Friday, January 15, 2010

~FROM MY HEART TO YOURS...Down My Creative Path~


This morning I prayed a simple prayer.

I asked God to help me to stay true to my calling.

As I stood in front of a wall of fabric, lovely old laces, trims, baubles and shimmery vintage finds, piles of fading graphics and a sea of colorful paints, I couldn't help but wonder, if just for a bit, what it was that caused the lull in my creativity. I've so needed to find my way 'back home again'.

For years I've known exactly what I've wanted and where I was going.

I've happily blazed my own trail, charted my own course.

When the critics said I couldn't. God said I could. And I did.

For over seven years my passion for following my heart was my compass and it never failed to steer me in the right direction.

How then did I end up in muddied water? I've always had within me a clear understanding of my purpose and even though there have been moments when I was not 100% positive exactly what my calling was, somehow I always knew within my spirit when I strayed from it.

It seems every single day some new TREND begins. Some amazingly fabulous website pops up offering the latest, greatest SOMETHING-OR-OTHER (probably made in China) and then we scurry on over to see what we are missing out on...

The only thing I've missed out on is being true to myself...

Time for me to return to my first love. Back to the loveliness and comfort found in shabby old laces, soft pink roses, gently faded cottons and the blended menagerie of everything that's dearly loved and aging.

It feels so good to be home again.

Love to you~Rebecca


Julie Marie said...

Oh sweet Rebecca, please don't ever change your style! YOU are YOU and I love your style so much... I did that silly little post of mine about the velvet Elvis (which you commented on, thank you!) about being true to ourselves... I hate to see so many bloggers changing everything just because it is "the latest trend"... my home, my blog, my life is just ME... I adore your romantic, shabby pinks and roses! Love to you... xoxo Julie Marie

joanne said...

glad you found your way back. I've been struggling with this same thing for awhile now...not quite sure where my place is anymore. Keeping the faith, love to you...jj

Char said...

Oh sweet Rebecca, I doubt that you ever really left, just made a detour down an unfamiliar road. At times this also happens to me, I feel at odds with everything I am doing, but I don't think it ever hurts to try something different for a change. I do think tho that the heart and the Lord will always steer you back where you need to be, Char

Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca...
I don't know what has happened to you, but I think I do...I lost a business years ago to the imports from China. We used to pay 13 employees plus ourselves. We were thriving. The only way I could combat that was to keep creating new product. But we were copied everywhere...When imports first started they weren't very good..but one of our best folk artists was paid a huge amount of money to go and teach them how to do it right. All of our techniques were taught. Now we absolutely cannot outsell the imports. It is pure unbridled greed that has stolen our jobs from us. We need "Americans making
goods for Americans."
Till then, we will continue on the downhill side, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

I have been that way all my life Rebecca, always wanting to be part of something new. I am now, old as dirt, finally realizing that is an insecurity that comes from doubt of our worthiness. I have prayed to know my worthiness closer to home and to God and I have found more peace, at last.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, you always seem to post something that reaches me at just the right moment. I'm constantly doubting my own work and at times find myself comparing my style to others and whether it measures up. I'm trying desperately to follow my heart and create with passion and not worry about how many comments I'll get or if it may not be pretty enough. So I drove home today to the song Purify My Heart and listened to every word more deeply than ever are a lovely lady:)

Anonymous said...

Think me silly if one must but I go through a withdrawal of sorts when I can't create. I have to keep my busy for reasons well known and when I can't, It feels like wasted time. Either indoors creating or outdoors mowing, building flowers beds or playing with the animals. I find it amazing to actually make a living doing something I find so much comfort in. I know you know what I mean... to hear the sound of the motor, music in the background, a cold drink (not red) nearby to sip from or tea in the mid day... it's perfect. Heaven sent. I'm glad you found your way back!! Hugs. Tammy

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I don't know what your creative struggles have been...but I know I like what you create. I sometimes struggle with the fact that I don't change things...I like my things they way they are...I don't need to move them, just to move them. Then I think, am I stuck in a rut...but then my hubs says...why do you care?
I am anxious to continue to see your beautiful things.

Ginger said...

I think whatever makes you happy creating is what you are meant to create. Your style is so beautiful whatever you make will be beautiful. When I try things outside of my realm I am uneasy the whole time I am making it.
You sound at peace!!!! I love your beautiful work.


Simply Debbie said...


My Pink & Cream Cottage said...

