George Bernard Shaw maybe said it best...
"The perfect love affair is one which is conducted entirely by post."
I've shared with you before that my hubby and I spent over fifteen months doing little more than writing love letters to one another during our dating years. We got to know each other so well through our written words and believe them to be at least one of the reasons we've had a long, happy marriage. By the time we said our vows in 1978 it felt like we'd already experienced a lifetime of talking and sharing.
I will treasure those love letters of our for all my life. When I reread the words written by such a young hand I realize the feelings in my heart for my young college-student boyfriend are no different than those I hold today for my now aging beau...
Now...I love celebrating love! I love reading about love, poetry about love and talking about love. And, I love the back-story of lovers that have gone on before me.
Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning were both established poets when their courtship through correspondence eventually led to their marriage in 1846. I suppose it's only fitting that a romance between two great poets started on paper...
In 1845, Robert Browning wrote a letter of admiration and thanks to Miss Elizabeth for her mention of him in a poem. Her response to him began a long exchange of letters and visits from Mr. Browning.
How romantic is that?
Miss Elizabeth, who was practically an invalid due to a serious fall, was living with her very possessive father who forbade her to marry. The two finally eloped and moved to Italy, where Miss Elizabeth and the talented Mr. Browning continued to write. Her father never forgave her and never spoke to her again (how very sad!).
(This is on my Christmas List)
To raise the spirits of her husband after his mother died, Miss Elizabeth presented him with a collection of her poems called "Sonnets from the Portuguese". They were given in reference to the way he lovingly called her "my little Portuguese" because of her dark complexion.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning died in her husband's arms :...( in 1861, after a long illness. They had been married only 15 years. Following her death Mr. Browning moved back to England with their son, where he finally achieved success and respect equal to his wife's. He passed away in 1889 still adoring and missing his beautiful Elizabeth.
Below is my favorite poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. It is often read at weddings and celebrations of love. It was penned while being courted by Mr. Browning around 1845 and it's one of her most beloved poems today.
(Sonnet 43)
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Some words by Mr. Browning...
"What's the earth
With all it's art, verse, music worth~
Compared with love,
found, gained, and kept?
~Robert Browning
Blessings today as you celebrate life and loving...
Just because.
Love to you...

Beautiful post -
What a sweet post!!!
I think these days so many people are not sentimental and try to hide their feelings.
Thank you for sharing!
I LOVE that you are so in LOVE with LOVE! And..this is a LOVE-ly post. I LOVE coming here to visit you- LOVE, Diana
Hi sweet Rebecca,
What a beautiful and romantic post...Ahhhhh! I too keep love letters my hubby wrote to me while we were dating. As a matter of fact for our first Christmas married he put together a scarpbook for me with letters I had written him and letters he had written back...How sweet is that? Thank you so much for such a lovely post. You have made my day...I'm a hopeless romantic, what can I say.
Hugs and Kisses,
Beautiful post, Rebecca!! I loved the history...did not know all of that! *blush*
Sometimes, I am in disbelief when I stop in at your blog....there are so many things that are so so similar in us. Your handwriting is identical to mine....AND THE LITTLE DRAWING OF THE FLOWER IS EXACTLY EXACTLY WHAT I DOODLE ALL THE TIME!! I have EVEN put it on cards as well!!
The trees you found at Target are the ones I saw last week too....I thought I have to come back and snatch all of them up! Would be pretty to have clusters of them around the house! So pretty in pink!
Hugs to you!!
Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
Lovely, Rebecca! Such wonderful thoughts for the day.
I still believe letters are the way to go,especially for those so much younger than us. It's such a different way to know each other through texting and emailing, etc.
But I'm glad it's there for blogging!!
Hi Rebecca,
You know I am just now thinking I never received the beautiful Santa cards from your give-away! And then I thought...oh, well, how am I going to receive them if I don't give you my address!! LOL!! Okay, blonde moment!! :)
Can you email me...when I tried just now to email you ...and little bleep comes up saying I have to register with Outlook. I just got a new computer and don't have the Outlook set up ....and I can't figure out how to get your email adrs without that coming up! :)
My email address is carolynneal@gmail.com or cottagesunshinegal@gmail.com
I know you have been super super busy to not have noticed....I see all of the beautiful things you have made. I start my job soon and when I do....I will buying some things off your internet store! :D
Love you!
Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
What a gift to find your other half. A rare and wonderful thing. There is an old movie I just LOVE about Elizabeth. She had an overbearing father. I wish I could remember the name of it!
Dearest Rebecca, thank you for your sweet comment to me.
I have long known you are there....your spirit is quiet but stronger than you know.
Thank you for your prayers during my time of rest.
Beautiful post today, Rebecca...
no wonder I always look for your blog daily...you write of such interesting little tidbets of love sentimentality and giveness of self
to others...it inspires me to try to be more like that than the ME I am now!!!!
I have always loved the poem you shared today....thanks!!
Have a loving weekend with your sweetheart.....Hugs from Francy
I just love this post, and I can so relate to it... My husband and I (also when we dated), wrote to each other for a good 8 months before we finally were able to move in with other (we lived 6 hours apart, so we only saw each other once in a while). Oh how I loved to get his letters, my whole day was so bright and good reading them. Still have them and I will always keep them, near and dear.
Lovely post honey. I am glad you shared this with us
Sweet post...I loved reading about Elizabeth and Robert's romance and yours! Beautiful!
What a lovely post, Rebecca! I too love Elizabeth's poem, Sonnet 43!
How honored Brazil (and I) are-Portuguese is first on the list!
This is a lovely, lovely post. True love is an amazing & beautiful thing.
I embroidered that poem for my DH several years ago. He put it on the wall by his side of the bed. :)
Hi Rebecca,
Just a beautiful post. I love all things around love too and have the book you speak of. It is lovely and one of my cherished books.
Love letters are very special too and I know you cherish yours.
Have a wonderful weekend and blessings always.
Love to you, Celestina Marie
Beautiful post MsR! I know for hubs and I, I wrote poetry as I found a comfort in my words building a dream for the future. It always felt more real to me to put my thoughts to paper and hold on to the hope, faith & dream. To this day I still jot down a line or two here and there for him. I love the history you share with this post! Hugs. Tammy
What an utterly romantic story, Rebecca. Bittersweet and romantic - and you told it so beautifully. My hubby and I have kept many of the cards that we've given each other during our 30 years together. I still love to re-read them! :)
xoxo laurie
Hi Rebecca! I just love this post! It is so Rebecca-esque!! I just had this thought! If they stuck you in your vein, I think you would bleed romance and pink flowers!! {smile}Everything you post just exudes loveliness and thoughtfulness! Always a delight sweet friend!
Many blessings right back to you!
Love and hugs,
What a beautiful post. I love hearing how two people love and cherish each other even after death. It is so precious and rare nowadays.
My husband gives me cards on Christmas', birthdays and anniversaries and he always picks out the cards with the perfect verses. He also adds a few lines of his own. Which makes them really special to me. I have saved everyone and always will.It is wonderful to love someone deeply and to be loved in return just as much.
I enjoyed learning more about Robert and Elizabeth.Thank you for sharing a very sweet post.
What a lovely post, thank you for sharing. Hugs!
Sweet thoughts and beautiful words! You are truly blessed to have the letters you've written one another.....what a treasure!
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