A couple weeks ago I shared with you our saga of hunting down a new Christmas Tree to replace the one that bit the dust last year. You can read all about it here in case you missed it!
I told you in that Post I was planning on PAINTING my Christmas Tree and indeed I have done just that! I promised to show you what I did and how I did it and so today is the big day! Somehow in the midst of dodging the Oklahoma wind and rain my Mr. AGPMan and I managed to get our new Christmas Tree coated in winter white. We are absolutely loving her and hope you will be inspired to do something similar with your own favorite Tree.
As I shared with you before we snagged our new Christmas Tree at SAM'S CLUB for about $129. Not a GREAT price, just an OK price. I got tired of looking for one and even though the one we found was WAY TOO GREEN I knew it would be just fine once it was transformed!
After my hubster removed it from the box he spred all the branches out and made sure the lights were all working.
While he was doing that I mixed up a special concoction of spray paint, Rebecca Style. No aerosol paint here...nope! Two reasons for this...first, it's too cold to paint with spray paint right now and second, even with a mask I can't handle the fumes (caring more and more about my health these days!).
I mixed two parts water with one part Master's Touch Titanium White Acrylic Paint in a spray bottle like the one you see below.
After screwing the sprayer back together I covered the top with a paper towel (to avoid spills and leaking) and shook it up really well!
Put on some old clothes, shoes and plastic gloves and make sure you cover anything you don't want over-spray to reach. Begin spraying your tree, occasionally shaking your sprayer as your go. There is no latex in the paint so your sprayer shouldn't clog. But, if it does just take it apart and rinse the end and spout off. Keep going until you have your Tree frosted and painted as much as you desire.
I had to fill my sprayer up twice for a 7 ft. slimline tree! The paint was about $3.99 and the sprayer was $1.99. Absolutely the cheapest way to flock a Tree and NO flaking off!!!!
After your Tree has dried you might want to go back and recoat the tips again. I did this and LOVE how it came out!
(Looks Like a REAL Tree!)
This is how our Tree looked after the first coating! As I said I went back and recoated a few select branches for a bit more white. Unlike spray-on flocking (which is worthless and a big mess in my little opinion) the paint stays put on the Tree. You paint right over the lights and wires and everything! Your lights still light up just fine. I actually like it even more with flecks of paint on the bulbs!
My guy secured our Tree while she was drying because I was afraid she'd blow over as it's been really windy here in our state. It took about 2 hours for her to dry before we were able to move her back inside!
Now...once I have our new girl dressed to the nines I'll show you again how she looks! Gone is that bright, bright GREEN and in it's place stands a Tree that looks like it was coated in freshly fallen snow!
I told you it was EASY! A bit messy, but if you're careful and use drop cloths you'll be just fine!
Hope your Saturday was wonderful!
Love to you...

Very smart idea. It turned out beautifully.
Rebecca, she's just beautiful!! I love this idea. Why didn't I think of this??? I'm famous for painting EVERYTHING, and I just recently found out about Martha Stewart acrylic paints and the luscious colors she has, PLUS she now has a sprayer contraption and you can SPRAY PAINT IT ON!!! Woot Woot!
Oh thank you Rebecca! I have been waiting to find out how you did this and with what product. I have the same size slimline tree but mine is not prelit. Can I still take lights on and off each year without disturbing the frosting? Where did you buy this particular kind of paint? I have not put my tree up yet, so I am seriously thinking about doing this!~Hugs, Patti
Its beautiful, wonderful idea, I love this,
Patti...I got the sprayer and the paint at Hobby Lobby but you can also get it at Michale's. The paint is ON THE faux pine needles and won't flake off...unlike that spray frosted stuff (flocking) which just makes a mess of everything!
Hope this helps! xoxoR
On Wednesday the weather was calm and warm here, so I did four trees with white spray paint outside. I used what I had left over from a summer project, so I was cheaper than you! But was my index finger ever sore. Now I am actually putting things together in the living room, so I should get back to work.♥♫
Rebecca, Thanks for the info, I love it and may try it on my 4 ft table tree, very fun idea! Hugs Marilou
She is already beautiful. Can't wait to see her in all her finery.
This year, once again I will have to vicariously enjoy the Christmas trees through everyone else. I am not going to be putting up our tree. Our little rescue kitty is a rascal. He is the only cat I have ever had that needs a babysitter! But we love him so. Just between me and you :) I am actually relieved that I am not putting up the tree. I will be decorating in other ways though. My goal is to decorate to the point that no one will even notice that I don't have a tree this year.
I've missed you girlie. I certainly have some catching up to do.
Have a blessed Sunday my friend. Hugs, Sue
Oh Rebecca, it is absolutely gorgeous! I am not surprised because EVERYTHING you touch turns to beautiful! I will enjoy your painted tree, can't wait to see it all gussied up:) Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!
Dearest Rebecca,
You are a very smart lady and this worked out so well. All together the value for the money looks GREAT; thanks to your own artistry!
Enjoy your Sunday.
Love to you,
Hello Rebecca
I remember using the flocking stuff years ago and it did make a big mess.
Your tree turned out really nice and I'm sure it will be gorgeous AGP style when decorated.
What a wonderful idea! It is so beautiful!!!! I am going to have to try this. Thank you so much.
Acrylic paint! Now why didn't I think of that? I used that stupid flocking spray once and swore I would never do it again. I LOVE the way this looks. I have an extra tree and I am going to try it! I'll let you know how it turns out~ xo Diana
I think I will do this with my outside tree! I finally found a white tree last year at the GW! Yea
I was wondering how you would pull this off and you did it with your usual style and grace! Love the look and thank you for telling us how you did it!
Wonderful idea. Your tree turned out beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
It looks so natural! A tree with fresh snow. I can't wait to see how you decorate it.
Wonderful idea - sounds so much better than that icky spray snow!!
What a great idea!!! I too didn't want a "too green" tree this year so I went Goodwill Hunting and snagged a faux White Tree. But now that I've seen this tutorial, I shall also be looking for a Green Tree while Goodwill Hunting to flock and have as an alternate tree some years... I always love the pre-flocked ones in the stores but they aren't cheap and usually sell out early... this idea would be right within budget! *Winks*
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
What a FAB idea!!! I'm going to have a go myself..when hubby isn't around!
Thank you Rebecca for the tutorial.. I can't wait to see it all decked out. Enjoy your day!
Oh my gosh Rebecca that is gorgeous!!! I want to try it!
Thank you for showing us!
I love to paint. I will paint anything, I have a couple of plain Christmas trees that I had planned to "frost". Now I know how to do it! Thanks for sharing.
Happy Holidays!
Elizabeth @ The Porcelain Rose
I love the idea of no aerosol. The results are terrific! Thanks for sharing.
I have to try this. what a great idea!
Great idea and it looks stunning, Rebecca!! I could consider this for my Dining Room tree next year!!
You, my dear, are genius! I love the look of your "new" tree, Rebecca! Great job! :)
xoxo laurie
Wow..see? Heaven's Walk thinks you are a genus too! It's lovely..now I can't wait to see how it turned out...
I just discovered you through a kind soul who shared your link for me on fb. I just painted a tree pink,but it's too pink and I wanted to flock it but was scared to use "snow in a can"..this is a perfect alternative...thank you so much for sharing !!!
What a great idea. Can't wait to try this on my wreaths! Thank you.
I think the acrylic paint wi easily wash off i would not recomend for outside tree
Regarding the comment above:
This post was from 10 years ago. It was an INDOOR Tree that was painted. I used it for almost a decade with no problems.
I'm not sure I'd paint a tree for the outside. I would think it would leave a big mess!
Thank you!
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