~Outside My College Dorm- Bethany, OK~
(EEK! My Hippie-Looking Guy)
(left click to enlarge pics!)
In just a few days my Mr. AGPMan and I will honor our life together and celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary. I'll be sharing a few more of our wedding photos later on this week for those of you who care to see them! :) It's beyond my ability to fully understand how very fast the years of our lives have passed. It's like one day my guy and I were young. And then the next day we were not. Strange as it may sound, that is exactly how we both feel.
~Parent's Backyard-Kermit, Texas~
(Gotta Love Those Shades and WHAT Was I Wearing?)
I've shared with you many times the many blessings bestowed upon me by the husband of my youth. He's like no other man I've ever known and even after all these years he continues to steal my heart away.
No doubt a gift from the Most High.
~At a Friend's Home/Oklahoma~
(I'm Wearing His Class Ring)
Over the years I've had very, very few regrets.
I'm the kind of person who makes a decision and good or not so good, live with the consequences.
~Married and On Our Own - 1979~
(Quincy Apts. Ft. Smith, AR)
I don't pine away the hours with a bunch of "Wish I Had" or "Wish I'd Done" statements and if the truth be known I would change very, very little about where the two of us have ended up today.
~Lovin' Those White Legs Shorts~
(Disneyland - 1988)
~Gone Too Soon~
(Tiny Brandon and Adrienne the Ham)
Oh...there are little things I suppose I'd do differently as there have been moments of deep despair and even a hint of sorrow sprinkled upon our path. But mostly the wise choices we made prevailed over the questionable ones and for this I'm grateful.
~Back to Cali - 1992~
(Anniversary #14)
Like I said...if given the chance I wouldn't change much at all. LITTLE things that MIGHT be on my list would be:
I'd pass on purchasing the hunter green carpet I thought I couldn't live without...
I wouldn't buy a Vega...
I wouldn't buy a Vega...
I'd have invested early on in a great camera and learned to take fabulous pictures...
I'd have invested early on in a great camera and learned to take fabulous pictures...
~Six Flags Over Texas - 1995~
(Raising a Family)
There is one BIG CHANGE I would make if given the chance...
If I could turn back the time I would do ONE absolutely HUGE thing differently...
My guy was a "Straight A Student" in college and carried a 4.0 GPA. When I met him during my senior year in high school he was a Sophomore at SNU. He was majoring in Math and Music and was extremely disciplined and focused. His hair was a dark chocolate brown and his steely blue eyes spoke nothing but truth. He was rail-thin back then despite consuming more food in one sitting than one would ever think possible. He wore a medium sized shirt (always pressed) and never once used foul language. And no matter what, nothing could or would deter him from getting his degree. Finishing his education meant everything to him and it was his #1 goal.
Or so he thought.
When I arrived on campus during the Fall of 1976 his goals and focus would soon change.
~My Brother's Wedding - 2006~
(We desperately need new pics!)
As my hero and I began to date in January of 1977 our relationship grew serious and by December of that year we were engaged.
I wanted to get married.
And soon.
And soon.
And so~a September 8, 1978 wedding date was set.
And then...
A job offer (a good one that would support a new, young wife) came out of nowhere and with it a fretful decision to leave school...
And just that quick at least one of my guy's life-long dreams came to an abrupt end.
Whenever I remember our conversation about him "withdrawing while passing" I want to...well...
What a stupid love-sick girl I was.
Now...before you start thinking "It was HIS choice, etc.!" I have to beg to differ. If I had been the slightest bit supportive of what HE wanted he'd have graduated with the class of 1978 instead of walking down the aisle of a pretty little church that was dressed all in pink.
What I know now is that our love would have waited...
And as life usually goes, the babies came and with them parenting responsibilities. Life-altering events pressed in and so did the realization that we both had a family to raise. And so we did and loved every second of it...
The years blazed by like a flash of white-lightning and my guy went on to work for two major corporations and has always made a wonderful living. He's been an outstanding father and a kind, loving, gentle husband to me during our entire marriage.
Never once complaining, I've always known that getting his degree was NOT about making more money (although I know we both would have welcomed that side benefit many times)... No... For him it was about staying true to his calling. Keeping his word. Finishing the course. Reaching his personal goals and fulfilling his dreams of an education.
Now...I suppose it's important to tell you here that my Mr. AGPMan has known for at least 25 years the raw guilt I've lugged around over being so "into myself" and not caring as I should have about his goal of walking across that stage. He knows I've blamed myself for our 'joint' (?) decision and try as he might he's never been able to convince me otherwise.
And, he never will.
Today...after literally years of praying that my guy's time would come once again I'm over-the-moon excited to share with you that yesterday he finished some required testing at our old Alma Mater and will begin an accelerated program to complete his last year of college starting in January. I was so hoping he'd be able to begin this September but the program he wants isn't offered until the beginning of the new year. While working a full time job he will be cramming a full year of studies into a very short span of time. No doubt he'll soon have lots of big fat "A's" under his belt.
(Handsome As Ever)
Yesterday evening as we talked about our newly set goals I watched as a familiar little smile began to crawl across the face of my beloved.
Has it really been over three decades since I last saw it? That indescribable look of joy that speaks softly the words only my own beating heart can hear?
"I love you MOST, Baber. I love you, MOST!"
Blessings as you remember the heart is not judged by how much it claims to love but by how much it is loved by others...
Love to you~