My Mr. AGPMan and I got up extra early today so we'd be able to get lots of our Christmas buying done before the afternoon shopper crowds set in.
But, we were met with really stormy skies and massive Oklahoma wind and rain. I actually love rainy days, I just don't like having to get out in it and the getting wet.
So, our plans abruptly changed and we decided to stay home. My guy lit a fire and we settled in to do some other things instead.
I'm going to put the finishing touches on some decor (because I'm a bit behind in finishing things up) while my hubster works in his shoppe on man-things! I'm working on some special orders and a few things for my La Chaumière de Briarwood as well.
(hope I don't go to jail under penalty of law!)
See the lovely (???) lime green Ralph Lauren pillow above? Well, I snagged it at TJ Maxx for a mere $5 (original price was $40!). The outside fabric was not to my liking but the inside held a fabulous duck-feather pillow form. Feather inserts can be costly so whenever I can find them on the cheap I bring them home with me. Anyway...I printed out the JOYEUX NOEL wording on fabric shown taped to the pillow form and later today I'm going to use it to fashion what I hope will be a sweet little pillow for our family room!
The two metal signs above will be transformed this week as well! I'm thinking something French sounding will look lovely painted on the front...maybe some roses, too! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Hope your Saturday is awesome. I"ll be showing you the finished pillow and signs, soon!
Blessings and love to you~

You are so clever! I never thought about buying them for the inserts!!!
Thanks so much for the tip. Can't wait to see how your new pillow turns out.
How can there be so much beauty on one blog? :) Cannot wait to see the pillow once you're done adding your special touch to it - and the signs!
Do you ever slow down? You are just like a Christmas Elf...working, working, working...I know that pillow will be gorgeous! They always are!
You are one smart cookie:) Can't wait to see the transformation! Have a blessed and productive day! HUGS!
We are staying inside as well because like you I don't want to get out in the rain. Grandsons are here for the day while their parents are out shopping.
Oh cool, can't wait to see the finished pillow!!
Hi Rebecca,
I just know the pillow and the signs are going to be lovely.
Be sure and show us the finished creations.
I've been occupying the Babylon translation site, translating English phrases into french for possible use on signs and paintings. So fun!I look forward to seeing your creations.
Im so excited to see the change you make,keeping my eye on your blog,lol.
Hi...over my little bout of sadness and up today visiting PINK SATURDAY blogs, and of course I peeked in on you, too. I bet you are delighted to just be home with your hubby near-by, spending a quiet day with a nice fire going!! Sounds lovely!
I have been following each day on your blog the decorating going on. It is looking more beautiful each time you post!! Your tree is exquisite and all of the little touches you added here and there are charming. I so love
the soft, delicate shades of whites, pale pinks, and creams. I find this color combination very soothing to the eye and it reminds me of a winter snow-land...only inside!!
You certainly snagged some bargins to
work over to your liking. Each one is great and I am always amazed at what you do with something!!
Please post some pictures of your rooms in full size so we can see all of the little treasures you have made.
Hope you are having a HAPPY PINK SAT-URDAY and that the comiing up week will be a good, fun one for you...
Hugs and love, Francy
Oh I can't wait to see the finished pillow... your blog is sooo beautiful...always love to visit!
xoxo Gert
Hello dear friend... I know the pillow will be just fabulous!... Oooh, I would love a painted sign with something French on it... will those be in your shop?... and how funny about the pillow tags... once when I was a little girl, I threw a temper tantrum and cut some of those off my mama's pillows... I thought surely I was going to jail!... xoxo Julie Marie PS (Do they have pillow police or what????)...
I thought you'd stopped posting, then I discovered that you and several others were no longer on my blog roll. I don't know what happened, but now I'm trying to return your beautiful blog to my list. I've missed you.
Hello Rebecca~Can't wait to see the pillow when she is done :) I'm sure it will be a beauty, what else can it be with your talented self :)
LOL.... you have to watch out for the "Tag Removal Police"....They hide in weird corners...usually the corners along with the "dust bunny's".....LOL
Oh Rebecca, I always love stopping in for a visit to see what creations you've got in the works. You are so talented! I love reading your post, you seem like somebody fun to hang out with... your family and friends must enjoy their time they spend with you.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
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