This is my mother on her wedding day. She was 21 years old and by all accounts the darling of her local church. Immensely talented and even a bit shy, she was smart and funny, loving and kind. She grew to be a protective older sister and was fiercely loyal to her parents by the time she met and fell madly in love with my father. She married him in November of 1955.
When my Mother was just a young woman, maybe around the time I was about five, she began to show signs of hearing loss. This of course became a big concern for my Mom and her family as both her father and younger sister were living with profound deafness.
When I was still a very young child I remember having to speak to my mother in an elevated voice.
By the time my sister, Jenny, was born my mother wore hearing aids to help navigate her way through a hearing-world.
~MY SIBLINGS and I - 1968~
The older we grew the sounds of silence began to take over my Mother's life. Oftentimes she misunderstood even the simplest of statements. She stopped singing in the choir and using the telephone was completely out of the question. Her deafness even led to the loss of several jobs...
As my Mother's hearing loss progressed she was ultimately diagnosed with Hereditary Nerve Deafness...the same disease that afflicted her father, sister and other members in our family.
Somehow, no doubt through God's Grace, she learned to live with her disability and came to accept the frustrations that often come with such physical limitations.
One of the things I've missed experiencing with my Mother has been talking on the phone. There was a time when volume controls on a phone's headset were enough for her. But, later in life her as her hearing loss grew worse she required a TDD/Relay Operator when needing to chat in an emergency situation . Even though our family was grateful for this technology (A TDD phone is where is speak to an operator who then types out your words on a special phone, but you can hear the person talking back to you) it gave us little privacy. For the most part, all those who love and adore my Mother have relied mainly on email. It has been our primary source of communication for many years now.
Well...I'm over the moon excited with the fabulous news....
Recently my Mother qualified for very costly computer/phone equipment I personally believe should be made available to all those who are deaf and/or hearing impaired. Yesterday she used her brand new "CapTel 800I" Telephone by SPRINT for the very first time. She no longer needs to go through a relay system to talk on the phone and called me without having to use a special operator. My Mother can now speak to me in a normal voice while a computer immediately recognizes my spoken words back to her and prints them out!
Can I tell you how thrilled I was to hear my Momma's voice on the other end of the phone? I can dial her number and hear her voice whenever I want! My hubby came in and said "Who are you talking to?" and I said
Thank you, SPRINT!
Thank you, God! He indeed made a way when there seemed to be no way...
Love to you this beautiful Sunday...

Oh Rebecca, you look so much like your mom. She is a beautiful lady! What a wonderful thing for her to get and how great it is for you to be able to hear her once again!
Ohhh Rebecca, what a wonderful post!! I am so happy for your mom and for you! She is soo beautiful and you look just like her! I feel so awful for her and your family. It must be so hard not to be able to hear. How heartbreaking :( You have such a beautiful and inspiring family and the love just shines through in your words and pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us!
How precious this gift is!!!! Enjoy every moment. I KNOW you will. HUGS!
What a blessing Rebecca! We take things like being able to hear for granted. We should be thankful for what we have. So glad you were able to hear your mother's voice over the phone again. Praise God for the technology!
Your mother truly is beautiful. I'm so thrilled for you! This new phone is no doubt an answer to many prayers. I got goose bumps to hear that you 'talked' to your mother. God is so good to us!!!
Oh what a beautiful Mama you have and I am so thankful that you can now have a little chat with her on the phone! I know you are over the moon happy about that!
You sure look a lot like her! You are beautiful and so is she! Have a blessed Sunday evening, blessings were flowing up the aisles this morning at our Service:) Big Hugs!
Hi Becky--
Thanks for the BLOG about Sprint CapTel 800i, It us a wonderful convenience. Just the thing for those with profound hearing loss.
For non-hearing persons, deafness becomes a way of like and is often misunderstood. In most cases, you are preceived Dumb. Technology to assist the deaf has been a long time coming. Thankfully -- It as improved over the years.
I am so thankful for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services -- Rehabilitation Services for the Deaf who made it possible for me to received this phone.
I Feel as if I have sprouted wings-- I can fly (communicate). What a JOY!
Love you dear daughter.
Hugs-- Mom
Dearest Rebecca,
Oh, how happy and thrilled I am for you. Having a deaf foster daughter in Indonesia, who has been in the USA twice for a visit, makes me fully understand this! I wrote a blog about herhttp://bit.ly/9ANHWW
Okay, on another note: I got a great tip for you in order to get your thumbnail of the first photo back on Blogger. Please follow instructions from this blog: http://bit.ly/gKCtSi I got mine fixed right away. Hope more readers will find this helpful.
Lots of love,
Rebecca that is wonderful news, what a blessing! Hugs to you and your Mom! Marilou xoxo
I am so happy to hear your marvelous news Rebecca! How wonderful that you were able to hear your Mom's voice again. What a bleassing - enjoy all the talks the two of you will now have!
Dear Becky Sue,
Happy for you and your Momma!!!!
Awesome that you two can chat on the phone together.
