A couple of days ago I shared with you a few of my latest junkin'-around-town finds! Little by little my hands are growing stronger (Whoot! Whoot!) so lots of painting is on the horizon for me!!! Late winter is my least favorite time of the year, for obvious reasons, but oddly enough it's a great time to uncover great finds. In order to make room for new Christmas gifts and purchases a lot of fabulous used stuff is donated... Garage Sales might not be all that common during the colder days of the year, but the shelves in the thrift stores are usually really full and overflowing. At least that's how it is here in my state!
On Wednesday I finally got to drive again and so I decided I'd visit all of my favorite haunts within six miles of my home. I REALLY wanted to drive into Oklahoma City, but I didn't want to overdue my healing hands. I found more wonderful things for my booth space and a few things needing a repaint job.
My FAVORITE FIND was this amazing antique/vintage Baby High Chair. It was originally marked $29.96 and then marked down to $14.96. Well...I snagged it for half of that price yesterday and I couldn't wait to haul it home, wash it down and repaint it with my favorite soft white paint!
Not sure how old the High Chair is... I only know it's solid wood and included the original porcelain tray (oops...forgot to put it back on in the final makeover photos!). I couldn't believe it. The Chair came painted in a soft camel brown which actually helped transform it to where I wanted it to be... Once it was repainted soft white some gentle sanding with my orbital sander (can't do it by hand...not yet!) revealed just the right amount of brown paint. This little sweetie is destined for my local booth space (more about just WHAT I'm doing with that soon!).
If I didn't already have a lot of neat things for our home I could see this sweet Chair used on my covered porch to hold a cascading plant like ivy... Wouldn't that be sweet? I MAY paint some pale pink roses down the center back or maybe just the word Bébé for a French Farmhouse look and feel. Not sure yet. Whatever I end up doing I'll be sure to share once a final decision has been made.
I promised myself I would try and NOT rush the seasons this year and yet here I am already longing for Spring. Ugh! Can't have the new without the dying back of the old, I guess! That beautiful thought keeps me going...that and the simple fact I'm soon going to be working with pain-free hands!
Hope your day is wonderful.
Love to you~