Today my Beloved and I celebrate thirty-two years of marriage. Quite honestly...it's hard for me to take in how very fast those years have passed by. When I first looked at the photo of me dressed all in pink (I told you I've always loved that color!) two very different thoughts came to my mind... The first one of course was how crazy-young I looked. Barely 18. And the second one was how much I would I like to tell that very idealistic girl (who thought she knew everything about everything) a thing or two about life and the living of it...
The picture was taken inside my dorm room at SNU in Bethany, Oklahoma. I can't tell you for certain who snapped the photo but I am positive the rose was given to me by the man I'd eventually spend my life with. Taken in late Spring of 1977 the two of us had just said 'goodbye' for the long summer months ahead. I didn't know it then but by December of the same year we'd be engaged.
On September 8, 1978 my Mr. AGPMan and I married in a small church ceremony attended by mostly close family members and a few college friends.
Between the two of us we managed to pull off a pretty little wedding and except for the absence of my grandparents the day couldn't have been more beautiful. Somewhere amidst my pile of keepsakes I have the detailed list of exactly what we paid for everything. I know my bridesmaid's bouquets were $14.00 each and my bridal bouquet was $45. My dress was $125.00 and I'm quite sure that included my veil...
My dad was born in 1930 and that means in 1978 he was 48 years old. I am now older than both my parents were on the day I said "I Do!"
Now...here sits our infamous Sky Blue 1975 Vega. No matter how much we cleaned her up or decorated her bones she was, without a doubt, a total piece of JUNK! My guy drove a 1967 Chevy Impala at the time and BOY what I wouldn't give to have the cool car back in our possession today.
Now...I show you this photo because this demon car (that caused me MORE MISERY than I can say) was always conking out on me and I hated to drive the silly thing ! She also played a part in me nearly being veil-less on my wedding day. Here's what I remember...
On the morning of our wedding my Mr. AGPMan needed to drive from Bethany, Oklahoma to Yukon, Oklahoma (about 9 miles) to his bank to withdraw some money for our 'honeymoon'. Now...this was before most banks had branches and certainly before ATMs. Well...that stupid 1975 Sky Blue Vega didn't have air conditioning which made driving it nearly unbearable.
So...as my guy sped down old Hwy 66 to retrieve some cash he MANUALLY (can you imagine?) rolled down both the windows to cool off the inside of the car. The Vega was full of wedding stuff and laying neatly on top (so it wouldn't get wrinkled) was my bridal veil.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
With the radio blaring and the pedal to the metal my guy thought it strange when he saw (out of the corner of his right eye) a flash of BRIGHT WHITE SOMETHING OR OTHER blow by his face and out the window. As he peeked into his rear mirror he saw my wedding veil tumbling down the highway picking up dirt, hay, grit and sand along the way.
~MR. and MRS.~
Now...my hubbs has never been a 'freak-out kinda guy' (I do that enough for both of us). But I dare say that on the very morning he was to be wed he was indeed flipping out! He pulled the Vega to a stop and ran back to rescue my headpiece from the ditch.
It took him over an hour to pick out every speck of debris from the veil. It had rolled itself into a tumbleweed-looking-ball and I suppose that saved it from being destroyed.
Of course I was told NOTHING of this until after we were married. What he didn't know was that I had found several teeny, tiny pieces of plant-type stuff clinging to a bit of the veil's lace and I thought it so strange that I hadn't noticed it before...
Over the years my beloved and I have participated in many wedding ceremonies. In 2006 he was Best Man to my brother, Bill, when he married his own beautiful lady, Ginger (he's the same brother in the picture at the top).
So...here I sit thirty-two years later deeply grateful the young girl in the first photo chose a man of character, honesty, commitment and grace in which to place her trust. What I know today is that being part of a long-lasting marriage, even when people are deeply in love, is incredibly hard work.
Today I remain profoundly blessed to be living out my life's journey with the one who continues to hold my heart.
Thank-you, God!
(Happy Anniversary, Steven Kent...I love you!)
If you'd like to read my post from last year and see more of my wedding pictures just click HERE!
Blessings to you for a lovely day...

Well, I hope I'm around for your 50th as ours is coming up next June, honey. Now, if I can just get him to stop dragging me off camping it would be a Perfect Marriage, chick!