My hubby is getting harder of hearing....ringing in the ears.
God bless,
Your story brought tears to my eyes but rejoicing at the end! Praise the Lord!God indeed made a way where there seemed to be no way. I know your Dear Mother must be overjoyed.
Oh I rejoice with you!!! How wonderful!
I am the same age as you and I lost both my parents when they were only in their 50's.....my age. Sometimes I hear from friends etc , complaining , yet not, about the troubles of caring for elderly parents and I long to know what it is. Thanks for your gracious attitude as you help your parents navigate through these years. It is a joy to hear.
That is absolutely wonderful!
There is nothing like having those meaningful talks with your mom.
As much as technology intimidates me, it is such a wonderful way to make life better for many! Enjoy every minute chatting with your dear mother! ♥♫
Thank God for all those people that work behind the scenes to develop the technology that allows us to bring those that are living on the "outside" back "in". Amazing..and wonderful newsm Rebecca- If you get a chance pop by my blog and SweetCheeks will put a smile on your face...and at Starbucks no less...seriously... xxoo Diana
Our God is such an incredible God!! I thank Him for the wonderful gift He has given to you and your Mom! What a joy it must be for you both Rebecca.
Much love & hugs, sherry
Rebecca . . . what a blessing to be able to talk with your Mom again. She's a beautiful woman just as you are. ~ God Bless you both.
Rebecca; what a beautiful story of your amazing Mom.. I am beyond happy for you both,,,, yes God is great..
when you next talk to you sweet Mom please say a hello from me...... :)
What a beautiful thing! I am so happy for the your Mother and you!
Oh, God is soooo good, isn't he, Rebecca? I pray that wonders will never cease. :) Hugs to you, sweetie!
xoxo laurie
Rebecca thank you so much for your beautiful story of your mother's story. She must be a beautiful person. Andyour story brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you and her now that you can comunicate ////God bless you both. tfs.....
Dear Rebecca,
His mercy and grace when in simple faith we believe and trust in him...to hear the voice of your mother was a very sweet blessing of the Lord to grant the desire of your heart
THANK YOU SWEET JESUS...surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.
Simply Debbie
Even though I am NOT good at modern technology, I think it is wonderful to have come up with this new device by which a deaf person can now communicate with others via way of it. I know your mother is so thrilled to be able now talk again with her family and friends. It must have been a hard burden to carry all these years, not to be able to hear properly. My Berch is getting so very deaf himself, it is good to know there may be help for him, too, further down the line....
Your mother is a beautiful lady!
And I loved the photos, especially the one of you four children..what a lovely family you have!! You all resemble each other so much!!
Have a happy week, my friend...
Love, Francy
Hi Most Beautiful One! OH, you do look like your Dear Mother! I'm so thankful there is a way y'all can still communicate! This is a blessing!
Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me,
Shelia ;)
Rebecca I am rejoicing with you and your mom! This is so wonderful. Enjoy speaking with her on the phone and treasure every minute.
She is a beautiful lady...and I am so happy for her to be able to just grab the phone and converse with people whenever she wants. What a blessing.
I was wondering if you all know sign language?
We have several people at church who are hearing impaired and we have many signers who take turns signing in the the services.
I love to watch them signing the songs...it moves my heart so much to see them singing with their hands and their hearts.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I'm so thrilled for your Mom and your family that your Mom FINALLY qualifies for such an awesome piece of assistive technology to help her communicate with you and her family and friends!God is GREAT! Congrats to your Mom! <3
Laurie Beaudette
I'm crying tears of joy for your mother, you and all her friends and family......this is indeed exciting news.
Your mother is beautiful and has gotten more beautiful with age.
25#'s you've lost, wow!!!! I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I am.....
I'm lacking will power and stress eating....ugh!
Beautiful / uplifting post!
Oh how Wonderful!!!
Dear Rebecca, I am so happy for you to have the joy of speaking to your dear mamma on the telephone. It is truly the simplest of things that we miss the most. May your days be full of wonderful conversations with your remarkable momma. Love always, Maureen.
That is wonderful!!! I know how happy you where to hear her voice. Don't you know what a wonderful world has opened up for her. I'm so happy for the both of you.
Wonderful story...made me cry..that is so very exciting for each of you.
What a wonderful post! Your mom and you look so much a like and your both just beautiful.
I am so sorry about her hearing loss it has to be a great challenge for her every day and I am so grateful that she now has a way to communicate over the phone.
God has a special way of showering us with blessings and we are so blessed.
Thanks honey for doing this post and I love the pictures of you and your family.
Love ya
This is wonderful! I have lost 90% of my hearing and have just had to get new aids. I still cannot hear any better on the phone though as the receptors are on the outside of the ear and holding the phone to my ear canal with the tube from the aid in it just blocks the sound further. I really am thankful for e-mail and for the information about the phone you tell about. Down the road I may need something like that. Thanks...
I was so happy for you to be able to hear your Mums voice on the phone again...wonderful news and so exciting. Fabulous technology!!
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