I've had a busy, hectic week and I'm more than tired so just thinking about sitting down and having some quiet time with my guy made me smile. I always start to drag a bit at this point during December, although I must admit to you it's a 'good tired and a good-drag'. I love everything about Christmas and I refuse to get overwhelmed with the things still piled up on my 'to-do-list'.
I've resigned myself to always having one so why stress about it, right?
Anyway...as I stared at the smiling faces of old George Baily holding his little daughter ZuZu I was reminded again this year of one simple thought...
We don't have to be some larger-than-life person, with lots and lots of clout, money and prestige to make a big difference in the day to day living of someone else. Every single day without pomp or ceremony we can contribute goodness, kindness, peace and love to someone living about us...
The most memorable part of the movie for me is the message of how simple, ordinary people can have can have a profound influence on someone else without even knowing it...
Blessings for a lovely Sunday in His presence~
Love to you...

Oh yes, dear friend - so well said. Love that movie, too, and dear George Bailey, trying so hard and finally learning "it doesn't have to be perfect." (Thanks, Nester, for the quote :)
So true, so true! We can make a BIG difference by doing something small... kindness feels great, doesn't it! Have a blessed Sunday dear Rebecca, HUGS!
love the old black and white films
the truth in our Russian films a few other heroes, but nostalgia for the departed time
Its not Christmas without watching that wonderful old movie.
Rebecca, YOU my dear have had a profound influence on my life of healing through a very troubling time in the month of May. It is now Dec. and I can finally talk about this without crying like a baby. I thank you from the bottom of my heart..Debbie (Maine)
I love "It's a Wonderful Life" We watch it every year at our house, too ;) :) I'll probably make a nice cup of ginger tea to go with it ;) :) Thanks for sharing your sweet post. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
I could not agree with you more. I have been poor and doing well enough to not want for anything. I've lost and gained in so many ways in my life. I've have always said to those I care for and love the most, "it's the little things that matter most". Though I understand the attraction to diamonds and pearls, I'm just as happy with hot water and food on my table. If I have enough to share, we do. If we don't, 'we' take smaller portions and do it anyway. Love your post R, it reminds everyone to live in the moment with what you have and be thankful for it. You never ever know what God's plan is for the next, the next step or the next fall you come upon. Hugs. Tammy
My all-time favorite movie!
we always wait until Christmas Eve to watch this movie...it is a wonderful reminder of how simple it is to touch another life and not know the impact. It does make me wonder...whose life have I touched lately?
Dearest Rebecca,
Very good post that will make one ponder...
So true, as you never really will understand the full scope of impact a little kindness can have.
May people open their hearts more than their wallets during these days.
Love to you and keeping Miss K in my prayers. I KNOW they work...!
Love this post! Life is not about what we have but about how we live our lives whether we be rich or poor. If everyone only thought this way the world would be so much better.
Happy Holidays Rebecca! We just watched this movie last weekend and loved it! I surely much have seen it as a child but could not remember it at all. It will now be a family tradition every year.. I hope your Holiday Season is filled with Love, Laughter, Family & great Memories.
Take care my Friend,
Love & Hugs,
I was just telling Stevie about this movie a few days ago. He hasn't ever seen it. I told him that since this is our first Christmas together being married that it would be the start of a tradition for us. I love this movie and I know that he will too. I really loved this post. You have a way of touching the hearts of so many. Thank you for stopping by with your thoughtful and kind words the other day. They really mean a lot to us. You have such a sweet caring spirit and you are a very special lady.
Lee Laurie
Hi Rebecca, It's a Wonderful Life is also one of my very favorite all time movie's. I recently watched "The Bishop's Wife" with Loretta Young, David Niven, and Cary Grant. It was also set around Christmas time and it was so fun to watch. I'm hoping you can drop by my blog early this week - I'm having a Christmas Auction for a little Baby girl that was born just one year ago this month...her mother died shortly thereafter. I've been wanting to do the auction all year long and one thing after another just kept me from it. So tonight I stayed up till the wee hours of the morning to get it done. It's a very bittersweet story...the family is still in such shock and loss. Baby Amelia celebrates her first birthday 12/22. Have a very Merry Christmas Rebecca! May we both REJOICE at this time of the year, for this is truly the Best time, it's when we celebrate Christ's birth. Hope to be back soon to visit again!
Hi Rebecca,
So nice to see you and thank you for the blog visit and encouraging words.
I can so relate to you on your lovely post here for Sunday as I read it this cool Monday morning.
Yes, there will always be the list of to do's, but I love it most when the things to do for others, floats to the top of the list. If all else doesn't get done, it will still be a list to mark complete.
Prayers for you for a special Christmas with your family and friends and continued success in the new year.
Love to you too dear talented one!
XO Celestina Marie
p.s. my best guy and I love this movie too and cuddly up to watch it every year. It is a favorite!
I love your profile..Especially what you wrote about Jesus. I loved your site too. I read through many of your posts. And thank you for the comment you left on my site.
xo Nita
I love that movie too Rebecca! Don't work too hard sweetie!
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