Happy Pink Saturday all you Pink Lovin' Peeps! Are you ready to get your pink on????
Thank you to Beverly of HOW SWEET THE SOUND
for hosting our Pink Saturday event week after week!
You ROCK, Miss B!
Now...go and visit as many of our Pink Girls as you can! You're
sure to find SOMETHING you love!
Now..see those 2die4 glass jars at the top? I snagged those little beauties at my neighborhood ROSS store earlier this week! Originally they had these silvery-gray lids and well you KNOW that wouldn't do! Instead of painting them a soft pastel pink I decided to go with a pink shade with more neutral undertones. It's the same color I painted the walls in my studio and I absolutely LOVE it! Just wish I could remember the name. Gotta hunt that one down! Wanna know the best part of discovering the jars? The largest one was only $7.99 and the smallest $4.99. I've never seen such a thing!
Any guesses as to what this is? It's a fabulous ADVENT CANDLE! It was once a bright, shiny (and cheap looking) GOLD and that just had to go! Painted a soft pink it was blushed with a frothy, lighter shade of the same awesome color. A tad bit of ground glass and sparkle-dust was added for a hint of glitter.
My favorite kind of Sachet to make! This one is on it's way to Italy!
Gee...all of a sudden I'm thinking I've shown these before! Hmmm... So sorry if I did! Worth showing again!
I can't pass up old sewing notions when I find them at Estate Sales! Here are some fabulous packages of old braid...YUMMO!
More old sewing finds! EEEEK! Be still my heart!
When I was little my Momma use to say that clothing that had rick-rac had that 'loving touch of home'. (Was that a dig, Mom?) Because of her I use to roll my eyes whenever I saw it...now I love it! :)
Now...can you even believe this?
Surely my mother would have fainted if she'd seen this! If tiny Rick-Rack made her sick just imagine what the HUGE Ric-Rack above would have done.
~CHIC and PINK with a PINK ROSE~
I have a weakness for jars. Big, little, short, fat, skinny, etc....love them all! Pair it up with a charming little spoon and you're good to go :)!
This lovely old ribbon was found at a local tag sale this past summer. I purchase 20 packages of it for five cents each. The back says 1974. That means it's 36 years old. You'd think in that amount of time the person who originally purchased it could have found SOMETHING to do with it!
Now...last but not least...
Any guess what this once was??? A year ago I found it at an estate sale with a vintage FREE Sewing Machine (no, not Free as in it cost no money, but FREE as in the FREE Sewing Machine Company from the late 1800's). Inside the old metal box I found attachments for the machine. I sold all the attachments on eBay for some super big bucks, but kept the box. My sweet friend, Miss M, in Cali, bought it earlier this week!
Thanks for stopping by again today to see my PINKS for the WEEK! This is my 15th time to participate in PINK SATURDAY and it's always so much fun!
I'm off to do some estate sale shopping today! Been WAY TOOO LONG since I've been out junkin!
Blessings for a lovey day!
Love to you...

Hey "pink lady" everything was lovely! You inspire me girlie girl!
Have a Happy Saturday! And have fun junque~ing!
A beautiful post of pink pretties as always. Have a great day shopping.. Hope you find something special to bring home.
Love, love love all of your pinks Rebecca... okay, I am off to Ross today to hunt down some of those jars! And a BIG Happy Birthday to your precious little Miss K today!... Hugs and kisses to her!... xoxo Julie Marie
Happy PINK Saturday Rebecca! What totally yummy pinks you have shared today! I Love those Jars, I really need to go to Ross more often, that was an amazing price. And that crown, SIGH! Now I have a question, I have several metal lids and some other misc. things I need to paint, do you use spray paint or paint in a can, what brand? And do you use a sealer? Oops, sorry, that was more like 3 questions! Thanks for sharing all these great PINKS and Have a wonderful weekend, Nan
Love that box and pillow. I too wonder why people have notions for so many years. Then I look around and see how I'm a shopping addict when it comes to craft things. To use it all, I'd have to live to
200, so one day I'm sure someone will be buying my treasures and wondering why I didn't just use it already too!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Rebecca-Just a beautiful post as always. I love those old sewing trims too...and have a huge box full of antique buttons.
Would you believe that I have my grandmothers old FREE sewing machine. It was the ONLY thing I wanted from her house. She never had an electic machine and I can still see her sitting at that treadle machine sewing aprons...and they usually had rick rack on them somewhere!;>) I never realized until she was gone how very sweet and precious she was. My sewing machine sits in the garage just as I come in so I see it every time I come into the house. I have often thought of painting it but have hesitated to do so. Hugs- Diana
Oh my goodness Rebecca,
I have gone back
and looked and looked
at your gorgeous
things ~
You are so very
talented sweet friend !
