Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
(left click pics to enlarge)
I've had the most wonderful week of "laying low" and even though I've gotten a whole lotta stuff done I sure have missed you all! I've taken a few tiny peeks to see what many of you have been up to... but, pretty much kept my little comments to myself! Betcha didn't know I was lurking about, huh? I promise to stop in and say hello soon!
~My Miss K~
I've been really busy working in my studio, the place where I find pure creative joy. I love transforming both vintage finds and the menagerie of fabric I've collected over the years into keepsakes for the home.
~Miss C, Miss M and My Miss K~
(Friends for life? Maybe!)
If the truth be known there are times when closing my workshop door behind me and calling it 'a day' is difficult. I'm not sure even wild horses could keep me from my passion. By some miracle (Thank you, God!) I've figured out how to get paid while doing exactly what I love...
~Me, Miss K, Miss C, Miss Mary and Miss M~
When I tiptoed into the world of Blogging in January '09 I had no idea what was in store of me. I've met the most amazing women (and some men, too!) and been introduced to more talent than my mind can sometimes take in. What a world! WHAT A WORLD!
~What To Choose?~
Additionally I discovered there is more generosity in Blogland than I ever thought possible. Tomorrow I will be sharing with you two lovely Blogging Gals who have blessed me by their incredible selfless giving. Can't wait to tell you more...
~Snicker Bliss~
See the pictures above?
Well...they tell a bit of a story. Not too terribly long ago I received a blog comment from Miss Mary B from Texas (Mary loves visiting her favorite Blogs but hasn't as YET started one of her own!). She has family here in Oklahoma and was planning a July vacation. Earlier this summer she stopped to visit the booth space I once had at French Quarter Antiques in Oklahoma City.
~Did Anyone Choose This One?~
I didn't have the pleasure of meeting her then but when she shared her plan for returning before summer's end we agreed to meet up at Sara Sara Cupcakes. SSC is a sweet cupcake shoppe/bakery located near downtown Oklahoma City. It is housed in a turn of the century, two story home that has been transformed into a quaint little eatery. I loved it!
Miss Mary brought two of her grand-girls, Miss C and Miss M and YOU KNOW I had to bring my Miss K with me as well... We had the best time visiting and gobbling up some truly divine cupcakes. This was a real treat for me as I'm still doing my Weight Watchers thingy (yippeeee...down 22 pounds!).
~Nuts Anyone?~
~Tough Choices!~
It was wonderful meeting up with Mary and two of her favorite girls. We sat and chatted a couple of hours and enjoyed watching our grand-girls gobble up their treats before snapping a ton of photos as they visited and played together. Childhood is fleeting. My Miss K started 2nd grade today...sniff.
~Frosting on Chin!~
~ Darling Miss M~
~Beautiful Miss C~
~Sweet New Friends~
Blogging has taken me to places I never dreamed I'd go and introduced me to so many lovely people. I'm so grateful for the chance to have met several of you face to face (blessings to you Mary B...loved our visit).
As I shared this latest experience with my computer-genius son, Brandon, he reminded me of something I said to him several years ago when he (and my Mr. AGPMan) were wanting me to sign off on spending those enormously BIG BUCKS on a home computer...
I only had one question...
"What does it do?"
Blessings for a lovely day! Thanks for the much needed break!
Love to you~

It's always a sweet treat to visit SSC but to meet a blogger friend and her adorable granddaughters there too surely made your visit that much sweeter.
Hi Most Lovely Rebecca! I'm so glad you got your first puter and became a blogger and that you share your talent with us! What a pretty little Miss K and her friends. Must have been a great trip to the sweet shop!
Be a sweetie,
I saw your comment on Becky's blog about cupcakes, so came over to check them out. I can see that it didn't really matter about the cupcakes -- although it sounds like a fabulous place to meet. The best part is that you met a friend through blogging face-to-face. I had the same experience this summer and enjoyed it so much. It's like meeting a long lost friend. Best wishes to you and yours, Tammy
I don't which is sweeter the cupcakes or the lovely young ladies. I am so happy you were able to meet a special friend and talk. Blessings. Stella
Hey Girlie!
Down 22 pounds that is fabulous. Those precious girls that you were lucky enough to spend the day with, look as though they had a fun day. Now those cupcakes....I hope you didn't gain the 22 back. What temptation that must have been.
Glad you are back.
oh, shared the tutorial on the dining room chairs. My friend followed your instructions and has a set of great looking chairs now.
