I worship you Lord! You did not enter your holy city Jerusalem on the back of a war horse, but humbly and on a donkey. You knew that you were surrounded by murderers, yet you came in peace, and by your sacrifice you would utterly conquer death before the week had passed.
You, oh Lord, are blessed and worthy of my praise. You have saved your people. I say, "You are my king!"
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he
who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!
John 12:13
Blessings to you as you honor the King of Kings this Palm Sunday...

What a beautiful post Rebecca. I am glad I came over. It has been hard trying to keep up with everyone. Love to you this glorious day! Anne
Lovely and Meaningful post.
Yes, Blessed is the name of OUR LORD..
THANK YOU LORD for your sacrifice for us all.
Hosanna...Hoshanna...literally Save us Lord! Lovely post & graphics for a special time of year. Thank you!
Happy palm Sunday!
He truly is the King of Kings! May we worship Him in spirit and in truth.
happy palm sunday, rebecca! i love your
sweet hosanna thoughts!
Oh Rebecca, thank you for your sweet poem on broken dreams. That was so beautiful!
Life has been so hard these past four years for my hubby and I. I am at the point of despair. I know that God has a plan...I need to trust and be patient.
Your poem made me weep.
Thank you.
I love going to church on Palm Sunday and our children bring in the palm branches and pass them out to everyone. Mine were beside the front door until the WIND blew them down. Will wait until tomorrow to put them back up for Holy Week. Blessings to you and your family. ♥♫
Palm Sunday is such a special time with the children walking down the aisles at church waving the palm leaves.....
Thanks Rebecca for a beautiful message.....
Praise God!
Amen! Loved my service at church today too. It's always special every Sunday, but even more so this time of year. Praise God we have a risen Savior!
Blessings and Hugs,
Wonderful post. Thank you for reminding today was Palm Sunday. I should not have to be reminded. Thank you.
Beautiful post, Rebecca- Lest we ever forget--- xxoo Diana
Blessings to you dear Rebecca! Big HUGS
Simply put and so beautiful, thank you always, Maureen.
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