Sunday, June 12, 2011


I woke up early again this morning and was greeted with the empowered words of Beth Moore...   In a little devotional book entitled "Whey Godly People Do UnGodly Things" she wrote this:

"Has God permitted the enemy of our lives to launch what seems to be an all-out attack against you?
Take Heart.
God knows what He is doing!
 He isn't being mean to you.  Maybe this is the only way He can get you to attend to the old... He can do something new!
Why is it that we don't realize part of our fence is down until Satan is devouring something precious inside us?
 Don't forget...
The devil has no right to be on our property, but all he needs for a written invitation is a weak spot in the fence."

"I cry aloud to the Lord;
I plead aloud to the Lord for mercy.
I pour out my complaint before Him;
I reveal my trouble to Him.
Although my spirit is weak within me,
You know my way."

(Psalm 142 1-3)


Blessings to you as you tend to the
weak spots
broken fences
in your life.

Isn't it wonderful to know that God is in the
"repair business"?

I pray you have a beautiful Sunday in His presence~

Love to you...


  1. Your words are wise, and I love your pink roses and fences. Let's keep our fences well maintained together :)

  2. A big sigh!

    Such few words but so powerful. I needed this today. You bless me!

    Love you girlie. Sue

  3. Thanks for sharing this beautiful and empowering devotional!!!

    The pictures of the roses and picket fence are gorgeous!!!


  4. Rebecca thank you for these bits of wisdom! I have certainly had a few holes in my fence lately!! I know something good will come out of all this bad..........I just got to have patience.

  5. love this post. thanks for the reminder.
    always visit your blog and enjoy my visit.

  6. Yes, the nails were loose, the paint was peeling & slowly the fence was ready to fall in my son's life. Through family strength, and much Prayer he is on a miraculous mend. Thanking you, also Rebecca for your constant prayers.

  7. Whoa....I can hear what you are telling us!! I have a LOT of fencing that no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to fix...maybe if I let the Lord do it, it will be mended......thanks for a lovely post and beautiful roses!!
    Have a good week, dear friend...
    Love you, Francy

  8. We all need some mending of our fences to keep that Old DEVIL out:) Thanks for sharing! HUGS!

  9. What a lovely Sunday sentiment...a strong reminder..

  10. That is so true,,, I enjoyed your post today... as well as the photos. It was very well said..... thank you for sharing with us


  11. And some fences are much harder to mend then others!

  12. Sometimes it seems that as hard as we may try, we seem to leave the gate open. I know that my heart is pure and yet sometimes I feel like I am the one that goes where I am not invited. Kind of like putting your foot in your mouth without any intension of causing or doing harm.
    We can't all walk on eggshells, we can only try and do the right thing, but even the right thing is different from heart to heart.
    Your post makes me feel good, but also makes me feel badly for any wrong doing I may have ever caused anyone without knowing.
    It's never wrong to think back and try and find ways to improve, be grateful and try to never make the same mistakes twice. Thanks for a lovely post and
    have a good week Rebecca, Char

  13. Thank you for lifting me up again today, Rebecca, with your beautiful words. Yes, God does indeed know how to mend all of our broken fences an create beauty all over again in our lives.

    God's Blessings and Love Be With You!
