Miss Connie over at The Cottage Loft has passed along to me the Honest Scrap Award. Check out her beautiful blog for lots of love and inspiration! Thank you, Connie!
I'm going to ATTEMPT to share with you TEN HONEST THINGS about myself. If you are a Follower of my Bloggie some of these things you may or may not already know....hope I don't bore you! Here goes:
1. First (and most important to me) is my faith in a healing, loving, compassionate, merciful and forgiving God. I believe in and love His Beloved Son, Jesus. I became a Christian when I was seven years old and have never once regretted my decision to follow Christ. My father is a Preacher-Man and I grew up very involved in my church.
2. I met my husband (my Mr. AGPMan) when I was only 17 and married him when not quite 20. He remains the most kind and loving person I've ever known and I attribute our successful marriage to his gentle spirit, long-suffering ways and his own walk with God. After dealing with infertility I went on to have two children~Brandon (daddy to our only grandchild, Miss K) and Adrienne.
3. I'm a California native and I miss my homeland and always will. I've lived in Texas (my second favorite state), Arkansas and Nebraska (my hubby's birth state). I currently make my home in the beautiful state of Oklahoma. I've lived here for almost 25 years...
4. I am way too sensitive and get my feelings hurt very easily. I don't handle conflict well and try to avoid it whenever I can.
5. I love to sing, especially with my hubby. I love to play the guitar and learned to play the piano by ear.
6. I'm a self-taught painter. However, I watched and learned from the BEST...my very talented mother and her amazingly gifted father, my grampa. I owe them everything. Painting didn't come easy to me and I'm VERY critical of my own work.
7. I'm a sewer of fine things (a fancy way of saying I'm a seamstress). I made my baby daughter's Dedication Gown (Christening) and also gave her the Wedding Dress of her dreams (I'm glad I only had one girl...never again!) :)
8. I'm terribly and woefully insecure. Even so, I've never allowed it to stop me from working towards fullfilling my dreams. Most people would never know...
9. I've learned many a painful lesson from speaking in haste. As a result I'm VERY careful about what I say at present. I want my words to edify and pray they will do that very thing every single day.
10. I dislike the following: Gossip, Weeds, Spiders (this includes anything that creeps, crawls, slithers or jumps), Traffic, Laziness, Arrogance, Loud Mouths, Loud Music (or Preaching!), Intolerance, Impatience, Lack of Decorum when Texting and/or Public Cell Phone Use, Math, Egg Plant, Nasty Language, Tardiness (although I struggle with it myself - just ask Brandon!), Asparagus (really yuck!), SPAM (both kinds), Whiners (ask my kids!), Dirty Windows, Unlit Candles, Artificial Vanilla Flavoring (in anything) and POLITICS!
And there you have it!
I have no idea WHO to pass this along to or who has already participated! So...if you haven't already shared with all of us in Blogland your most interesting quirks and untold secrets, feel free to grab the HONEST SCRAP ICON above and GO FOR IT!
Blessings to you as you speak freely and honestly...Rebecca
I'm going to ATTEMPT to share with you TEN HONEST THINGS about myself. If you are a Follower of my Bloggie some of these things you may or may not already know....hope I don't bore you! Here goes:
1. First (and most important to me) is my faith in a healing, loving, compassionate, merciful and forgiving God. I believe in and love His Beloved Son, Jesus. I became a Christian when I was seven years old and have never once regretted my decision to follow Christ. My father is a Preacher-Man and I grew up very involved in my church.
2. I met my husband (my Mr. AGPMan) when I was only 17 and married him when not quite 20. He remains the most kind and loving person I've ever known and I attribute our successful marriage to his gentle spirit, long-suffering ways and his own walk with God. After dealing with infertility I went on to have two children~Brandon (daddy to our only grandchild, Miss K) and Adrienne.
3. I'm a California native and I miss my homeland and always will. I've lived in Texas (my second favorite state), Arkansas and Nebraska (my hubby's birth state). I currently make my home in the beautiful state of Oklahoma. I've lived here for almost 25 years...
4. I am way too sensitive and get my feelings hurt very easily. I don't handle conflict well and try to avoid it whenever I can.
5. I love to sing, especially with my hubby. I love to play the guitar and learned to play the piano by ear.
6. I'm a self-taught painter. However, I watched and learned from the BEST...my very talented mother and her amazingly gifted father, my grampa. I owe them everything. Painting didn't come easy to me and I'm VERY critical of my own work.
7. I'm a sewer of fine things (a fancy way of saying I'm a seamstress). I made my baby daughter's Dedication Gown (Christening) and also gave her the Wedding Dress of her dreams (I'm glad I only had one girl...never again!) :)
8. I'm terribly and woefully insecure. Even so, I've never allowed it to stop me from working towards fullfilling my dreams. Most people would never know...
9. I've learned many a painful lesson from speaking in haste. As a result I'm VERY careful about what I say at present. I want my words to edify and pray they will do that very thing every single day.
10. I dislike the following: Gossip, Weeds, Spiders (this includes anything that creeps, crawls, slithers or jumps), Traffic, Laziness, Arrogance, Loud Mouths, Loud Music (or Preaching!), Intolerance, Impatience, Lack of Decorum when Texting and/or Public Cell Phone Use, Math, Egg Plant, Nasty Language, Tardiness (although I struggle with it myself - just ask Brandon!), Asparagus (really yuck!), SPAM (both kinds), Whiners (ask my kids!), Dirty Windows, Unlit Candles, Artificial Vanilla Flavoring (in anything) and POLITICS!
And there you have it!
I have no idea WHO to pass this along to or who has already participated! So...if you haven't already shared with all of us in Blogland your most interesting quirks and untold secrets, feel free to grab the HONEST SCRAP ICON above and GO FOR IT!
