We had a pretty exciting, but stressful, weekend around my La Chaumière de Briarwood! Between the birthday celebration of our son, the two wrecked vehicles and the ripping up of our concrete my Mr. AGPMan are just about spent. Our new wood floors are being installed on February twentieth so there is much to be done between now and then. Three sets of pipes must be moved and new concrete poured so it's hours and hours of work for my hubby...
To keep the concrete dust down to a minimum my guy and one of his friends built a movable contraption that vents the dust outside. Is this ingenious or what? Even though all our furniture was covered the dust flying in the air during the tile removal was unbelievable! I'm still wiping things down and it's been over a month now.
Here's a daytime picture of our aging truck that was hit Friday nite. Still no word on the driver that was taken to the hospital. On Wednesday I'll be going down to the police department to pick up the report that was taken. Then we'll contact his insurance company and go from there. The truck once belonged to my Mr. AGPMan's father...he owned it for years and it was in perfect condition. My guy's momma gave it to him last summer when his dad went into nursing home care so he's especially sad it's so heavily damaged. Still thankful no one was hurt in the back to back car wrecks tho...
While all the banging and jackhammering was going on I escaped to some estate and tag sales. I found an enormous lot of vintage laces and a vintage needlepoint piece that matched one I bought about a year ago. Couldn't believe it!
Today my Mr. AGPMan is off work and our SIL is coming over to help him remove the carpeting from downstairs. Little by little things are coming together and before long our new floors will be in!
I'm in my studio working today and I'm excited about showing you some of the new things for my A Gathering Place website. It's still up I'm afraid...with all that's been going on around here my guy hasn't had a chance to put it on hiatus!
More soon! Hope your Monday Monday is fabulous!
Love to you...

Been-there-done-that.... with so much to do & no time to do it!!
Just stop .... take a breath .... & take one thing at a time! It will all work out & down the road you will be sitting one day with your DH & say ... Do you remember when????
Love, Marilyn
I am glad things are moving along on your project. I know how aggravating all that dust and demo is. I am so sorry about those accidents. I hope your son is recovering, too. I am keeping you
Rebecca- I so remember the aggravation of dust and demo! Soon it will be all done and you will be so happy that you will forget all about the mess!
I am continuing to pray for your daughter and hope she and MisK are okay and not suffering after the fact!
Blessings to you this Monday- xo Diana
Good heavens Rebecca, you're really having more than your share of grief here. I know what you mean about the dust. The hardwood floor in our kitchen was raw wood that was sanded and coated several times and the plastic sheeting really didn't do much.
A shame about your FIL's truck that was passed down; maybe it can be fixed?
Hope things start looking up for you soon.
oooo that is a neat idea a dust extractor ... good luck with getting things ready in time .... sorry about the truck.. but at least non of you were hurt ..
nice stash haul too :)love mouse xxxxx
Dear Rebecca a great post. Beautiful Lace. Thank you so much for your encouraging words on my MM post. I am finding so many wonderful folks who have been through the same thing as I have. I am old enough and close enough to Jesus to know the truth when I see it. Blessings
Love your finds from the tag sales, It's getting harder to find good lace and trims, you got some great ones!
I an having my first giveaway - a fancy apron - to celebrate my publication in apronology magazine!
Hope your renos are done soon, have a great week! Love, Linda
Oh boy, I guess I should be thankful that my reno is just paint right now! No jack hammering going on here! Nevertheless, it's a lot of work, but when you're done, it's so rewarding!
I remember the dust from hardwood floors - good luck. Sorry about your car. sandie
The needlepoint looks like my furniture pattern. I'm emailing you a picture of the new vintage hooked rug I got this weekend. I just cleaned it and it looks fabulous. Let me know what you think. Love you, Lin
Oh my goodness you had a rough way to go this weekend. I'm happy to hear HE was watching over your family. TWO in one weekend. Didn't someone also get into an accident last year and the nursing home vehicle mishap? I'm thinking the AGP family should bring back horse & buggy's!! I jest of course but my goodness that's a lot.
Looking forward to seeing your completed projects on the house. I love watching the old shows on tv like this old house.... seeing all the changes. It's amazing to the transformations. Hugs.
Hi,Becky!! You know how much I love needlepoint....what a treasure you've found!! By the way,I'm so happy that noone of your family was injured in the car accident! God bless,Debby from italy
Genius to keep the dust down! Hope you get to have the truck fixed back as good as new:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
When I stopped by this morning Sam Cooke was playing from your playlist. Wow! That sure brought back memories. Your remodel will be done before you know it and the dust will be just a distant memory.
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