Wednesday, May 25, 2011


2:30pm Thursday 5/26

The body of little Ryan Hamil was just found a couple of hours ago.  Please continue to pray for this young family.  They've suffered a terrible loss due to our recent Oklahoma storms...xoxoRebecca


It's been over 24 hours since a tiny three year old toddler went missing after being swept out of his mother's arms during a tornado in Piedmont, Oklahoma.  Ryan Hamil has not been seen since a severe storm destroyed him home last night.  Sadly his younger brother did not survive the tornado and his pregnant mother and five year old sister are hospitalized in critical condition.

This news is overwhelming for us all here in our State.  People are searching far and wide to find this little boy...  We are all hoping that what was once lost will soon be found...

Please, please, please, please pray...

Love to you...


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Prayers that he will be found safe.

Prayers that his mother and sister get well soon.

I have family in Oklahoma. I have not seen them in years and hope they are all safe.

Susan said...

Rebecca I will say a prayer for the little boy and the family!

Primitive Echoes said...

Will definitely say a prayer for the little child and all the others affected by these terrible events.

Anonymous said...

oh, oh, oh I can hardly stand to read this, will be praying for this little fellow that God will bring him home safely to his mother!

Deanna said...


Cathy said...

I saw this on CNN today and can't even imagine the agony they must be going through! My heart goes out to all who have been through the awful tornadoes there and in Joplin! Prayes going up!!!
Cathy aka GGJ

Rita said...

That is so sad. I pray they find him. The family of the little boy who has been on the news with the split skull is a friend of my sister's. Please pray for him also.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

How absolutely awful. Prayers for this child and his family.

Debra@CommonGround said...

sending prayers...

Jan's Blog said...

Sending prayers this very moment for this precious family, and all the families with loss and pain. I pray they all know they are not alone and reach out to their Heavenly Father and see His blessings. You are so dear to let us pray for something specific. It really helps those of us far from you that want to do something, anything...

Dorthe said...

Dear Rebecca-
from me too,-- how terribly is this, for all the people living in that area-
Hopefully he will be found.

Theresa said...

Oh my friend, I am on my knees praying for this family! HUGS!

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

All of my thoughts and prayers will be with this family today Rebecca, and that this little guy will be found safe.
May the angels with all of these families effected by the horrible recent storms.
God bless!
Tina xo

Anonymous said...

How terribly sad to have a child missing like this.....praying for him to be found alive and safe, and for his mother and sister to recover. What a horrible tradegy.
Oklahoma and all of the other states in the aftermath of these tornadoes are in my prayers.......
Keep safe, my dear friend, I am praying for your family, too....
Love you, Francy

Sonya Badgley said...

Oh, dear Rebecca,
I saw this on the news! It just made me cry just as it is now! How heartbreaking. I am praying for the little boy and his family and everyone else that has been affected by this awful weather!
Hugs and love,

cottagepinkperfection said...

I have heard so many sad stories like this.There was a pregnant mother in Joplin MO.
whose 15 mo. old baby was killed in the storm, she also is missing a 3 yr. old, and her 7yr old is in the hospital with a skull fracture that required surgery. She herself suffered a broken pelvis and leg. Please lets, all pray for these tragic events and pray that these little children are found. So sorry Rebecca, I know this hits close to home for you. Praying, praying, praying. Glad you and yours are safe.


Dolores said...

This and all the stories are so heartbreaking. I'm praying and will continue praying for all the families ....

Miss Gracie's House said...

no words...just tears and prayers for hope and healing...i can not even imagine...but also thankful you and yours were spared.

My Vintage Studio said...

We need a lot of healing in our country now with all of horrible storms the past few weeks.
My husband lost a very good friend and his wife in last Sunday's storm.
Praying for all at this time.

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Dearest Rebecca,

Oh my this is so sad. I will be praying for all of the families of these horrific storms. Mother Nature is sure showing her fury lately. I hope I am able to leave this comment. I too, have had trouble with blogger, and have not been able to leave comments. My followers are also gone. :( How do you fix it?

Love and hugs,

Pam Traskos said...

Oh Rebecca, this is so heartbreaking. I will be praying for this young family and all affected by the storms. I will add their names to our prayer chain at church. Pam

NanaDiana said...

I just now saw this, Rebecca. We know what it is like to lose a child. God bless the family..and your part of the world. My heart is crying for everyone- xxoo Diana

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

My heart breaks for this family...

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