At the moment I seem to be waiting for direction.... I know it will come but until it does my tiny sewing room to me looks very lonely & is gathering dust. I am just hoping it will come soon.... I am missing my sewing & the solitude I always feel in my sewing room.
Wishing you a great weekend sweet Rebecca...

Lyn xxx

A Rose Without A Thorn said...

Thank you Rebecca for these lovely images, I have saved them and know I will use them in the future. I have Adobe Photoshop CS 3 and I am just getting into it. It is great fun but I am always getting into a pickle with it and my husband is always bailing me out. I think he gets tired of hearing, REUBS!!!

A Rose Without A Thorn said...

Dear Rebecca, I have felt doubt and change also. Check your gmail as I sent you an email a while back and I am not sure that you got it. Take care and lots of hugs, Maureen....

Tanza said...

Hi sweet ~r~,
Ooohhh NOOO you won't you can't EvEr change what We LoVe !! I'll NeVer forget how I found you as a friend, cuz you made and DiD always the things that I LoVe .. PiNkS, RoSeS,Cottage WhiTe, linens, laces, and anything vintage .. Stay true to your heart, and do what you LoVe doing .. Making things beautiful , and yep, still tickles my heart !! You are an amazing and gifted girlie !! EvEn better, is that you know where your gifts come from .. Always seek HIS face, and you will continue to succeed .. LoVe and admiration always for you ~
Big rosey hugs

Sewn With Grace said...

There are things that survive the trends, and it's those things that have been with us women for generations. The things that we have loved and passed down to each other, or created for each other - those things never go out of style. Those are the things that you use to create your works of art, the things that God has blessed your hands with.Sometimes we stray away from those things because we need a moment to renew ourselves. Sometimes God has us away to refocus, remember and restore. So looking forward to seeing all that you will be creating in the new year!

karen said...

Welcome back. God Bless.

Pink Princess said...

Please don't change indeed. I have found my style just these past few years and am true following it as well. Whether someone else likes it or not, it is MY home and MY style, lol.

Love pink, frills, buttons and bows, that is ME

Old Time Cindy said...

It is difficult to stay true to yourself with all the outside influences that disrupt who we truely are. It's your journey, follow the path of what is right for you. Wishing you the best...
Living it up at Lakewood,

Rita said...

It's a journey! Sometimes we venture off the path, but then get back on it! Blessings to you as you make that journey.

cottagepinkperfection said...

Welcome back!


Vicki said...

Hi, Rebecca,
I think we all go through "dry spells" and then God sends his refreshing "rains" and we get back on the right track. I have always loved everything you create so keep up the lovely work we all look forward to seeing! Sending lots of love your way! Vicki

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, staying true to one's calling these days can be a struggle. So much to call us away, to distract us.

Love the thoughts you've penned for us today. You have a beautiful blog -- and heart!

Mollye said...

Hi Rebecca, I think this is a malady we're all faced with from time to time and suffer from. There is so much visual stimulation today that it is hard to stay focused and we are fickle. Maybe because God blessed us with so many talents and we realize time flies by so quickly we just want to do this and do that and not miss anything. You will be happier now with your fabrics and laces and sweet femme notions and will once again some day want to explore something new. One thing for sure you are meant to do is be the friend we know we'll find when we come to your site to visit. Have a good weekend, Mollye

Moments of Grace said...

Dearest Rebecca,
My home is filled with your lovely creations. The first thing I purchased from your ebay store was the lovely painted tole lamp. It sits on my desk today and I love it more as time goes by. I have pillows, sachets, baskets and paintings. I have taken the little extra treasures you include with each shipping and used them as precious accents throughout my home.
Oh, how I love what you create. I will always follow you, pray for you, and continue to be inspired by you. God has given you such a beautiful talent and I am grateful to have met you.
Blessings and inspiration to you today.

In Grace,

Anonymous said...

My Dear Sweet Becky--
My Dear Sweet Daughter--

God has had his hand upon you from the day you were born. He has blessed you as a multi-talented person: Design, Fashion, Artistic and Creative. Be it needle or brush in hand, you have enriched the lives of others and by your beautiful word pictures and inspirationl thoughts, you have also enriched your own.

Style changes, but often comes full circle. Nothing is ever really new; it is just recycled.
I am reminded of a song you shared with me not long ago. "MORE OF YOU." It is when we we follow God's leading for our lives, we are blessed and in reality find ourselves. What you do and share is beautiful. If you are happy with what you do, and in the process bring joy to others-- you have achived GREAT success.

