When my children were little we did a bunch of great Christmas-Treat-Baking inside our La Chaumière de Briarwood. Today, both my kids are phenomenal cooks and rival my abilities in the kitchen. They have perfectly appointed kitchens and aren't afraid one little bit to try something new.
Their old momma on the other hand has a tendency to stick to what she knows best! Tried and true recipes that have stood the test of time... I'm happy to leave what I call the complicated stuff to my son, Brandon, and my daughter, my AdrieGirl.
When I was a young bride I learned to bake a little bit and would scour the Dallas Morning News for recipes to try out on my Mr. AGPMan (only he wasn't called that back then!). The recipe I'm sharing with you today came from that well known Texas paper back in 1979 or so...
Thirty plus years ago I copied it onto a little personalized recipe card one of my friends ordered from some mail order company... Today it's ratty and torn up but I love using it anyway!
Don't be tempted to taste the batter! You might get that 'sow-stuff' from the raw eggs! That would be terrible!
They smell soooo heavenly while baking!
Be patient!
And there you have it! A sweet treat for neighbors and friends! Now...don't faint when I tell you this but I'm not a chocolate lover (I told you NOT to faint!). I like it well enough and all, but I can take it or leave it if I must! But this kind of cookie...well, I could eat enough to make me senseless if I'm not careful!
Blessings for a lovely day...Happy Monday!
Love to you...
Need to say this....Mmmmmmmm.... Yummy ! ! !
Now I will say this..... our little secret .... (and anyone near me during the holidays season)....ho...ho....ha....ha....
What is it????
I am horribly lactose intollerant....
What to eat during the holidays??? Anything & everything..... Oey..... LOL!!
Happy Holidays ! !
Marilyn ROFLMBO ! ! ! !
I can't get over how clean your oven is!! This time of the year I have to use cookie sheets just to keep the overflowing stuff off the bottom of the oven - since it is self cleaning (love that type of thing) I probably shouldn't worry so much. Guess I have found a better use of my cookie sheets - will definitely try this recipe.
Christmas Blessings,
To Brenda: A dirty oven grosses me out! I don't know what it is. AAHHAHAHAHAHAH Truly...if it gets a little bit grimy then I have to clean it. I'm not OCD but I'm telling you when it comes to my oven I think I might be!!!
That said...I use tin foil on the bottom whenever something is SPILL-ABLE!!!
I want to go in the kitchen and make these right now! Thank you for the recipe. I will be making them ... gotta go buy raisins!
I want to go in the kitchen and make these right now! Thank you for the recipe. I will be making them ... gotta go buy raisins!
Oh I have a self cleaning for a reason.. can't stand dirty ovens. Or oven tops.. or dip pans with aluminum foil in them. Forgetaboutit, throw them away, go to walmart and buy more. The cookies, I'm going to make some for us and hubs work. I'll let you know how they go over! Hugs. Tammy
Can I assume.. 350 degree oven? thank you. T
Hi Rebecca~Yummy!!! thanks for sharing, I also could take or leave chocolate :) Im not big on the stuff like many others.....ekkkk!!!
Funny but we have another thing in common, I hate.hate hate a dirty over it just turns my stomach......I use an oven liner, I purchased at Bed bath and beyond :)
Have a great day!!
oooooohhhhhh, these look yummi!!!!!
I have to make this ones! Yummy!
Best wishes!
Oh Rebecca, thanks so much for stopping by and reading my post on Baby Amelia...and thanks for your generous $10 contribution to my cause for her. I don't actually have a Paypal account set up for business to receive payments, I can only purchase with it - as I haven't started my Etsy Shoppe yet. With my full-time banking job; I just don't have the time yet. I tend to give my Tea Cozey's and custom Photo Blank Note Cards away instead of selling them(at this time any way). If you'd like, I can email you my mailing address and you could just send a personal check...or a money order. Either one is fine. Let me know which would work best for you. Thanks for the cookie recipe, this is right up my lane! I'm not a real chocolate nut either...unless it's unsweetened dark chocolate and it's wrapped around an almond or a dark dried cherry. My eye caught your new Cupcake under the Cloche notecard/set. I'm going to check it out for a possible birthday gift for the spring. Thanks again Rebecca! Blessings...
Sounds like a great recipe. I'll have to leave out the coconut though. My husband's system can't handle that ingredient.
Yummy! Gosh honey these look soooo good...wish I were there with you so I could enjoy one of these or two. lol
Don't care for chocolate? No problem, hon. Send it all my way...I'll get rid of it for ya!
Today, I'm making a luscious peanut butter-chocolate cake that I just found on another blog. When that's gone (i.e. tomorrow), I'll make these cookies. Sheesh...I gotta stop reading blogs or I won't be able to zip my jeans!
I'll be off now...must clean my oven!
Funny, but as I was reading your blog this morning, I noticed how CLEAN your oven is!! I awoke to find (smell) something burnt in my kitchen...hubbs at it again...how one guy can demolish a clean oven and stovetop REHEATING a dish is beyond me! Thank goodness I have a self=cleaning oven, too...got it going now, but no baking now for several hours!!!!!
Those cookies look yummy!! I am not a cookie maker, but I do like to bake cakes or muffins! Maybe I will get brave and try your recipe!
Have a fun week!!! Hugs, Francy
Oh darlin', I'd throw caution to the wind and eat that fab lookin' cookie dough. I've always loved the doughs better than the cookies!
Those do look marvelously delicious!
I'm swipin' that recipe girlfriend. "K???" Heeheehhee!
God bless ya and have a wonderful day sweetie!
Have ya entered my giveaway??? Come on over...I'll set some fudge out for ya! :o)
Yummy recipe! Can't wait to try his. Thanks for a delicious post. I am having a giveaway at my blog for a vintage holiday brooch. Please stop by...
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