When people bless you...they just BLESS!
You know?
About ten days ago a big ole box arrived on my doorstep!
What could it be?
I wasn't expecting anything...not that I could remember anyway (sorta gettin' old here)! I hadn't purchased any sweet things of late and I was sure I hadn't won any bids on eBay. AND...my luck (which I don't believe in!) hadn't led a single person to draw my name in any of the INCREDIBLE GIVEAWAYS going on over the past month...
I never win anything...(Oops..not true! I won a FABULOUS Giveaway last year from Martha and also one from Laura...AND I was gifted with a sweet little necklace from Sherry, unexpected books from Marilyn and that 2die4 bonnet from Sara)... Am I forgetting anyone? Oh yes...pretty handmade paper roses from Miss Connie! Am I forgetting someone? Oh yes...Mary Don...she sent me a menagerie of fabulous old finds!)...
Now...I couldn't WAIT to open this box. It had MY name on it and the name on the return address label was none other than my friend, Ginger, (who happens to live in the same beautiful state as ME!). This, of course, made me even more excited to rip it open!
Tucked inside were the most FABULOUS things. All wrapped up in pretty tissue and dainty bows were tiny little packages all for me! A darling hand made Tussy Mussy, a precious vintage creamy white Creamer, a tiny bejeweled box filled with dainty little finds (like a tiny key, an aging rhinestone earring, old tickets, etc.), a vintage crocheted doily and a lovely lace and heart hand-towel...
Now peeps...I ALWAYS have SOMETHING to say (just ask my kids and my siblings) about EVERYTHING... but when I opened the box of goodies the words just left me. All I could think of was what a GENEROUS, LOVING friend Ginger is...and how very blessed I am!
Someday I hope my heart grows as big as yours already is Miss G. I'm honored to call her friend. Thank you GingerGirl. You will never know how very frazzled I was the day your pretties arrived. It was a little boost from the Most High, sent to me by YOUR loving, gracious, talented hands!
Blessings to you as you remember it is always better to give than receive...(but GETTING is great, too!).