Blessings to you as you speak freely and honestly...Rebecca
I loved reading your ten things!
It was nice to get to know you a little bit more. Congratulations on your award!
Have a wonderful Friday.
Aw, poor artificial vanillia flavoring! ~ wink ~ I couldn't live well without it! ♥
Oh, and I get my feeling hurt easily too but in spite of that I have been known to accidently hurt others, myself! So, that sort of consoles me in that others don't always mean to hurt me either. Make sense? ♥
What a delight to learn a little more about you Rebecca. I hope to get to know you even better as time weaves on, you are such an inspiration on so many levels.
wishing you a most wonderful weekend,heaps of blessings to you!
Cheryl xo
Congrats, Rebecca, loved hearing all your honest "scrap"! I'm with you on all the creepy crawly, jumpy,things!
Hope your little gal gets well quick, and that you aren't touched by it.
Ha-ha-ha! I hope you win! (and share!) Ha! ♥
Congrats. Great to learn all about you.
Hi sweet Rebecca,
I love your ten honest things.I love you even more than I did before today. I loved reading your list of dislikes. I love asparagus...are we still friends?
Well this is unique..just when I thought I had you all figured out :))
And in your TOP TEN, #10 I can relate to. I am NOT a Spam lov'in kinda of gal either
Have a great weekend
Blessings from TX
I did enjoy learning more about you. I have only been following you a short while. What a sweet picture of your Mom. I love the old pictures.
My first time visit. What a lovely place you have!!! So many pretty things to enjoy and admire, including the wonderful quotes!
Happy Evening!
I loved getting to know you a little more! You sound like such a sweet, loving, dedicated mother, wife and friend. I just knew you were anyway but now I am positive. Thanks for sharing sweet Rebecca. Have a great weekend...jj
I love your sharing, Rebecca...your words are thoughtful and insightful, as well as inspiring to all of us to look inside ourselves. I also love to sing, but I'm afraid I sound like a frog, so I don't. I continue to pray for a singing voice, but so far, the Lord has only given me a talking voice!LOL! When I have more time, I'd like to join in...what a great way to for all of us to get to know each other better!
God bless you,
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for sharing your innermost feelings and thoughts! I can identify with so much of what you said. So many of us women feel, at one time or another, insecure but few admit it. Thank you for sharing. In doing so, you have helped many. But you always do, dear friend! I hope your weekend is as lovely, beautiful, and kindhearted as you! Coralie
Good Morning Rebecca.....
I loved your willingness to share "YOU"...I learned your specific likes and dislikes, but I think I already knew the really important things about you....I so wish you lived closer to me. I'd so love to have tea with you....you always share bits of yourself and I'm always uplifted and encouraged by you. You're just one in a million, that's what you are!
Big hugs Sweet GAL....
Hello Rebecca, I love your list! I do believe you are one of the most Honest ladies I know! I have missed your visits, so happy you stopped by my blog today! PS I love asparagus too...like June said... still friends??? Bisous... Julie Marie
Hi Rebecca,
Oh, how I loved reading your honest feelings and thoughts, and getting to know you better. Your Christlike spirit shines through in your words and your beautiful work.
You really are an inspiration!
Hi sweet ~r~,
Such a lovely list about you sweet friend ~ you did good girlie..that's alot to think about.. You're such a sweetie, and the talented one !! I know you are crazy busy now.. Hope everything is going well, and getting lots done !! I miss you, and can't wait to talk soon.. Have a happy, fun week-end.. I sure hope sweet K is doing good, and not going crazy.. poor thing..give her big hugs ~ xo
hugs to you
Oh you have had a busy few days! My internet was down for 5 days so I'm doing the quickest catch up I can. Sorry your sweet little one has swine flu! That stinks! Happy Birthday to your sweet mom! And i loved your Honest Scrap list! Aren't they fun!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Hugs, Lisa
It was fun getting to know a little more about you! What fun to meet so many Christian Sisters over the net. I can't wait for that day when we will all be sharing in the same tea party - ok so the Bible says it's going to be a feast- I believe tea and pretties, and pink will be there!!
I opened my pretty package Friday with the gorgeous stocking I won from you!! It is even more stunning in person - I cannot begin to thank you for such a sweet gift. I was wanting to do the Pink Saturday featuring my pretty win but did not get pictures and editing done in time. (don't have a program on my computer so use flicker which seems to be very slow lately).
I will be getting my post up about your pretty stocking soon- again thank you so much for your generosity in such a sweet and beautiful gift! It will be cherished for years to come! Now I am wishing Christmas was sooner so I could display it!
Hi Rebecca, I loved reading the 10 things about you. I can relate on so many of your points. It is so nice to learn more about you and your lovely heart and unlimited talents.
Congrats on the award and thank you for sharing a bit more about the sweet you.
Blessings to you and have a great rest of the weekend.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
G'morn, Rebecca ~ Not one word is a surprise, really. The 'you' shines thru brightly, you are very talented & so upright. It is very sweet of you to share all your 'life' with us.
Have a beautiful autumn day.
Hugs of love, TTFN ~ Marydon
Thanks for being so *honest*! These things really do help us get to know each other better! I've just received this award,too...Now that things have slowed down for me I'm hoping to spend more time here *getting to know* you! Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for being so *honest*! It's nice to get to know each other better:) I've just received this award too...Now that things have slowed down for me I'm hoping to spend more time here...knowing you better! Thanks for the encouragement!
Very interesting Rebecca,... it is so nice to get to know other bloggers just a little bit more. From what I know just reading your blog... you are sweet in every way and a woman that has good taste in decorating just to name a few.
You are a very delightful person!!
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