Welcome! Are you ready for a little peek into my very private world? Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed I would one day show anyone other than my closest friends just where I CREATE....
Here goes...

This is where I spend most of my day! Is it what you expected? Probably not! It's tiny! My studio is just one little room in my home and I love it. Thankfully I'm able to have a separate office in another room in my home...that is where you'll find my computer...

It is in this humble dwelling that I CREATE for both you and for me! Because I am a painter/artist and sewer of fine things, I have to work very smart and keep very organized or things can quickly fall apart. Trust me when I tell you it isn't always this PRESENTABLE :). At Christmas time it can get to be pretty messy!!!!

This neat Child's Wardrobe was purchased at Home Goods in Dallas. It was marked down to $100 (not kidding) and my girl and I SOMEHOW got it in my SUV and hauled it back to Oklahoma WITHOUT the aid of Mr. AGPMan! I gave the maple finish a few coats of cottage white paint complemented with hand painted pink roses...one of my favorite finds...and it's NEW!

One half of this charming Armoire holds lace, ribbon etc. Extra things that I don't need at my finger tips! The other half holds something else...hmmmmm....

I've collected ribbon for years and years. Because I once I owned a brick and mortar shoppe I have tons of it. I keep at hand ONLY the ones I use the most. The other rolls are kept in bins inside my two handy closets...

My favorite vintage millinery flowers are kept in jars. Lots more are hidden away on shelves...again behind the closet doors. I can't work in disorder and chaos and for the most part I only choose to keep out what I use the most...

Remember the slanted graphic arts desk I found a couple months ago? I moved it into my very special room and it is now what I use to paint on. Large pieces like furniture I paint downstairs in my hubby's workshop (or our garage!)...

I think I have every color of paint ever made. I think I toss out more than I use these days. For years I did Trompe L'oeil Painting (means Trick of the Eye). Now I just love to paint soft, pretty shabby chic finds...and of course, PINK ROSES!

This caddy is always by my side. I constantly move things around and even load it up if I decide to paint outside (which I LOVE to do!)...

It is at this sweet vintage table that I sit and do what I call "fine-work". That would be the making of and assembling sachets, pillows, filling, gluing, hand stitching, embellishing, etc. It is also where I write out thank-you notes and wrap up your purchases... Like I said...my space is tiny so each little area must be used for more than one thing! I actually love it...

It is also on this table that I keep the very sweetest of my lacy trims, old buttons, rare French stuff, etc. I love to look at the aging millinery finds and love to use them in many of my creations...

This little multi-drawer cabinet (or chest) was found in Tennessee about 12 years ago. My big sister and I went to a Spiegel Auction (yep...that Spiegel) and I bought it along with a table. It's a vintage reproduction and I love it!

My favorite things to hunt down! Vintage millinery flowers...especially the pink ones! I have bags and bags of them...

This is where I sew! This piece was once my son's computer desk. It was once a dark coppery brown colored, Mission-Style desk (not my fav!)... but it was sturdy and strong. So...I painted it and added a skirt to it. Fully functional and simply wonderful now. Lift up the skirt and there is tons of storage! Found the fabric in California (of course!).

Work smart! Work clean! Get lots done! That's my motto!

This is about 1/3 of my fabric. I keep telling my guy I'm going to par it down...NOT!

My fabulous Janome! I have four machines...this one only does straight stitches and is a home-based commercial machine. I also have this...

A fabulous Serger from White. I forgot to snap a picture of the other two...one is a 2die4 European machine that does the most amazing buttonholes and the other one is a Ruffler. I can't live without it! After years of fighting with PATHETIC Ruffler attachments that would never, ever work, I decided to spring for a machine that did only that one thing! HEAVEN!

The other half of the Wardrobe I showed you above holds two TV's! "Why two?" you ask! Because one plays VHS Tapes and the other plays DVD's. When our Miss K visits she can't get enough of her daddy's aging VHS movies. I refuse to replace them until I absolutely have to! I also LOVE to watch CREATE TV... Sometimes...more often than not, I just listen to music.

My closets are full to the brim with more stuff than I can even say. Again...I'm very organized and I like everything in it's place. Someday (?) I'll open up the doors completely so you can see all the stuff I hide away! :) I sometimes wonder IF I will ever use it all. Probably not.

Can you tell I just LOVE PINK!?
OK Peeps! That's just about it! Sure hope you aren't disappointed! Thank you sooo much for visiting. I hope you enjoyed yourself and will visit me again very soon! Whether your space is as big as a ballroom or just a tiny nook in your kitchen, I encourage you to find the passion that lives deep within you and carve out a
place to call your very own. I promise you, it will change your life.
Thank you, Baber...for everything. You are my hero!
Thank you, Mom (and Grandpa M) for instilling within me a love to create.
Thank you, Adrienne...for allowing me to repaint your old room without making a fuss (sniff, sniff, sniff). It will ALWAYS hold the sweetest memory of you (I miss you, xo).
Thank you, Brandon...for your hours of instruction...had it not been for you the world outside of Oklahoma would never have seen my work.
Thank you, Bloggie Friends. Especially Karen at
My Desert Cottage.
Thank you, God...for blessing my hands and for grace and patience when I fail and for the joy you place in my heart when I succeed. Help me to remember all good things come from You.
Love to you all...