Welcome back Rebecca..we missed you! The cupcake shop looks so yummy & sweet! Congratulations on your 22 lbs..I have to get back at it as well! Have a great weekend coming up..
Hi Rebecca! I hope you didnt mind I took the cupcake with a cherry on top to yummy.You know I never thought about cupcakes til I came on blogger lol.For some reason so many people make them and blog about them.Im trying to hold back and not bake any LOL.I walked 2 miles today just to keep myself in good shape... have to eat well and take long walks.The secret to my success beating thyroid cancer 7 years now.
Happy weekend!
Oh Rebecca... this is such a sweet and delicious post and adorable girls!
I'm chuckling over your remark of, 'what does it do?' I said the same thing, and now can't imagine my life without my computer and all the wonderful people I've met through blog land.
Oh Rebecca,
How precious these adorable little dolls are!!! And the store is so dreamy too!
Thanks so much for coming to visit me...so wonderful to hear from you!
It sounds like you had a wonderful day with Miss K and all of your new friends! The cupcakes were just the icing on the...cupcake! ;-D
Congratulations on your weight loss. I'd love to lose a little. Do you go to the meetings? I am so intimidated in groups! Bravo to you!
Can't wait to see what you have been up to creatively!
Hello dear friend... thank you so much for checking in on me... I am feeling some better each day now! Thanks to all of your thoughts and prayers I am sure... what darling little misses! And how fun you got to meet them all... I am sure you will all be best friends for life... and you are right, this blogging world has taken me places I never knew existed and introduced me to the most wonderful friends, like YOU and Miss K! I hope her first day at school is a happy one. I am sure you are missing her already... please give her a hug from me... love to you... xoxo Julie Marie PS I would like one of EACH of those cupcakes, pretty please? YUM!
Ohhh hello rebecca, what a beautiful blog, i enjoyed all the cupcakes and agree totally with you about the wonderful virtual world we live in and meeting such wonderful friends as i have too. I am thrilled to have found you and will add myself to follow
hugs and happy weekend
June x
"Your GrandGirls are just SWEET as can be"!!!
WOW are those cupcakes "TEMPTING", I'm actually happy I'm so many miles away from them because I would have to have "One of Each", hehe
LOVED your post,
Hugs, Donna
Well I certainly missed you. I have decided to change my decor to more of that romantic shabby chic instead of primitive country. Its already looking brighter and prettier here. Are they any tutorials on your site for those beautiful pillows.....
Have a wonderful day and thanks for dropping by. You are just so sweet and I love hearing from you.
Hi Rebecca,
Such cuties, the little girls!
The muffins looking very inviting to taste.
My oh my, 896 followers - it is very impressive.
Blogland is fascinating, I could spend 24 hours reading around all the blogs. Indeed, there are such creative people in blogland, including YOU!
Have a nice day!
Oh how sweet, Rebecca! The pictures are sweet and the cupcakes are sweet, but those little girls are sweeter than sweet! I miss you when you aren't here but totally understand needing a break! Enjoy your evening and hurry back:) HUGS!
Ohh my oh my which one to choose..
That must have been so hard since all the cupcakes look "dreadfully" yummy dreadful only cause how much lbs is that gonna add onto your hips.. I'm sure the taste was OUT OF THIS WORLD... I'm so glad your back!!! You were dearly missed.. I also took a peek at your new halloween pillows thay are CUTE AS A BUTTON... I love them..
Talk to you soon sweet Rebecca
Shabby T
Rebecca, What fun for you to meet Mary and kids at Sara Sara. I have heard it is wonderful and Tammy and I plan to try it out sometime. Little Miss K is such a doll and her little friends are also. Bet they had fun. Missed hearing from you but know you were busy. Now Im off to browse your shoppe.
Love to you
Beautiful to have pretty little girls smiling, giggling and doing girlie girl things...
I have boys so it's always refreshing to see little bells too!
"What does it do?" ha ha
famous last words, huh?
Well, since you are gonna come live with me at some point in time, I really think it is time that we meet up somewhere. You just name the city, place, and time.
precious post--precious kids!
Love you loads,
What sweet little smiles those precious girls have! They make me smile just looking at them! Those cupcakes look delicious, so nice to meet people from the blog world isn't it? Marcia
Your posts always make me smile! You are such a blessing!
Oh, they all look so good. Why does blogging always make me so hungry? Put me down for one of those snickerthingamajingies. Yummy! You were missed. Can't wait to see what you've created. Blessings, Patty
we're so glad you are here providing us
sweet thoughts and pretty sights.
i have enjoyed a cupcake at 'sara's',too.
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