(Lots of effort...Only a few bucks!)
For a far back as I can remember I've loved to create pretty things. Back in 1978 when I was a young bride I recall looking far and wide for the perfect Christmas wrapping paper in hopes of matching it to a fifty yard bolt of vintage sagey green (and simply divine) floral ribbon I had purchased at a garage sale.
(Ten little sweet-treats laying in a line
Rebecca ate one and then there was nine...
And then eight...seven...six...) :)
During those early days of my, um, 'adulthood', the majority of Christmas decorations were offered up primarily in Chinese reds and bright kelly greens. There was NOTHING on the market that even remotely matched my ribbon.
(Drizzled with Pink Chocolate)
My Mr. AGPMan and I ended up wrapping our gifts in plain white paper (I'm not 100% sure but I THINK we got it FREE from the small-town Butcher!) just so I could use that ribbon!
~Uh-Oh...A BLOW OUT! Eeek!~~
(Guess who ate this one? No! Not me! Mr. AGPMan!)
The bows were big and fluffy and I added tiny specks of glitter to the the paper for a little bit of bling (only it wasn't called bling back then, just GLITTER)!
(Dipped Pretzels)
Now that I think about it I'm quite sure my guy had absolutely NO IDEA where life with this "High Maintenance Gal" of his was going to take him...
(I was an early non-conformist! :) )
(Cut paper to fit cello bag of your choice)
Tip: I print my own paper using my color copier
So...you know by now I love pink! Right? I'm also into starting EARLY on projects that might normally usher stress into my life. Stress and I don't mix well, you know? Can you relate?
Now...to avoid it at all costs I do not wait until December 23rd to begin planning gifts for my friends and neighbors, co workers, paper boy, mail carrier, etc. I plan and create EARLY so I can truly enjoy the Season of Light with JOY!
This year I decided to create a popular treat found in many boutiques and high-end specialty shoppes! This idea is NOT original, but for the life of me I can't remember when or where I first saw it! I modified what my mind recalls and this is what I came up with!
(Pretzel dipping is easy!)
I started with regular full sized pretzel sticks and cut them in half with a bread knife. The traditional twisted chocolate covered pretzels you see were purchased at ROSS (on the gourmet aisle) for $3.99. You can also dip your own if you desire!
(Did you know the pretzel shape, the twisted one, was created by French Monks from left over bread dough for children? They were made to look like children crossing/folding their arms in prayer!)
(Did you know the pretzel shape, the twisted one, was created by French Monks from left over bread dough for children? They were made to look like children crossing/folding their arms in prayer!)
After dipping the tips of the pretzels in melted chocolate (follow package directions) I coated them in a variety of decorative sugars. For the "striping effect" I filled a small pastry bag with the melted white and regular chocolate (don't forget to tint some PINK) and just went 'back and forth' over the ends until I got the look I wanted).
(Don't forget to punch a hole for your ribbon and decorative motifs... If you love the romantic look then try using paper doilies for an inexpensive embellishment! Dollar Tree has GREAT doilies for $1 (no duh!))
After your decorated pretzels have cooled and dried (a couple of hours) you are ready to slip them into your paper-lined cello bags. Embellish as desired!
(A single large pretzel looks fabulous, too!)
I chose to add a customized Angel Tag to my treats and included a small snowflake danglie as well! I love both sheer mist and rayon ribbon so I used them both!
Softly painted jingle bells also make sweet embellishments (see bag on upper left)! Yummo!
~TWO by TWO~
(Or...One by One!)
Now...don't feel like you need to fill your bags to full and overflowing! I think they look simply charming when you only add a couple of the pretzel sticks to each bag or a single larger pretzel!
The idea here is to let people know you love and appreciate them!
(A sticker is the perfect final touch!)
The last thing I added was a personalized sticker. You can also use pre-fab snowflake stickers which I think would look absolutely wonderful! :)
OK Peeps! That's it for today! De-stress your life! Start early and plan ahead! You're sure to love celebrating more than ever the birth of the King of Kings!
I'm back in my studio today and will be uploading hand painted pretties this evening! Check them out at my A Gathering Place website when you have time!
Blessings for a lovely day!
Love to you...

So beautiful. I am trying to get things done early too, so I can enjoy the holidays a little more. :)
You are a gal after my own heart!!! What lucky friends you have too!!
These treats are just the cutest things ever! Love them all and they look sooo yummy!
i am going to try and replicate that,
because it's just so pretty! thank
you for the step by step instructions.
as a hopelessly uncreative person,
i need those!
