Thursday, May 6, 2010


Holding My Grandfather, Phillip Circa - 1909

With Mother's Day coming up this Sunday I've been a busy bee in my studio...  I've found that being swamped can be a super good thing so I NEVER complain (well...almost never!).  Trust me...there have been moments when I've wondered if working at Micky D's wouldn't be better for my 401K. :) hahahahha

Anyway, I'll be back in my very favorite of all places to work today finishing up some last minute projects for some local peeps and their Momma's... :)  Such fun!

In the meantime my thoughts have turned to my own Mother and the special gift I would choose for her this year.  I'm terrible about planning ahead...but then my Momma knows that about me! :)
LILLY at 16

Last week when I stumbled upon that old box of pictures I told you about I found the tiny little photograph you see at the top taken of my Great-Grandmother, Lillian Mae Burton Martin holding my beautiful Grandfather, Phillip, in 1909.  My Gramps was born in February of '08 so it was fairly easy to date the picture given his size.  He looks to be about a year old..  The colored chalk drawing above was made when Lilly was only 16...  My Mother has the original and about ten years ago had copies made and gifted her children with beautiful framed prints.  Mine hangs in my studio (you can see it in one of my pictures...)

So...I decided to scan the tiny sepia picture last night and then print out the aging image on fabric.  My plan is to make my Mother a sweet Sachet Pillow using the only photograph I believe there to be of my Mom's Grandmother alone with her Father...

This is one of the things I will be working on today!  I hope you'll come back tomorrow to see how it turns out.  I'm hoping my Mother will LOVE IT!

Blessings to you as you remember your own Mother and the other special women in your life who have helped get you to where you are today...


  1. Hello Rebecca... what a beautiful gift for your sweet mama... I know she will adore it... handmade gifts are the most precious of all, and everything you create is Heavenly... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. You know she will LOVE it. Mother's just drool over the things we make for them. Enjoy these years you have with your mother they go WAY too fast. I would love to see the expression on her face when she opens it. I wrote a Love Letter to my mom on Mother's Day once and she had it on the wall in her room as long as she was here. Mother's are soooo special.
    Hugs, Pat

  3. How precious a sweet gift for Mother, Rebecca. She will be absolutely adore this treasure you are creating ... nothing can be more heart melting.

    Please give your Mother my personal wishes for a beautiful day with you all.

    Have a beautiful Mother's Day.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  4. What a sweet and thoughtful gift that will be . I am sure she will love her pillow. Such a charming picture of your Grandfather. Your Great Grandmother Lilly, was quite the artist.
    I hope you are having a great week.

  5. Beautiful gift for your momma, I made a lap quilt for my momma last year with photographs in sephia of all her grandkids,,Needed a box of kleenex to go with it :)
    Have a Happy Mothers Day

  6. Oh Rebecca, enjoy your mother and embrace her and tell her you love her as much as you can. This Mothers Day will be very difficult for me as my precious mother passed away on Christmas Eve. I am having a very hard time adjusting to life without her...Debbie (Maine)

  7. What a beautiful idea for your mother on always have the best creative ideas!! Your mother will be thrilled with it, be assured! What a wonderful gift for her, and I know she will cherish it always.
    You have a wonderful Mother's Day, too, sweet Rebecca...your beauty shines through right from your soul...
    Big hugs, Francy

  8. Oh what sweet pictures, and yes, your mother will just ADORE the project with that precious picture! I have recently been looking up my own ancestry and have been so pleased to find actual photos and paintings, etc. They are priceless, and I am blessed to have them now.

  9. What a Sweet & thoughtful gift for your Mother. You are a good daughter!!

  10. Hi Rebecca,
    I just love that idea for your Mom's gift. She is going to love it.
    This is my second Mother's Day without my Mother so I will write her a letter and of course, no mailing required. It's just my way of remembering her.

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day my sweet friend.



  11. Hi Rebecca! I think your mama is gonna love it. What a gift filled with alot of love. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  12. Oh, Becca, such wonderful keepsakes you have in these photographs! The chalk tinted pic is just awesome. Your mother will love her keepsake pillow, too, I'm sure. Can't wait to see it.

    BTW, love As the Deer Pants for the Water. It is one of my fav songs, always makes me get goosebumps!

    Have a wonderful Mother's Day, my friend!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  13. Ooohhh ~r~,
    This sounds fabulous !! your Momma wil flip !! what a wonderful surprise, and keepsake, to gift her with .. I know she will adore this forever .. and, to think her daughters' beautifully, gifted hands created this beauty for her .. very sweet .. Have a good evening my friend ~
    more hugs ~tea~ xo

  14. What a lovely gift. I'm sure your mother will treasure it.

  15. Your pillow sounds like a beautiful idea! Have a great weekend Sincerely, Jonny

  16. Oh Rebecca that is so wonderful, what a wonderful tribute to your precious mama, I am going to post one to my mom later today, God bless you dear and thank you for visiting my blog, hope you come often and stay long. Hugs Barbara

  17. Your old pictures are priceless and wonderful.....
    I can only imagine how thrilled your mother will be to receive this thoughtful gift.
    Happy Mother's Day sweet friend!