You are unique -- there is none other like you.

Blessings on you "Little Fairy."

Love you-- Mom

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I know that feeling of not being in my place. Glad you have heard your heart and found your way home again!

Happy Day!

Rebecca Nelson said...


Of all the comments you've left for me this year this one has meant the most to me. You are, and will always remain, the most talented person I know. Nearly everything I've ever learned to do I know because of you. You have blessed me for so many years and I'm honored to be your daughter.

I remember when I was little how you painstakingly helped me earn my sewing and art badges in Girl Scouts. Whenever I do a French Seam or a fringed hem I smile because I'll never forget your patience and love. I was such a slow learner but your were a loving teacher...

You still are.

I love you most.


Ginny said...

You know, when I lost my job I wondered what my real authentic true calling is. I think right now I am in a place where I am needed to watch the grand kids when my daughter needs me to care for them so she can work a day or so a week, or like this past week when she got violently ill with a stomach virus and being pregnant made it worse, so my husband and I were able to care for the three little ones so my daughter could rest. So, using as few words as I can, I am needed right here. LOL!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hi Rebecca,

You are indeed unique. Your creations are one of a kind, made with love, beautiful roses only you can create, and beautiful bits and pieces of materials that were once loved by someone else. You bring these old treasures back to life with your wonderful touch. Nothing like your creations can ever be from China, or even duplicated. I'm glad you found your way back, because this my friend is what you should be doing.

Debbie from NJ

Barb said...

Trends.....what are those? Ha. Seriously, Rebecca, I am totally blessed that I have never paid attention to trends of any kind....I have always done my own thing and could NEVER understand why anyone would want to do/be like everyone else.

I believe we all have moments of standing back and questioning. I think that is not a bad thing.

Step back to your know where it is. God bless!

Love, Barb

Laura said...

Dear Rebecca-

This post was so important for all of us in blog land.

As I stood in my own home this afternoon, trying to decide where I should move some things- and I couldn't decide- the same doubts swamped me.

A very Christian friend said to me once years ago, and I have never forgotten-
"Laura, your feelings may lie to you."

Her message has helped me so much over the years, especially since I am always so certain about how I feel.

This will pass-
just create friend.


Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Rebecca: I am so glad you find you "peace". You do beautiful work, a gift from God. Thank you for your obedience. Blessings, Martha

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Dear Rebecca,
Please don't change the way you do things. I have been a fan of your way of decorating for years. Part of my home is like that and the family and kitchen is more colorful and Frenchish ..Frenchish?? LOL whatever that is. I think you know what I mean.
Can you tell me the brand of the paint you suggested. Bungalow White. It sounds like it might be perfect and I trust your taste. I am going with white..

BECKY said...

Hi Rebecca, Since my surgery I haven't done hardly any blogging or visiting. I was scrolling through a few minutes ago to see what was interesting and came upon this post of yours. I cannot begin to tell you how it has blessed me.

First what you wrote is something I have been grappling with, too, to some degree. I'll tell you more about that in an email. Thank you for sharing so openly, and for reminding me of the post I did a week ago or so on being true to me!!

Secondly, I was deeply touched by your Mom's comment, especially since she called you Becky, and then what she said. My Mom went to be with the Lord in 2004, and as I was reading your Mom's words, I felt that I was listening to my Mom reassuring me. She was also extremely gifted creatively as was her Mom. All I can say as tears fill my eyes, is thank you. This is just too precious for words, and has blessed my heart immensely.
Big hugs to you, gal! Be true to you!
Lots of love,

Miss Gracie's House said...

This is * hard* especially with the internet...the world really did just widen. I so *know* what you mean and have to continually reign myself in. Thanks for sharing *your* beauty with us...

Dixie said...

Rebecca... I would say that you've been blessed to have such a strong compass, knowing what path you were and and which you wanted to take... truly a blessing...

I vacillate from one thing to another so mcuh... it IS my compass... it just spins and spins... people like me need people like you to help point us the way... you are a blessing.

hugs. Dixie

Unknown said...

Oh Sweetie...
You just spoke my heart!

I can still remember the thrill of 12 years ago when I discovered my PASSION to paint roses....I too have strayed a bit...need to go back to them. They are my roots! But then again so are my clay roses too! I did them first and LOVE my time of just being w/hubby and creating them.

Isn't life just like that..we take rabbit trails and then find out we need to go back!

Wishing you well! Glad you got my sweet lil gift! You are a treasure!


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