You were a darling bride and isn't it wonderful to have had the same mate for so many years. Love Bunny is my best friend and always will be. I think I feel a blog post coming up on him soon, honey. Hmmmmm....
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Happy Anniversary, Beautiful Rebecca! You two were a darling young couple and what a beautiful wedding! I'm so happy for you and your dearly beloved! I feel so blessed too have found my Mr. Precious who is my everything!
Have a wonderful day, Dear One.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
My first thought is now how beautiful you both look or the example you can bring to your children but how he is STILL picking imperfections out of every thing you touch... for you. Awww... how special is that. His poor blood pressure must have soared in that moment!! I'm still giggling albeit with tears of joy for you both. Hugs and love and may HIS blessings continue to enrich your souls. Tammy
Rebecca, Happy Anniversary! Many more happy years together to you!
The Lord has a little something for you over at my blog when you have a chance to take a peek. More on that later.
Sorry I'm late coming by to let you know, but Mr. Magpie had surgery, surgery which was successful PTL...
Sheila :-)
Congratulations on 32 wonderful years of marriage. As I have only been married one year, I love hearing stories of people who know how to stick with marriage through all of the ups and downs...you are an inspiration!
Hi Rebecca!
Do you know when I logged on to blogger just now...and saw you had a sweet story to tell....I made a fresh cup of coffee to sit with my feet up to enjoy your story!! LOL! And a sweet story it is! Congratulations little lady!! What a beautiful story and journey you have been blessed with! God is good!
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
Happy Anniversary to you both! I enjoyed reading about your beautiful wedding day memories! I love the photos...I was married in '75 and the fashions of the day bring back memories! My honey and I are still here.. loving each other forever!! Your veil..(glad it survived!) was very similar to mine! You are just as beautiful today as you were when you were just a wee young lady of 18! Hugs!
Oh,my beautiful Friend Rebecca!!!
You gorgeous Memory post tuched me SO deep...
Happy Anniversary to you!
Amazing lovely photos of you:-)*
And you wedding dress is absolutely romantic and fabulously nice!
Blessings to you and your hubby today Rebecca. We celebrated 32 yrs in July and we owned not one, but two, Chevy Vega's. Luckily our both ran well.
Have a wonderful day celebrating and thanks for sharing your memories and photos.
Happy Anniversary Rebecca, it's a very beautiful wedding day rememberance. We have been married 44 years, and I was barely 18 and my hubby 21 when we married in 1966. Your pictures are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing such an intimate portrait.
Happy 32nd anniversary to two of my very favorite people in all the world. I love you both so much! Blessings on you...
Love, Lin
i have so enjoyed reading about your wedding and comparing all the similarities we share...same hair style and make up...we were the 70's gals!! Your dress and cake were gorgeous and I'm so glad your hubby was able to bring that veil back with him!! What a great story to tell!! You both make such a darling couple, today as well. Thanks so much for sharing this special day!
Happy Anniversary Rebecca! Congratulations on a lasting love! xo rachel
Happy Anniversary! (My hubby and I celebrated our 25th this past June!) We are blessed. What a testimony of what the Lord can do when He brings two people together. Blessings to you both and many more years together, Lisa B.
Blessings and congratulations to you both on 32 blissful years, Rebecca! What a wonderful story! Is hubby going to comment on your fun memories today? lol! I loved it when he logged on and did that last time! :) You two make a sweet couple, and I pray that God will continue to bless you both on your journey together.
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
Thanks for sharing these treasured photos with us. What fun to see the car and know the story behind your veil. That cake is beautiful, looks like a magazine photo.
Dear Rebecca... wishing you and your Mr. AGP a beautiful anniversary and many more happy ones to come... that is so precious that your daddy officiated at your ceremony... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie
Happy Anniversay to you both. What a beautiful bride you were. Your wedding was lovely and you are both so cute. Amazing how the costs have gone up now for weddings. But yours was beautiful not only in eye candy but more beautiful in your dad officiating and having your family there to bless your marriage.
Hope you had a wonderful day.
