When my children grew up and left home, in my heart I felt as if I was waving goodbye to the very best part of my life. I loved everything about my home and family when my babes were little and even though I've gained much pride and joy in seeing them both reach adulthood, inside I'm still lonely for their daily presence.
I miss their voices. Their endless (and often loud) chatter. Their angst. Their simple (?) demands and certainly their laughter. I miss cooking and baking their favorite foods and...
just feeling needed, I guess.
What I didn't realize during their first early years away from home was that a lovely change was taking place within their own heart's and lives. As the two of them sought out and found their own true loves my Mr. AGPMan and I began to see things come to pass than any mother and father would surely be blessed by.
This morning the doorbell rang and when I opened the door a pretty bowl of fresh flowers were immediately placed within my hands. I wasn't expecting anything. I mean, it's not a 'special day' and so I had no idea who the bouquet was from. Imagine my surprise when I read the loving card you see above. The flowers were from my precious, beautiful girl. No doubt a recent conversation reminded her that I will never get use to her being gone.
Not ever.
Despite the fact my life is blessed and constantly filled with love, laughter, excitement and a whirlwind of activity, my heart will forever long for the days when the tiny hands of my children were held tightly (and safely) within mine.
For Valentine's Day my talented and incredibly gifted son, Brandon, sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers... Now~this may not seem like a big deal to some mothers, but for this "over-protective-sometimes-makes-her-son-nuts-Momma" I was filled with joy. My father told me once that when a son has 'proper raising' he will be around when all others have left... Not sure I feel comfortable taking any of the credit for the man he is today, but I'm blessed by his tender offerings of love just the same.
Life is good...and I'm so thankful to God for two amazing kids.
Now...if you've followed my blog (or even more-so, my work) you know I love bunnies! Every year I seek out new, fresh styles for cottage makeovers and I was thrilled to snag the three sweet ones you see below (before the new paint job). The last couple of years it's been 'slim-pickins' so I was over-the-moon-happy to even find these. This week they will be completely transformed using pinks, creams and whites and will include hand painted roses! Look for them to be offered in a few days on my website!
I'm back in my studio working today and busy as ever. Hope you are having an awesome Saturday...
Love to you...

Hi Rebecca, I love your bunny from last year and can't wait to see those cuties this year... how sweet of your son and your daughter... your family is filled with love... xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Rebecca,
Your post brought a tear to my eye. You have done your job well in raising your children. Your now quiet home will one day be filled with happy, noisy and playful grandchildren to bless your life just as your children have done. I sometimes wonder if my home will ever have a quiet time. My four children are spread out so far in age, that my oldest that is already away from home may have children before my youngest's time has come to flee the nest. I do know how hard it is to see them go though, because it seems like just a moment ago that we were cuddling them in our arms and kissing their boo boos away. Time is precious.
Those bunnies are so cute. I love bunnies too, so I can't wait to see how you transform them.
Take care, and have a wonderful weekend.
Carolyn :)
Hey You GORGEOUS Sister You, thinking about you and had to pass through~~~
May you know, feel His Presnce throughout your weekend and new week..and May His blessings continue on you and yours... Amen and Amen~~~Hugs Dena
Hi Rebecca, What a beautiful post, I feel the same way, the years went by way too fast, but I do enjoy when we can get together with our children. I love your beautiful bunny. Have a wonderful creative weekend. Hugs, Terri
Oh, love those Bunnies. Miss "A" has hers from a few years back in her doll case & it too, could use Thumper to keep it company.
I have to agree with Francy, that things go hopping out of your Shoppe faster than we can hit the BIN button. Will have my watchful eye out for your new listings.
Carol from
Good "OL Texas
My "baby" just turned 30 and it was bittersweet for me. You are glad that they have grown and have their own lives but I can't help feel a little sadness at the same time. No matter how old they get they will still be our "babies."
I just posted about my son's birthday party and let me tell you it was not easy. I have been extremely sentimental these last couple of weeks. Gosh I think some Spring weather would help a lot! LOL!
Hugs to you my sweet friend.
Awww, how sweet of your girl to send you those gorgeous roses and such a sweet note :) I bet it just made your week!
I cannot wait to see the bunnies!! Can I reserve one now? Every time I come to your shop, I am late :( I love my other bunnies from you sooo much and can never get enough :)
Love and hugs,
Hi Rebecca, what a sweet post! Your children are just sweethearts! Mine are still with me so I think I'll appreciate that a bit more now. I had to giggle at your description of what kind of mamma you are as I am exactly the same.. way to overprotective that it drives my kids crazy! Your bunnies are just adorable Rebecca. take care, Maryann
How sweet that your children remember you in such special ways. I know you cherish it!
Hi Rebecca :) What beautiful flowers sent to you by your equally beautiful daughter ~ I adore your sweet rosey painted bunnies, and look forward to seeing these new ones transformed, and hopefully I can snag one for myself finally before they are all gone :)
Warmest hugs to you, Brenda
Rebecca, it is bitter sweet, is it not to have your children grow up and leave home. I am so proud of my sons and wish them the very best in their own homes, but I know what you mean when you say it leaves an empty spot in your heart. I don't guess you ever fully get used to them being gone. I treasure every moment I had with them. I can see that you raised yours well! Happy bunny hunting!
Oh what a sweet surprise at your door and a precious note from your daughter! It is a good thing and part of life for them to grow up and move out to build lives of their own... we will always miss them!
Love the bunnies and can't wait to see them all decked out:) Have a blessed evening! HUGS!
Dearest Rebecca,
Oh, you have such a wonderful heart and your children did inherit that! Be proud; however bitter sweet the fact that your children spread their wings...
Lots of love,
Rebecca ~ what a beautiful post. You are a super mom. My daughter is at the doorstep of the rest of her life and I am not sure how I feel about it ~ I hope I did as goog a job as you ~ scary but necessary. ;-)
Rebecca - God placed those children in your life to care for, love and raise according to his will. You did. Now you are being blessed 100 fold because of your faithfulness and for being such a godly mother to them. ♥ You are awesome.... :)
xoxo laurie
Nothing brings me more joy then when both our kids "young adults" are visiting us. I, like you, miss having them around all the time.
By the way, I also love, love bunnies!
I, too, miss my three little children - so much. My mother told me it would go fast and I would try so hard to memorize each moment. I also would hold their hands: all three children at the same time. I truly loved each moment of their little lives. They blessed my soul. BUT now they have gifted me with 9 grandkids. The blessing is so sweet and maybe even better than the original three! Now I hold their hands - and their hearts. God is good!!
Love, Mary B.
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