Pink Roses - Sugar Dusted
I'm taking your advice and I'm spending my cloistered hours inside my Studio with both needle and brush. The final results will be some hand painted pretties and hand fashioned keepsakes for both eBay and Etsy... Watch for them! A few pretties will be offered up for sale later this evening!
Here's just a PEEK at even more romantic treasures that will soon be coming your way! When the weather turns ICKY I'm forced to do the majority of the prep-work in my studio or inside our garage (vs. our sunny and BIG backyard porch)! Prep-work is my least favorite part of what I do...all that BORING (and monotonous) priming and base painting gets to me!!! I usually base paint about 50 items at a time~but, lately it's been more like 10 or 15. I'd much rather spend all my time just doing the artwork!

(See One in Blue- Click Here)
The glittery Heart above is painted with my FAVORITE Cottage White Paint! All the Pink Hearts were pre-sold on a private sale for bridal shower favors (nice!). I can never decide what I personally love more~the creamy white ones or the ones painted with our signature sugary pink paint!
Before heading back into my studio I just couldn't resist snapping another photo of the view just outside my front door. Compare it to the one in my last Post and you'll be able to see just how much of the fluffy white stuff has fallen in 24 hours.