There was once a time when I spent the majority of my days whining about how life wasn't fair.
No kidding. I did.
I was always comparing myself to those around me...feeling 'less than' and insignificant. At the very least it seemed to me that EVERYONE on the planet had MORE than I did in one way or another...
Somebody was smarter.
Somebody was cuter.
Somebody was richer...
More talented, gifted and wise.
Someone was taller.
Someone was thinner.
Someone was faster...
More compassionate, well liked and driven.
Someone else always seemed to win the race.
Grab the prize.
Take the bow.
Garner the praise.
And then one day, actually not so long ago, I realized I needed to get a clue!
Life isn't fair and it's never going to be fair. Not in any shape, form or from any direction.
I live in the inconceivable grace of God every day of my life. And that my friend...
Isn't fair either.
"For I know the plans I have for you." declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
Love to you this awesome Sunday...

In those days when you pray, I will listen....
R, this is one of my all time favorites in the bible. I'm not sure if we are suppose to have favorites, but I do.
I learned long ago life is not fair but but it is all a plan to reach a higher calling. Keeping faith when the world seems against you is difficult, but I have learned over time, HE is unwavering in his promises. So pray I do & faith I keep. I KNOW his plan will be revealed in HIS time.
It really IS an awesome Sunday and one of the awesome things about this Sunday is you, Rebecca! Nope, life isn't always fair and to must seem totally unfair. But...and this is the strange part..where we are is where we are supposed to me, or so I've been told. I have often wondered about that one. Lots of food for thought there.
Have another blessed day and enjoy every single moment.
Sending loving thoughts your way this beautiful morning..
Good Morning Rebecca!
What an inspiring blog this morning!
Thank you for sharing!
You are SO right...we have to be so thankful in everything. It wasn't fair for Jesus to have to die for OUR sins either...but HE did.
Struggling these last few months of finding my blessings has been hard but through our precious Lord we CAN do anything. Even when it seems unfair.
I also like the scripture "Blessed is the man (woman) who perseveres under trial, because when he (she)has stood the test, he (she) will receive the crown of life that God had promised to those who love Him. And Rebecca, I'm standing on this promise!
Thank you for your wonderful post, dear girl.
Have a blessed SONday.
It would never occur to me that you could have been a whiner! You are the sweetest person I've never met! But you did get the message across. Thank you.
Have a wonderful Sunday, Rebecca!
Hi there, Love this post. Have a blessed day.
Hugs, Noreen
Thanks for sharing this wonderful message. I think sometimes it takes years of living to realize life isn't what WE consider fair. He blesses us in so many ways and peace in who we are and where we are is one of those.
Have a blessed, peaceful week.
Makes me think hard about this Rebecca.I have felt this way before not to much,but enough to make me realize that what I have in my life is all I need.I feel God has truly blessed me in many many ways.
Have a wonderful sunday!
Rebecca, this is a wonderful post, and yes, no matter what we do, God loves us and gives us his GRACE. Have a wonderful week, Nan
Wow, did that ring like a gong in my head. I have had those same feelings! Nothing like God's Word to bring us back to center again.
Blessings, Deb
You know, Life really ISN'T fair- and I don't think it was meant to be...there is always going to be someone that is older and wiser, smarter and prettier, richer and more accomplished. I think we have all compared ourselves to others and found that we come up short. (well, I'M NOT short but some of you may be-hahahaha). Anyway...I finally figured out that I am who I am, where I am for a reason...and the way I am is just how I am supposed to be!
Thanks for the lovely Sunday post...and YOU know that I think you are a very special pink-loving, sweet-as-pie lady! Hugs-Diana
Amen Rebecca! I guess that's why the Bible says..."comparing yourselves among yourselves is not wise." Nope...we will always feel like somebody has it better.
Thanks for these wise words.
Love, Linda
Oh dear Rebecca, when I was much younger I had to work so hard and never had enough to cover the bills! Everyone else had the perfect husband, the perfect life, too much money... patience my friend paid off! In God's time I got myself a wonderful husband and a comfortable life! When I was struggling I was learning to appreciate when I didn't have to struggle anymore! I wouldn't go so far as to say life is perfect but I have blessings galore:) Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
Oh my goodness, Rebecca! Last Sunday this was exactly what the pastor's message was on! Incredible message! He said that we have grown accustomed to His "grace" being the norm...our expectations become increasingly higher with His abundant blessings. When we think life is unfair, we need to hit the reset button and remember we don't deserve His grace, let alone anything else!
Hitting the reset button with you today, my friend! :)
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
Beautiful post Rebecca. Our blessings are certainly unearned and definitely not fair. Sometimes we fail to see the other side of fair. Beautiful reminder...Patty
No, life isn't fair, and it's a good thing, isn't it? Thank God for His Unspeakable Gift!
I love your, it comes when I just need a reminder of how blessed I am.....Yesterday, The Girls Gone Junkin made a choice to be in a one day show that ended up being a reallll not so good show, and then today I am under the weather with a icky feeling head cold! This just reminds me, that sometimes we just need to slow down and hear his voice, and I just did from reading your post! Cathy aka GGJ
Hi Most Beautiful Rebecca! Oh, Dear One, you're so right - life isn't fair but our most wonderful God is good! Aren't we thankful for His mercy and grace.
You know what? This is the very scripture our pastor used today for his sermon! :)
Love you, Dear One.
Shelia ;)
what a beautiful, inspiring post. I'm glad i stopped by... and following now..:)
Have a wonderful week!
Your blog is so nice to visit. Everything is so beautiful and I can see your sweet spirit in it all.
Bless you,
Life isn't fair, but it wasn't fair that He had to suffer what He did that I might have life. Oh how grateful that I am that He was willing to die that I could live. Wonderful post, Rebecca!
Such a wonderful inspiring post. I have felt that off and on in my life. My baby died and my best friends baby (born the same day, we both had girls) went on to live a full life. My son died at 27 after suffering the struggles of bullying he went through in school and childhood, never to have known adulthood and peace. God who is the creator of all thing, gave his only child (perfect)to suffer and die for the sins of our lives. God knows what we don't, eternity and what lies ahead. This life is a drop in the bucket. Should we accept good and not bad? I am so grateful that God is in control.
Funny how life only seems fair when things are going my way. I am ever so thankful that I am not getting what I truly deserve...God is good that way. Good post.
This is so true.
I have felt and feels this way. Thank you for sharing this. I guess it is not fair.
It's Tuesday..... I'm slow reading this week. Your message is so inspirational...and so true of how we tend to think sometimes.
The Jeremiah scripture is one of my favorites!
Have a great week!
life can be difficult. it's easy to whin about it and forget what's good. rose
I popped over here from Carolyn's blog. Thanks for sharing your perspective on the fairness of life. I am so thankful that God has treated me "unfairly"! His undeserved gift of grace is a blessing beyond anything I can express in words.
Living for Him, Joan
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