Saturday, June 11, 2011


 Today I got up really early and couldn't help but think
(Life is good!)
 Admittedly I spent most of the wee morning hours in my jammies doing NOTHIN'!
One of the PERKS of being self-employed...
(Saturday or NOT!)
At 9:00am sharp I picked up the first of three of my very best friends and off we went for a bite to eat at our favorite Oklahoma Breakfast Dive Restaurant...
(Gotta Love Love LOVE Jimmy's Egg!)
After an itty bit a whole lot of girly-girl chatter the four of us went Tag Sale Shopping.  We couldn't resist a stopover at our local TJ Maxx and ROSS Stores...
( much fun!)
Feeling a bit vexed by the heat and the lack of unlimited ca$h in my pocketbook, I bid good-bye said "see you soon!" to my sweet long-time friends and headed home with my trunk filled with only a few tantalizing goodies...
(OK~So they are business-related!
I still can't wait to show you!)
I pulled into my driveway only to find my beloved, 
aka: "Mr. He-Can-Do-Anything-Man"
working on the brick of our La Chaumière de Briarwood...
(Just for ONE HOUR he said!!!!!)
After loving on that hubster-'o-mine just a teensy-weensy little bit...
And thanking him for all he does for me despite his continual need to study...
(Gotstah get all "A's", you know?) 
 I couldn't help but dance with joy as I thought about all I've been given!!!  I'm an incredibly blessed woman...
(Yes!  Life is good!)
"Thank you, God, for happy days.  Thank you for good friends I can share laughter and fun with...  Thank you for the family I cherish...  Thank you for a little business I love and a hubby I adore...

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of experiencing your grace...

Mostly I want to thank you for reminding me once again that life is precious and that all good things come from you..."


Hope you are having an awesome Saturday!

Love to you...


  1. I am having a quiet Saturday morning. My hubby will be home from work soon. We will probably watch some TV hubs favorite pastime. I have left overs getting warm on the stove. So nothing exciting going on, and that is ok. Tomorrow after church meeting with Candy for lunch...she is in town. It will be Monday before you know it!! Enjoy your time with hubby...

  2. Wonderful post. Love the pictures to go along with it .They were perfect. You are right it is a great day.

  3. One of the things I am thankful for is meeting you here, and getting to know what a sweet, sweet soul you possess. Your love of husband, family and life just shines through in every post you write. I am blessed to call you friend..xo Diana

  4. I'm with you!! Peeking out my window right now at Paul working in the backyard. The garden was never his passion until a little of my influence soaked in.

    I made it to TJ yesterday for the first time in ages. It was so much fun! I just bought random wonderful stuff. :)

  5. glad you had a lovely time with your friends the cute cartoons and hope you have a lovely weekend in pj's love mouse xxxx

  6. Well, Missy Becca...I can tell you woke up on the RIGHT side of the bed this morning!! It sounds like you had quite a happy day with your friends...breakfast and some shopping...and coming home to find your wonderful Mr.AGPMan doing
    some work on the are
    just so cute and funny and loving about it all...yes, God is good, and you deserve HAPPY DAYS like these!!
    Hope your week is awesome, too..
    Love and hugs, Francy

  7. Rebecca, your illustrations match your cute story so well, what with girl friends shoppin' and you smooching on your guy, etc. I often stop and count my blessings and there are a lot of them, like you. Thank you Jesus for all these blessings.

  8. What a lovely post :o) It sounds like your having a beautiful day!!! hugs, Jennifer

  9. Sounds like you had a happy day. One that has left you feeling very content!!! I love those kind of days. Janet Blondell

  10. Oh my..... breakfast and shopping with best friends.... that's wonderful!!!

    I love all the cute pictures you've posted....

    God is so good.... and.... we are blessed!!!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  11. Gosh Rebecca I was feeling the same way today. I became overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude and said out loud in Lowe's parking lot that Life is Good! Yes it was Lowe's. Now I love Lowe's but i didn't know that I loved it that much! LOL!

    All kidding aside it was just an exceptionally beautiful day!

    Hugs, Sue

  12. Gosh Rebecca I was feeling the same way today. I became overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude and said out loud in Lowe's parking lot that Life is Good! Yes it was Lowe's. Now I love Lowe's but i didn't know that I loved it that much! LOL!

    All kidding aside it was just an exceptionally beautiful day!

    Hugs, Sue

  13. oh, those vintage cards are just too
    cute. thanks for lifting my spirits.

  14. What a cute post. Sounds like you had a great day.

  15. This is beautiful Sunday morning here in Ky. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods. Your Sat. was amazing. Like I said it is a Miracle day and you did dittoed that. Blessings dear sista.

  16. What a wonderful and inspiring blog. I love it. Love the song that is playing now too.

    Glad you had a wonderful day with your friends.


  17. What a wonderful and inspiring blog. I love it. Love the song that is playing now too.

    Glad you had a wonderful day with your friends.


  18. Sweet friends to share time with and a wonderful husband to come home to! Happy, oh yes Happy!

    Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  19. I just love a day of hanging out at home with my hubby and having coffee on the patio in the morning and then working on projects around the house. I like a lazy day but also a feeling of doing something productive along the way. Sounds like your day was perfect!~Hugs, Patti