What a wonderful treat for a co-worker! Thanks for the idea. Your's look sooooo pretty! You are so artistic!
Thanks for the ideas, Rebecca...I so love coming here...it is like I know you from the warmth and sharing that you give to all of us. I hope it is alright to try and copy this to give to my co-wokers-what a great idea. hugs-Diana
NanaDiana and EVERYONE ELSE~
COPY ALL YOU WANT! Whoot! Whoot! GO FOR IT! You know you can!
Ah, only you could come up with pink chocolate! You're something else, girl.
Hello,dearest Rebecca!!!
Just beyond great advices and HOW unbelivebly nice is it:-)*
I always admire you creative mind and your blessed wonderful heart!
Looks as a Fairy Tale ,magic nice:-)))*
My warm hugs and Love to you,
I make the pretzels every year but have never packaged them so pretty. Thanks for all your tips. Each one is perfect!
I LOVE chocolate covered pretzels.... the sweet/salty is the best! Your packaging is to die for!!! So pretty!!
Thanks Rebecca.... for your sweet comments on my little Lily.
The pretzels look beautiful AND delish! Thank you sharing this idea. The glitter sugar looks very pretty on the sticks.
I made the chocolated covered pretzels before and it is VERY time consuming but it was a lot of fun. And people love getting gifts like this.
Have a great day girl!
Yum! they look so sweet, you hate to open them!!
Rebecca ~
Those are absolutely
beautiful and precious !
Girl you make anything
look lovely ~
Totally sublime, Rebecca and as beautiful as the person who made them!!! You amaze me!!!
These are so beautiful, the packaging looks amazing and you almost wouldn't want to open them (almost). You make everything look so lovely and feminine and pink (my favourite colour)
Those look so pretty and yummy too! I love that idea. I love the simplicity and the details in them. What sweet treats. Have a pretty pink day xxx
AH Rebecca, those pics do NOT help anyone trying to keep from adding poundage during the Holidays. I love pretzels anyway. add chocolate to mix and all the other goodies and it is a lost cause. They would have never made it to be photographed. Those little darlings just say 'Merry Christmas' !!
Thank you for the fabulous homemade gift idea!! I LOVE it! And will be making some for Christmas treats for loved ones.
Big hugs, sherry
Wonderful idea..Rebecca, you are always thinking out side of the box. I love the packaging..Okay, I am off to Hobby Lobby to search for glass jars for the Sugared Pecans and cello bags for the pretzels. Thanks always for sharing and letting a novice like myself realize that some things are possible to create :)
Carol from
Good 'Ol Texas
Thanks for sharing tips and tricks! I am getting in my Christmas groove early this year to de-stress also! I love pretzels and always make the chocolate covered ones, they just aren't so pretty like yours. I'll have to give the decorating a try! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
Hi. . .I'm Pat. I visited your blog today because I'd read what you wrote to Barb @ Bella Vista. You, dear one, have a tender, kind heart. I consider Barb a dear and treasured friend. Thank you for being a "breath of fresh air" in today's society. Your blog is calling me back for another visit when time allows. Gorgeous and elegant!
What a great and lovely idea...(and I'm sure yummy too) Jill
who loves Pink and Lace...
Oh Rebecca, those are just beautiful! I love pretzels and I love chocolate... so I don't think mine would make it past the cooling stage, I think I would have eaten them all! You have packaged those up so pretty!... what a wonderful, heartfelt gift to receive... xoxo Julie Marie
Dear Sweet Rebecca, Love your gift ideas !!! I to make chocolate decorated pretzels at Christmas time. but my favorite and easiest PINK gift treat to make is ---
Peppermint Bark.
Just melt the white chocolate (or almond bark) and add some crushed peppermint sticks, spead on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper and chill for a few minutes. When set, break into pieces and it is ready to package.
Thank you for all that you share .
Hugs, Carol
What a great idea!!! Those are so pretty & in stores so expensive!!! LOVE IT!! Thank you for sharing & suggesting this. Easy but, wonderful. And you are right... the less stress the better. HUGS!
I made my pretzels last night and they turned out sooo cute! I had some paper doilies I had picked up at an estate sale and i used the same ribbon you did....They look mighty fine! I have a whole box of them, I will use for hostess gifts and to add to other presents. Thank you they are wonderful!!
What a great treat idea! And I just love pretzels! Kit
Thanks for sharing your treats and packaging ideas! Where do you get the pretty sprinkles and sugars ?
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