Hi Rebecca, Congratulations to you and your husband, my husband and I were also married in 1978, June 10th. It is so fun to see that so many things were the same. Isn't amazing how fast 32 years have gone. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures and wonderful wedding day story. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri
Hello my Darling and Happy Anniversary. I have to comment and then go put on my suit so you can get your lobster at Jr's. I can taste my steak now. Mmmmmmm!
Oh baby, how I loved that pink jump suit. Is it warm in here? .....
Oh the Vega, more stories to tell than blogs to put them on. My poor baby needed a car and while we were engaged I got it for her for taking over the payments of a whopping $65 a month. Of course back then rent was $100 a month so it was more that you think. I remember the Banker giving me the eye when he found I was getting for my "girlfriend".... And when the engine finally went out I pulled her under a shade tree and put in a Buick V6 and a turbo 350 tranie. I could tell you stories about blowing 280 z's off the road in Dallas after that but my Baby doesn't know all.... of those stories and she might be listening. Oh, did I type that out loud. He. He. :-)
Can you just imagine 32 years with me and still being sane? Wow! God's blessings are so amazing. We literally grew up together and I am so glad we did for when the storms came we were able to ride them through together.
There is no one else for me, never has been, never will be. You are the light of my life and I am so incredibly blessed to have you.
Thanks for all the great memories and for all those to come for you will have to put up with me for a very long time my dear.
Again, Happy Anniversary my Darling, I love you forever!
Oh Sweet Rebecca..
Happy Annivesary.. I simply enjoyed reading your tale of your wedding day.. Secretly I chuckled a bit.. I know now it might be a bit humorous about your veil today but on your wedding day well I'm sure you were not very happy.. So here is a toast for 32 more years of happy bliss to your and Mr AGP.. God bless you both..
Shabby T
come and visit sometime
Oh Dear Rebecca,
Happy Anniversary to you and hubby! I have tears in my eyes from reading your sweet story of young love. God Bless you both, and grant you many more happy anniversaries!
Love and hugs,
A very Happy Anniversary to you and hubby......Tomorrow will be 5 yeaars since my precious hubby pased away. We had each been married before, but nearly managed to be married for 50 years. He passed 2 months before we could celebrate our 50th. He was the spark that ignited my life and I miss him everyday - but love to remember all the fun things he did and said........May you and Mr AGM have many more loving and healthy years ahead.
It is such a blessing to be so in love and have God smile down on us.......Hugs, Pauline
I LOVE the picture of you and your dad...so, so sweet. He looks like a lot of fun.
And the story of the veil...what a guy!!!! An HOUR cleaning it ou???? He's a keeper!
Blessings to you both-
Oh, Rebecca...I was doing fine until I got the comment where your husband responded and then tears started trickling down my cheeks. What a true blessing to be loved like that..by someone..your whole adult life. I truly think that God blessed you with a very special soulmate. Of course, it takes a special lady to have someone love them, unconditionally, like he loves you.
Thank you so much for the wonderful post...for sharing all of yourself with all of us. You, my dear, are truly a "keeper"...a lovely new friend! xxoo Diana
Happy Anniversary to the happy couple. My goodnes, those pictures take me back to my own wedding. There is no denying that it was the '70's! What a sweet post Rebecca...you are indeed Blessed.
Happy Anniversary Rebecca,
Oh I loved reading this so much!
You were a beautiful bride and your still beautiful today.
I was married in the mid-seventies too and the styles sure look familiar. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story with all of us.
Enjoy this happy day beautiful lady!
Blessings from above!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Rebecca, I had to comment again after reading your husband's comment! It was just so beautiful. He treasures you! How wonderful to have that kind of love together.
We just had our 34th in July and I can truthfully say our love just keeps on growing and life together is better each and every day!
Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful post!
Oh my gosh, what a beautiful post! I love those sweet young faces, the decorated car and the story of the veil blowing out:) What a tale to remember and share forever!
Have a blessed day and the Happiest of Anniversary wishes are coming you way!
Happy Anniversary Rebecca! Thanks for sharing these lovely memories and photos. DH and I enjoy watching Say Yes to the Dress - a dress including veil for $125 - WOW!!!
Such a beautiful story (well except the veil part), loved hearing it and seeing the pictures...so sweet..I just think wisdom is such an important thing to try and teach our children so they can choose a good mate. I only wish I would have realize sooner. Have a wonderful anniversary.
