OK...the plan was to just take a very quick sneaky-peaky at my neighbors Garage Sale a few days ago! I didn't plan on buying one single solitary thing. Nope. I'm trying to be a GOOD GIRL and since I'm working hard at saving money for our kitchen makeover I was truly wanting to ONLY LOOK! Honestly, these days it's a tad bit hard to pry my hubby's hard-earned cash out of my hands and I let go of it ONLY when I'm absolutely forced to!!!!
Now...I totally admit my frailty here.
(Remember This Great Find?)
Estate, Garage and Tag Sales are my weakness. I confess upfront I'm the crazy-woman-driver in front of you that breaks as she approaches every single yard-sale sign she happens to come across...
(Forgive me if I've caused your Big Gulp
to spill onto your floorboard!)
Since Sherry's sale was only four houses down from mine I figured it would be OK to stop in since I wasn't ACTUALLY driving anywhere...
Good argument, don't you think?
Well...I ended up having to make four trips to and from her house to bring home the SIXTEEN GLASS BOTTLES with GLASS STOPPERS I really didn't want she was begging me to take off her hands!
Seriously...the deal was TOO GOOD to pass up! I'm quite sure you'll see these amazing little finds again in the very near future! Currently they are patiently waiting for their close-up... They will surely be fancied-up for the lover of all things feminine and romantic! Can't wait to show you!
Love to you...

Those are absolutely adorable and I can't wait to see how you make them come to life and become over the top adorable. Good Find!!!
I know the feeling, it is so hard to restrain ourselves from stopping at just one more yard sale and one more thrift store! LOL!
Glad you found some good stuff.
Can't wait to see the prettiness you'll be sharing. ♥♫
Oh- I couldn't have passed them up either....and the thing is~you will repurpose them and send them to new homes. Right? That IS the plan? Right? I mean you certainly aren't going to HOG all those beautiful bottles for yourself without offering them in your ETSY shop..Right? So then...you have actually MADE money on the deal. With that being said, you have permission to keep shopping....and it WASN'T my BIG GULP-it was my STARBUCKS- Even worse!!!! Hugs- Diana
Beautiful collection you found! They are gorgeous, can't wait to see what you do with them :)
I know you will work your magic on those fabulous bottles ~ one must spend a little money to make a little money, right :) Can't wait to see their transformations!!
Warmest hugs, Brenda
Hi Rebecca, You sound a bit like my girlfriend and me. She got me started on garage sales and we spend every(almost)Friday morning checking them out but I must confess I've never seen any bottles as beautiful as yours or I would have bought them. I love finding nice shirts for .25 each. This weekend our whole town has Crazy Days and there are so many sales you get overwhelmed. Got to get some cash ready. Want to come?
Hugs, Noreen
Oh Rebecca, you're so cute/sweet and funny!
I had a good visual picture of your excitement on finding these wonderful treasures. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product....I know they'll be wonderful!!!
How do you girls find such super garage sales and thrift shops with
wonderful "goodies"??? I don't think I live in the right part of the country for such good fortune!
You certainly "racked up" with the glass bottles!!! I am very anxious and curious to see what you do with them.....!!!
Hope your "hump" day was a good one....looked that way to me!!
Hgs, Francy
They are awesome! Can't wait to see what you do!
You can always blame it on the fact that you just have an eye for the good stuff....It really isn't your fault you know......those bottles were just wanting to go home with you.......Your posts are fun to read and make me smile......
LOL..I'm with YOU!!! I think it could be an addiction :) Wanna start a self-help group!
Nice jars!
Hi Rebecca!
So funny you wrote about this today...
We just talked about stopping at garage sales today over lunch. I told my work friends that my husband will drive passed sales and say, "oh did you want to stop there?" Of course we're already a block passed by now ;o)
But ... if there are old tools there... he will stop!
So funny*
Your bottles are so very pretty, Rebecca. I am sure you will have the prettiest design for them!
*happy weekend to you, and may God bless you*
Oh you lucky girl, what a fabulous find!
Very sweet bottles!
GORGEOUS BOTTLES !!! Can't wait to see what you do with them !!! I wonder what was in them originally? They look like they might have been bath oil or bath salts containers. Have a Beautiful Blessed day. Hugz, Carol
they are gorgeous!..and they needed a good home!
I love jars. I have a few with stoppers. Can't wait to see them when you are done makeing them oh! so much more pretty. Good find. Even if you were made to buy them. LOL!
Hey there Sweets!
Just had to pop over and say * HI*! And also that I enjoyed your post. I have been really good at not stopping or buying as well...but I think mine is more that I have a room full in my basement that things either need to go or I need to do something with them. I'm mentally overwhelmed by my stuff and it needs to go! lol
Am just feeling good enough to finally get back into the world of blogging after a long break.
Thanks for the chuckle and can't wait to see what amazing creations you will make of your newest purchases!
Hugs and Love,
I wish I could join you shopping.
Hello dear Rebecca!
Oh what beautiful bottles! I couldn't pass those up either! I'm sure you will make them even more beautiful! I have to sign in under anoymous, cause my blogger won't let me sign in. :(
Debbie Pink Roses and Teacups
From one 'frail', vintage loving junk hunter to another....what a find! I'm glad you have splurged! these are gorgeous!
have a great night!
ciao bella
The bottles are beautiful - Definitely worth it !!!
I have so been thinking about taking one of those old bottles and putting my grandmothers old buttons out of her button box in them as a rememberance. She is the one who taught me to sew. My home-ec teacher and I didn't see eye to eye in her class, because I wanted to do things the way my grandmother taught me, not her way!
Hello Rebecca, I must go to a garage sale one day. In England we don't have them, we have a car boot sale and these can be fabulous. Where I live in Boca Raton we are not allowed to give a garage sale so I will have to one day get a newspaper and venture further afield. I love the bottles and I know they are going to be beautiful. Blessings always, say hello to AGPman, Maureen.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, you just made me want to get out and dig around at some sales:) Have a blessed day, love your treasures! HUGS!
Such lovely bottles, Rebecca! How could you have possibly passed them by!
LOVE those glass bottles, Rebecca! You must be living right to find all these terrific goodies!! I'd have bought them, too. Can't wait to see you transform your magic on them!
Angelic Accents
Beautiful bottles, I know you will do something extraordinary with them and make them even more beautiful.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
You are a blessing to me also.
Blogger is giving me fits, they think I am anonymous!!!
The bottles are so delicate & beautiful..who in their right state of mind could have refused this purchase. All embellished with your magic touch, I sure hop to see a few in your Shoppe.
Carol from
Good 'Ol Texas
I'm a follower!
Beautiful giveaway! Guess what? I have a Kiss Me Goodnight pillow but it isn't anywhere this gorgeous! Would love to win it!
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