"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful;
For beauty is God's handwriting~
A wayside sacrament.
Welcome it in every fair face,
In every fair sky,
In every fair flower,
And thank God for it
As a cup of blessing."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
May your Sunday be filled with the love, mercy and grace from the Most High.
Love to you...

May he pour down many blessings on you too, sweet Rebecca. Have a most lovely Sunday!
Back Porch Hugs,
Wishing you a beautiful and blessed day!
Have a great week.Lovely post.I agree with Ralph:)
I forgot to link to your blog in my original post, but it is fixed now.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Sunday to you too Rebecca! I started a new blog for my hand painted roses and cute stuff. I have so many items to paint on that really would look better with pink roses instead of dogs.LOL! Well either that or I envision pink roses everywhere :)
Hugs to you ~
A lovely quote by Emmerson. Wishing you a joy and love filled Sunday also.
Hi Most Beautiful Rebecca! Oh, this is so lovely! Yes, God has his signature on all of the beauty around us.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
A blessed Sunday to you, Rebecca! You are one of the sweetest people I know! xo Diana
r.c. sproul maintains that 'beauty' is one
of the three tenets of our faith!
Always beauty when I stop here...
Like an oasis in this hurry up world.
Love to you Rebecca.
xoxo~Kathy @
sweet Up-North Mornings...
Beautiful poem. I had lost your blog. I just found a button on another blog. Hugs, Kim
Hello Rebecca
Thank you for visiting my Antique sale post! You would have had a great time if we lived closer..some ladies stayed for over two hours and called all of their friends to join them. I am expecting another good turnout next Saturday. Have a great week my friend!
Love & Hugs
I love the first line in that poem!
Beautiful!! ^_^ Debby from Italy
Hi Rebecca,
Beautiful thoughts for a Sunday and beyond.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Always so nice to see you dear girl!
Have a wonderful week.
Stay cool~~ over 100 again today!
XOX Celestina Marie
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