PLEASE NOTE: Major crash on old blog. You will need to update your following and any links associated to my blog: New address is:
Thank you and DON'T forget the GIVEAWAY.
Oh Rebecca, this is the sweetest love story. You were and are such a beautiful woman inside and out.
I love looking at all the beautiful pictures and had a good chuckle, thinking of your man running down the road chasing the veil...
Thanks for sharing!
So sorry this is a day late but I hope your anniversary was wonderful. You were a lovely bride with a very handsome groom.
Happy (belated) Anniversary, Rebecca! I, too, was a 70's bride (12/8/72) so I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your photos...like a walk down memory lane...and hearing your love story. I also can't believe how FAST the years have passed!
Congratulations and may you and your Love share many more happy years together. :)
Rejoicing with you on the wonderful husband the Lord blessed you with. Rejoicing also for the blessing of 32 years. May your anniversary celebration be filled to overflowing with love, thankfulness, and joy.
You were a lovely bride...but you are even more beautiful now!!!
Here's wishing you another 32 years with Mr. AGP man.
PS Thank for the lovely email. I'll be responding to it as soon as I can.
Your cake was fabulous! I am sure it tasted as good as it looked. Thanks for sharing your beautiful wedding memories.
Happy 32 yrs together with the man of your heart and dreams! I love to hear the sweet stories of other long married couples, we are coming up on 29 yrs and boy do I understand what you mean about just being a girl, (we were VERY immature, but thought we were so grown up!HA HA!), I looked like a kid in my wedding pictures.
Bless your hearts for weathering all the tough times and making it, so you can be a shining light to others who need role models in these tough times, when marriage comes under attack from every angle!
You looked so beautiful on your wedding day, and that cake! WOW, gorgeous girl, just gorgeous!!!
*sigh*...I so enjoyed reading about your wedding and seeing these lovely photos. That was thoughtful of your DH to not say anything about the veil til afterwards! Your cake was absolutely beautiful, wow.
Congrats on your 32 yrs of marriage, the Lord has certainly blessed!
your wedding gown as so pretty.
My husband and I have been married
for 39 years!
Isn't it amazing how young you (and me) looked and yet at the time you (and me) thought we were so ready...GOD is so good to provide you (and me) with such steady, godly men.
blessings as you celebrate!
Rebecca, you two are so cute! Can you believe how young we married in those day? I was seventeen, and by the time I was nineteen, I was expecting our first baby. Yikes!!!
Happy Anniversary dear one.
hugs to you...
Even back then you knew the colors you liked. What a beautiful bride you were and how handsome your husband was. With the years you both have only improved!
I love the graceful way you are aging... You were pretty back then, cute, adorable really, but today you are just beautiful!
Ok, enough kissing up. So...can I have your house??? Hummm???
Love you thissss much!
p.s. Rebecca...sweetie..I got so carried away I forgot to wish you the happy 32nd Anniversary to you and your precious husband! May you have many, many more! I remember mine because the children sent us on a Honeymoon that we never had.
I hope yours is as happy!
Sending you a huge hug!
Dearest Rebecca!
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Your wedding pics are beautiful!! Blessings to you for another 32 years (or more!!)
Hugs, Laura
Oh how lovely! Happy Anniversary! I too was married in 1978 and we will be celebrating 33 years come March. I love the photos, they take me back in time. Kit
Love the wedding veil story! How long did it take him to tell you what happened? You two are still a gorgeous couple!
Happy belated anniversary, Rebecca !
You are a happy and beautiful couple.
Hélène Glehen -
a french artist being fond of roses and romantic stuff.
Congratulations, Rebecca!
I am sorry I am running late, but I have not been in blogland for a couple of weeks.
Is it not wonderful to look back, and to look back at those pictures? Indeed, it is also awesome to look at one's parents at ages that we have reached now.
It is good to hear that you have been so happy and you both look a wonderful couple today.
Wishing you a lot of happiness to come,
Your story made me cry! It is so beautiful. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you many more years of happiness with the man of your dreams.
Hi again, I just have to smile at your post and photos-not only were we married the same year but we also had a shiney blue vega hatch back....I knew we were kindred spirits!
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