Just had to pop in for a second and ask you all one tiny little QUESTION...
Do you THINK my Mr. AGPMan is gonna kill me when he finds out I stuck this
on the back of his shirt before he left for work this morning?
If I don't return you'll know why!
Love to you...

"No I Don't"... I think it looks fantastic AND tell him you saved him from being "Pinched by a leprechaun"!!! OR MAYBE He'll never know and it will be our Blogging little secret, hehe! My Grandmother was 100%Irish,YET she refused to wear green on St Paddy's Day, "She would say, NO I'm American"... We would have to revert to your method to keep her safe from the GREAT GREEN PINCH!!!
Happy St Paddy's Day.
Rebecca, I'm also having a GIVEAWAY(not as GORGEOUS as yours BUT)...If you want to enter this is the link,
Hugs to you,
How could he NOT get a kick out of that sticker?!?! Love it! You better do a follow-up post telling us how he reacted... LOL
Ha! That's funny Rebecca...
He will probably just get a good laugh from everybody about it.
How could he get mad at a gal as sweet as you are???? (:>)
That is hilarious!
I hope you are doing well-
Miss you,
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog.
They mean the world to me.
You gave me my laugh for the day...thanks!
Have a pickin' cool weekend,
Better a wee bit of green than a pinch, Char
He'll love it!!
I'm sure he will have a good laugh over it! Can't wait to hear of his reaction!!!
hugs~~~ Daphne
No, I think he is going to give you one big St. Patrick's Day kiss!... Happy St. Patrick's Day to both of you!... xoxo Julie Marie
Well that was one way to get him to wear some green today. He needed a touch of green.
So cute!
P.S Can't wait to see what you have been up too!
I love it....shows ur playful side.....I m quite sure u will get a big kiss for keeping the pinchers at bay
Oh how funny, wonder how long before someone told him it was there:) hehe He will still love you:)
Have a fun evening! HUGS!
Hi Rebecca :) This is just too cute!! I'm sure he'll let ya live...perhaps he will plot his revenge, LOL :)
Warmest hugs, Brenda
Ha...too funny! You two are adorable!
Hi Rebecca, I don't think he is going to kill you and I think that he will laugh about it. That is part of the fun that we share with spouses. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Hi Rebecca, I don't think he is going to kill you and I think that he will laugh about it. That is part of the fun that we share with spouses. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Oh Boy! Every time I visit I think we are more alike - I'm sure he will laugh it off...will you be posting the final reaction? :) Mr AGPMan looks like he has a good sense of humor.
Have a good one,
How cute!!!! You are so hilarious...
Hi Rebecca,
I think that Steve will laugh when he finds out that his beloved Rebecca pulled a prank on him!But,beware,in my neck of the woods St.Patty's Day isn't over until Sunday,March 20th,the day of the Holyoke St.Patrick's Day parade! So,if he decides to get you back.........it ought to be a hoot! You two make us all laugh! :)
You're such a cute couple!
Laurie Beaudette
LOL! that is funny!
Yep you are in big trouble! lol
Love ya
He will thank you from saving him from getting pinched.
Hi Rebecca!
You crack me up girl! I can't wait to find out what Mr. APG man thought when he found that lovely sticker on the back of his shirt! Thank you so much for visiting my blog the past few weeks. Your encouragement meant a lot to me. You are such an inspiration to me in my crafting and in my life. I hope I can meet your daughter and we can get together soon. Blessings to you my dear friends!
Love Tammy
Dearest Rebecca,
But he KNOWS already; how could you otherwise have produced this photo?! But it looks fun.
Did you visit my blog about my travel to Japan in July of 2007? Only yesterday morning did I get word that our host families are fine, minor damage and only one week without power and thus no internet. That's why we were not getting any feedback. But I'm so joyous about them being fine! I've been to the harbor city that was hardest hit and it makes your heart ache...
Lots of love,
My guy had NO IDEA that I slapped the Shamrock stickers on his back in the morning before he left for work! The photo was taken in the evening as I was snapping several photos of him. I'm always taking pictures so he thought nothing of it. As I was clicking away I told him he needed a haircut...that is why he has a funny look on his face. He was clueless about the SHAMROCK until he took off his shirt!
He did say "Rebecca...you are sooo going to pay for this!"
Paybacks are rough! It was a cute trick though, it made me smile! Funny nobody said anything to him all day about it. Hope you have a beautiful Sunday Rebecca!
I'm glad you returned after doing that! I kinda figured you would, knowing your agpa man!
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