I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and you were able to do something fun and exciting! Yesterday my guy and I did NOTHING and it was fabulous!
But....on SATURDAY we did something FUN!
Now that I have a booth at a local Antique Mall (Edmond Antiques/Edmond, OK) I'm always on the hunt for fabulous things to use in my space! Well...early Saturday morning while perusing our local Craigslist offerings I stumbled upon this great vintage French Provincial cabinet/hutch.
Asking Price: Half a Benjamin (or a cool $50 bill)!!!
I could scarcely breathe when I saw the posting around 4AM because not only was the price fabulous, but you rarely find French pieces like this sold alone. They are almost always offered in a grouping and the prices are usually exorbitant! I'm sure the cabinet-hutch-desk combo originally came as part of bedroom set designed for a young girl. When my sister, Linda, and I were little we had twin beds and dressers that were very similar to this...
Anyway...the two pieces were located in Sand Springs, Oklahoma, about 1 1/2 hour drive from our home near Oklahoma City. The owner, a sweet girl named Hannah, held them for me until we could make the drive later in the day!
We opted NOT to take our trailer and when we got there the cabinet barely fit into the back of our SUV! Ugh! Somehow my Mr. AGPMan made them fit! YIPPEEEE...
So now the question is....
Originally I planned on painting the pieces for my booth space, but instead I've decided to keep them (are you surprised?)... I'm going move a vintage desk out of my studio and change things up to make my square footage more useable. The hutch portion (or bookcase) of the cabinet will be great for jars of old buttons, vintage ribbons, etc. Sooooo exciting!
Since it's going to hit 106 degrees today in our Oklahoma town I'm opting to work inside on finishing up some special orders. As much as I'm itching to paint this sweet French piece there is no way I'm doing it on a day this hot!!! BAH!
I'll be sure to show you all when it's ready!
Did you know we only have
111 days until Christmas??? :)
(I'm just sayin'....)
Happy Tuesday!
Love to you...

Somehow I've been reading your blog for years and missed the detail that we live in the same town! I'll have to go check out your booth, since that's one of my favorite antique places.
Very cool find! Definitely worth the drive.
Beautiful piece at a great price! I would have kept it too:) Have a blessed day dear Rebecca, HUGS!
Hello Dear Lady! A fantastic deal you got yourself. That's neat and when you work her over she will be outstanding. I am now going over to check out craig's list here in Kansas.
111 days till Christmas....i will work on this a little at a time.
God bless,
What a lucky find! And a great price, too! I just did a post last week about the desk and hutch I redid, that was part of my bedroom set when I was a young girl. Mine is similar to yours, though not quite as large. Can't wait to see how you redo yours!
Yeah...for you! what a great piece. I can't wait to see what you do with it..painted roses maybe on the drawers.
Have a sweet day sending hugs, Elizabeth
OOOH! It's beautiful and you stole that piece you know! ;) I don't blame you at all - I would certainly keep it. I did have to giggle when I saw those fancy drawer pulls. When we bought our 1970s house in 1997 our master bath had those same drawer pulls on everything. I did take them off and I think I tossed them! Wish I'd kept them now! :) Stay cool.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Dearest Rebecca,
It looks like you just got an early Christmas yourself! This is just fabulous. Lucky for finding that at this time and age.
Hope it cools down soon for you.
Hugs to you,
Oh no--111 days til Christmas? I panicked a little when I read that.
Love that hutch--so pretty. Did it come with all the hardware? My hutch is that style and I am yet to get the hardware I need. But I love it anyway!
Ohhh Rebecca, I can hardly wait for you to work your magic on this beauty ;)
Big Smiles~
Yep...came with ALL the hardware. I'm going to dig into it later this week and then IN MY STUDIO it goes! I need to rearrange things and make my working space more WORKABLE! :) xo~R
What a beautiful piece..... can't wait to to see it finished.
You could have gone all day without naming how many days til Christmas....lol!
WHAT a great piece. I can't believe it! $50! I hope you said a Thank You Jesus all the way home!;>) I can't wait to see it all beautified. xo Diana
Wonderful Piece and such a great price! Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Kim
That's a beautiful piece, Rebecca! It probably would work very well for you in your studio. I can just see some of your painting on those drawers!
Rebecca, What a fabulous find and how beautiful it will look when you finish it and place it in your work room. I can already see it in my minds eye. Cannot wait to see the before and after shots. I am busy doing some more clearing out in the house in case Reubs and I move back to England. We will see it is in Our Lords hands, blessings always, Maureen
O.K. I've got a plan. I move to your city and you share everything-half for you, the rest for me. Only I get my half AFTER you work your magic! Deal? Well, maybe not, I think it's actually hotter where you are. So you'll just have to move to Colorado! That sounds like a plan to me. Glad it fit so you could bring it home. My dream vehicle is a red Dodge pickup so anything you'd find could fit. Have you seen the one with my name on it yet? ♥♫
What a beautiful find!
That is soo fabulous Rebecca... even before I read what you wrote, I KNEW you were going to keep it!... you will never find one like it again... can't wait to see you do your magic on it... xoxo Julie Marie (I am going to pretend I did not read your countdown to Christmas!)...
I have this same piece in my basement waiting to be painted! I had it as a young girl :) I had all the pieces ... the hutch and desk, the lingerie chest, chest, dresser, night stands and bed. Oh I forgot I have the chair that goes with the desk too. I am planning on using it in my sunroom! Can't wait to see what you do to yours.
That's so pretty, Rebecca!
I have a couple of French Provincial style pieces. Now how soon can you send me this one?! :D
Great find! Yep, sometimes we have to keep things for ourselves....No letting up in the temp here in Orlando either.....Dreaming for 80 degree weather, that would be a chilly day!!!
I had this exact desk and when we moved a few years ago. I had to get rid of a lot due to downsizing. That is one of the things I have been really sad I parted with. Wahhh! I know that what ever you do to that desk, it will turn out beautiful.
Amy Jo
Oh, Rebecca, it is almost perfect the way that it is...almost. It of course needs some roses and if it were mine, I would put some rose wall paper on the inside of the shelves against that back wall to break things up a bit OR paint it to look like soft, rose wall paper. https://www.google.com/search?q=vintage+rose+wallpaper&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=X9G&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&prmd=imvnsa&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=FFdHUO79B4rlyAHanwE&ved=0CCAQsAQ&biw=1589&bih=1028&sei=GVdHUMS-EfCGyQGR1YDACA
A link to wallpaper images. What a great find. I can hardly wait to see the finished pictures.
Great find! I can't wait to see it when you're finished with it! ♥
You sure made a great find when you found that hutch/desk! It is lovely the way it is, but I know it is going to look fantastic when you work your magic on it. I don't
blame you for keeping it if it is going to be of such good use in your "magic" room!! And some times you just have to keep a find like that for yourself!! Can't use all of the great things you uncover
for your booth space...sometimes you have to treat yourself!!
I am late blogging this week, so this is EARLY Friday morning, and I wish you a lovely day and a weekend of fun and relaxation!!
How did Miss K's return to school go? I bet she was happy to see all of her little friends and ready to start her classes. But she sure
had a memorable time with her visits with her Nana during her vacation!!
Happy weekend, sweet friend...
Love from Francy
WHAT??? $50? You have got to kidding!!!
Wow! Girl, God sure does take care of you!
I can't wait to see what you do with it!
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