Last week I showed you a sweet vintage lamp I picked up at our local thrift store. I loved it's petite size and thought it would look really charming painted up white. So...that's what I did! Painted it white. I lightly antiqued it and set my cap at finding a lampshade that would complement it's tiny frame. That's proving to be more difficult that I first thought!
I've looked at tons of stores (well, not really TONS, but you know!) since I found the lamp and every single shade I've seen has the newer deep-well socket. I haven't been able to find even one that will take a lamp with a final. I'm not giving up...I'll find something!
Anyway...yesterday my Miss K returned home after spending the weekend here at our La Chaumière de Briarwood. On the way back to her house we stopped off at a thrift store about 25 miles from my home. We walked straight to the lamp area and wouldn't you know it, NO LAMPSHADES! Because I was looking for shades and NOT LAMPS I almost missed an identical vintage lamp to the one I purchased last week in my town. I couldn't believe it!!! Are you kidding me??? The finial is missing on lamp #2 and the socket was different, but I don't care. I was just so thrilled to find another one! I'm still on the hunt for lampshades, only now I need two! I think they will look really sweet with French Lace covers!!!! That's my plan anyway!
Friday night my Mr. AGPMan and I took our Miss K to the Oklahoma State Fair. We had such a wonderful time! There is nothing more fun than going to the Fair with a little kid... We rode tons of rides and even got on the biggest Roller Coaster! EEEEEK!
Here we are on the Ferris Wheel. She won that pink monkey at some side show...
Eating PINK Cotton Candy! I LOVE Cotton Candy...LOOOOOOVE IT! And's NOT on my
Weight Watchers Maintenance Plan!
(Tooo bad!)
Miss K is NOT happy about us wanting to take more pics! She just wanted to roll that ball!
(I'm still eating PINK Cotton Candy!)
Miss K's tuckering out! Here she is riding on Uncle Mikey's Back! My daughter Adrienne and her hubby,Micah, are the BEST Auntie and Uncle around!
They LOVE that little girl so much!
Here is MIss K with her Papa aka: Mr. AGPman!
More Ferris Wheel fun!
On Saturday we went to Tammy's wedding and my camera quit working after only a few pics. I managed to get a few snapshots of the table and my guy got one of my Miss K and I. I was sooo upset when we got home and there were only a handful of photos! :(
The wedding was soooo beautiful! I'll share what I have AFTER Ginger shares hers!
Hope you have a great week! I'm finishing a special order for a Train Case Makeover and having so much fun!
Love to you...

What a great time at the fair! Love the pictures and I'm happy to see you eating cotton candy. At the fair you have to live a little!
So funny you found another lamp and now need 2 shades--sounds like something I would get myself into!
It's probably good you found that second lamp before you found your first shade, Rebecca. Now you can see if you can't find two of the same to dress up. I notice that the stores mainly have those new type shades also. I guess maybe you'll have better luck at a garage sale or estate sale.
FUN time with Miss K:) Times to remember! Great find on the lamps, TWO of them... WOW! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
I found a lamp that was almost exactly your two lamps at our local second hand shop. I looked for a shade for over six months and then I finally donated the lamp back to the shop! I gave up! LOL!
Awww those lamps are too sweet not to have a shade! What would it take to make one from scratch??
Wow, you lucky girl finding two lamps! Do they make other harps without the finial thingy? LOL
Love the pics of you and your sweet family. You look like you could be Miss K's mom!!! Glad you had fun sweetie!
Debbie xo
I love what you did to the lamp! Great! And yes, I am on the hunt for lampshades too. They are hard to find in the right size and shape, unless one wants to pay a small fortune....
I am still looking too...
That lamp was meant for you! I just believe the Lord does that just to remind us that He cares even about the little things!!
Have a great week...and I love cotton candy too!!
Hi Rebecca,
I just love seeing the big smile on Miss K's face. You all had such a great time. I love spending time with my Grand-daughter too. How cool you found a second lamp, it was meant to be! your plan of french lace covers for the lamp shades sound so pretty. I can't wait to see what you find.
Sending hugs your way, Elizabeth
Looks like you all had such a great time!... I LOVE cotton candy too, especially PINK!... Miss K is getting prettier every day, if that is possible... she has always been such a beauty... like her nana... xoxo Julie Marie PS Oh yes, amazing you found your lamp's twin!!!
Dearest Rebecca,
Lovely, bubbly and pink photos of the fair! You for sure did have a great wedding too.
Those lamps are like winning the lottery... now the shades!
Great Lamps!
Fun time at the Fair and cotton candy....i always get cotton candy!!!!
Pink is the B O M B.
Good morning, Rebecca!
Your were so very lucky to find those lamps--beautiful!
Thank-you so much for your kind visit this last week--I just returned from our trip & am just getting time to make visits...
What wonderful pictures of your adventures! I love cotton candy, too...and pink definitely tastes best (in my mind, anyway!)
Wishing you the loveliest day!
What sweet family photos! You are all so photogenic! WOW! What a wonderful time together. I love that you found a second lamp. Good things happen...we are both so blessed! Hugs!
What a precious post! What fun! Did I tell you I got the sign? Computer was down yesterday, but I blogged about it today. You'll have to check it out!
A BIG thank you!
Hi Rebecca..Those are such cute pictures of your granddaughter. She is so precious!
I love the ones of you with her having fun!
Sweet little lamps. I had some that I just took the harp off of and used the new kind of shades and it worked...because that part where the harp attatched was covered up by the shade, so it didn't show.
Hope you find exactly what you want for them.
Love ya,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I was out in blogland today looking for some ideas on a lampshade cloche. I came across this blog with an very creative idea that might just assist you in your hunt for the perfect lampshade... maybe? I know that I am going to try it.
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