Gorgeous pinks as always! I love visiting your blog...your posts are always so lovely! I love the story of your mother and ric rac..too cute!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Rebecca, I smiled when I saw your vintage supplies as this week I played with some of my own vintage seam bindings that "back in the day" cost only 19 cents. I made the most gorgeous "crinkle ribbon" with it which will make wonderful flowers, I"m sure..Debbie (Maine)
So many cute, pink things. Thank you for sharing with us. HPS!
Hello Rebecca!
What lovely "PINK" things you have they are all so SWEET!!!
You have such talent!
Love all your pinks. The old sewing notions are a favorite of mine.
Happy Pink Saturday.
My favorite is the pink box!!! All of your work is exquisite....
Wow! What some awesome pinks! Being a sewer/crafts person I really love the vintage pink sewing notions!!
What beautiful Pink treasures you have on your blog!!
So pretty~~
Love your worship music on your blog too:))
Happy Pink Saturday!!
Kay Ellen
Good morning Rebecca....I can't believe I haven't stopped by here more often......your blog is so BEAUTIFUL...Dreamy pinks......!!!!!!
Ohhhh, I just love all your treasures! The pink rick-rack in all sizes! Wow! Your sachet is just beautiful,girl. The jars? Just gorgeous...and the painted box? Of course, that is beautiful too. I always enjoy my visits here.
God bless you and happy pink saturday,
So many pretty pinkies that you have shared with us today!!
Loving the jars and that sweet box!!
Debbie @A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
Love all the vintage sewing goodies. Especially the jumbo rick rack. All my clothing when I was a child was trimmed with rick rack by may grandmother. Of course they were made from feed sacks as well. But I know there was lots of love in each seam.
Be still my heart what a gorgeous post! As always you are so delicately talented!
Love it!
Hi Rebecca! although I visit and drool over your things all the time, I don't comment very often, but today I thought I'd just stop and tell you how much I enjoy your stories and the beautiful treasures you create! xo Paulette
Everything is beautiful!! Oh, I love finding vintage sewing notions! That was quite a haul! Wasn't your hubby going back to school? How is that going?
I really don't know anyone who does pink better Rebecca!!!
I am coveting...ahem...I mean crushing on those jars you found at Ross'. I love that store.
So many pretty pinks, not sure which I like best, they are all great.
Happy PS
All your pinks are just scrumptious and your store is just full of wonderful things. I am like a kid in a candy store there!!! That crown candle holder is to DIE FOR!! Thanks for sharing all the beauty you show us each time you post. You are sooooo talented lady!!!
Hugs to you
Hi Rebecca,
I adore jars too! Your post today was full of pretty eye candy! Thanks for sharing. Thanks for visiting me!
Little Sweet Pea is enjoying her first "snow"...all 10 inches of it! She "leaps" to get around.
Have a lovely Sunday!
deb :)
Love all your pinks especially the painted box. Happy Pink Saturday.
I would surely say you are the Queen of Pinkdom today Miss Rebecca!!
I just love finding and receiving vintage sewing notions especially when they're PINK!! Have a wonderful week~end!!
Huggs, Nancy
You have some of the sweetest pink things to share with everyone! How can anyone not love pink? Love the jars, especially since you got such a great deal on them!
Gorgeous pinks! Love the cute jars!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love all of your pink things. The canisters are so pretty now with the new pink lids. I wish that we had a ROSS store around here. lol...Maybe that's a good thing that we don't.
Lee Laurie
You make everything that you touch look better! I love the things you do and am so glad that you share them with us on here! Thank you.
So sweet! Thank you for sharing...and for stopping by my blog to wish me a Happy Pink Saturday. Every visit to your blog encourages me and I so appreciate that!
Sorry I'm just getting around...I think I overdid it last week and it caught up with me this weekend...of all weekends!
Rebecca, I wasn't able to get here on Saturday, but you have shown some beautiful pink things. I am so in love with pink now, but can't seem to find any around here. A trip to Vancouver, Wa. might help because my daughter seems to find pink things for me. Hugs, Pat
Hi Becky--
Love your post and the comments about "Rick Rack." LOL It is true, I often used the Terms "Loving Touch of Home," however, it is not one of my favorite comments. LOL
I love this trimming and it is a nice embelishment, but not on calico or cotton prints. I feel the same about sewing lace on this kind of fabric.I guess it is a matter of choice.
I have some lovely aprons my aunt Helen made using gingham and Rick Rack and I am an avid collector or vintage yarn, thread and sewing notions. I guess it runs in the family. LOL
Thanks for sharing all
your "PINKS," I love them.
Hugs-- Mom
Still trying to catch up on all your past posts that I missed while loving on our new little grandson!!
Such pretty pinks here! Girl, you've got me heading to Ross TOMORROW!! Hope I can find some goodies there. The glass jars and glass bottles with crystals are just beautiful! Love your sweet pillow that is now in Italy and that sewing box, too!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
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