Hacienda Heights, CA
August 1964
Linda (Big Sis), Kathy (Cousin), Cindy (cousin), & Me
After a very busy weekend enjoying the Re-Opening of my website (more about this tomorrow!), I spent some time yesterday working in my garage! Now...going through boxes of JUNK (not good junk, just JUNK!) is not something I wanted to do on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon! Still...the thought of waiting to do the much needed clean-up until the Summer when temps climb over 95 degrees outside made me sick. Besides, I have some furniture in need of a makeover (remember the U-Haul filled with neat stuff I hauled back from Tennessee???) and I needed to make room to paint.
46 Years Ago
Anyway...while I was moving around more boxes than I can say I came across one of those stackable clear bins and it LOOKED to be the MISSING BOX I'd been frantically searching to find for a long time. My heart skipped a beat because I feared the box had been tossed out by mistake. The thought of that possibility made me very nervous because it held many irreplaceable mementos...and some of them belonged to my mother.
When I lifted the lid to the bin I was shocked at what I found. Inside (and right where I'd left them) were all the things I'd been searching for. Most notably, the neatly folded dress and bonnet I wore in the photo above. My mother made it for me when I was 5 and my sister, Linda's, too. Along side of it was the newspaper clipping from 1964.
I've shared with you before that my very talented Mom and her sister, my Auntie P, were ALWAYS doing things to get their girls in the Newspaper. They were both heavily involved in PTA at the time and the two of them concocted the idea to dress their daughters up as old fashioned school girls to promote BACK TO SCHOOL and joining PTA! The four of us made the front page of the SUNDAY (this was a big deal even then) San Gabriel Valley Tribune! :)
I'm beginning to understand more and more as the years go by just where my creative spirit came from.
(Thank you continue to inspire me! I'll return your things to you this week!)
Blessings to you as you begin another week of passionate living in our great-big beautiful world!

How precious! What great mementos!
Thank you for sharing!
Hi Rebecca, How fun to find old treasures you thought were gone or misplaced. I bet you very excited. What a darling pic of you 4 girls and those cute little outfits.
Hope your grand opening weekend was extra special. Your shoppe is lovely and filled with such pretties from incredibly talented you.
Have a wonderful week dear one!
oh and have fun with the cleaning. I am going to tackle my store room next weekend. Oh gosh, wish me luck. LOL No telling what I will find! LOL
Love to you, Celestina Marie
Memories are sooooo sweet! I have a box of things in my cedar chest that were mine when I was little. I treasure them!
Ahhhhhhh! How sweet! Don't you just hold dear to you your memories? The photos & newsclips are wonderful, Rebecca. I have a dress Mother made for me & my communion dress ... I love them.
I can't get your website to open to view your re-opening ... what am I doing wrong? Durnnit!
Have a great week.
TTFN ~ Hugs in love, Marydon
Simply Amazing! Your new look is divine sweetness! Have a happy week, Mollye
Oh My Rebecca......How wonderful for you to find this box full of memories!! You are a very lucky lady to have such warm memories of your Mother!!
p.s. I just took a look at your web site.....WOW WEE!!!! It is Beautiful with lots of Beautiful Things!!
I love your posting. It's so neat to go through boxes... whether they are treasures or junk. Mostly it is the eagerness to see just what is in the container. I have tons of boxes left over from my move back from Mexico as well as the wonderful boxes of treasures from my parents' home. I can't wait to get started!
Ladybug Creek
I am glad you found the box, Rebecca! What a treasure and definitely irreplaceable. You and your sister were so cute and what pretty outfits!...Christine
Omigosh Rebecca, your post made me cry. Everything from the background music (I Long To Follow You) love that song - to the thought of you losing your precious memories. I know the feeling. My parents have entrusted me with most of the valuable pictures and heirlooms because they know I have an appreciation for them. The thought of losing anything makes me heartsick. SO happy you found everything Rebecca!
How wonderful to have such memories from your childhood - my mother, LOL, wasn't so sentimental and kept NOTHING. Nobody will ever accuse her of being a hoarder.
The photo is just enchanting - and how amazing to have the actual costume!
Oh Rebecca-
I am so happy for you.
I know what you mean about a hot garage-
I am going to start while it is cooler too!
My goal is to give away/throw away what is not being used.
Again, I am so happy that you found your treasures.
Very Sweet ~r~,
That is soo sweet, you look exactly the same !! Loving all the memories !! Don't you love a walking down memory lane !! Where does the time go my friend ?! Have a wonderfully, RELAXING evening ~ xo
huggers ~tea~
How delightful that you found the dress and bonnet. Incredible. My mom did things like your mom, sewing matching dresses for me and for her, and sometimes our photos were in the paper, promoting reading, and other good things.
You and I were blessed with great moms.
I'm tickled pink for you..
Finding somethin you thought was loss..
What a great feeling it must have been when you realized you found your fond memories in that tote you thought was gone forever...
Moms are THE GREATEST...
Oh how fun! Glad you found it, sweetie! ♥
I am SO HAPPY you found your missing box. I know how you feel because I have a lost box that I've hunted and hunted for. Hopefully mine will turn up someday too. Blessings to you today!
What sweet-looking little girls the four of you were! I am happy you found your treasures...what great memories that allowed you to
have!! The dresses are precious..
love the fabric, too!!
I have all of my DANCE costumes from when I was five/six....that would make them, what....68 years old! Yikees! I have photos of me in each, posing like Miss Priss, too!!!
Your blogs also tell the sweetest stories!!
Happy week, Hugs, Francy
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