way to start a month of Thanksgiving. You are so blessed to have a daughter and a son. Sounds like your daughter is a very special one. Isn't God good?

  8. Dear Sweet & Lovely Rebecca-
    What a lovely, and heart-felt post. I will say one thing about being a "giver". One gives from something that comes from beyond them. And, because there is so much "giving" she will find it very hard to take anything in return. She will accept it but feel guilty in the acceptance..because that is NOT her role.
    The down side to being is a giver is that one seldom takes time for one's own self because then there is tendancy to push away one's own wants and needs and dismiss them as "selfish".
    Maybe someday she will become a blogger which is something a person does just for themselves. Until then, accept anything, and everything, graciously because that is the best "gift" you can give her! Hugs-Diana

  9. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Your daughter is precious. I know that you will cherish that book from her forever. She sounds like my daughter with that giving heart of hers.

    Lee Laurie

  10. I can say how shocking it is to see the similarities in our lives. I feel much the same way about my oldest daughter who just turned 17. I find myself many times telling her not to worry and you do not need to help provide for the home.

    I thank God for his faithfulness and all his tender care during all the times he has taken care of us.

    Thank you and Adrienne for the reminder on just how blessed we are.

  11. What a precious relationship you and your daughter share. Very precious. Sounds like a beautiful read.

  12. This is a beautiful post, Rebecca. Adrienne is a lovely girl and you are so blessed to have her in your life.

    I have 2 daughters and every minute of every day I feel so grateful...yes, they are miracles and our bond can never be broken.

    I love this post.


  13. Beautiful post! What a sweet girl you raised.
    I just thanked God on my post for today as well :)
    We are blessed.

  14. Such heartfelt words. I am on my way to my parents house to celebrate my dad's 79th birthday. Thank you for reminding my to thank God for each person gathered around the table today. Blessings, Patty

  15. What a blessing for me that you shared your gift with us. My daughter sounds like yours! Aren't we the most blessed of mothers? Thanks for the gift of your blog! You, too, are a giver! ♥♫

  16. That was so well written! How proud you must be. I think exactly the same thing when my son gives me a gift.....Don't spend your money! LOL I wonder if all Mom's think that. Enjoy your book and your mornings.


  17. back from a trip ad had to say Hi!. love your post. your daughter sounds like a wonderful, caring person. I'm certain she has learned alot from her parents. she is a true treasure to all. take care rose

  18. Hey Sweets!
    Truly a blessing...what a lovely sentiment to your daughter! I could see in my minds eye so much of what you described, in my own life. As my daughter nears 19 years I am also amazed at the young woman she is becoming and how our relationship is changing!
    It's a GOOD thang!
    Thanks you!
