~Outside My College Dorm- Bethany, OK~
(EEK! My Hippie-Looking Guy)
(left click to enlarge pics!)
In just a few days my Mr. AGPMan and I will honor our life together and celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary. I'll be sharing a few more of our wedding photos later on this week for those of you who care to see them! :) It's beyond my ability to fully understand how very fast the years of our lives have passed. It's like one day my guy and I were young. And then the next day we were not. Strange as it may sound, that is exactly how we both feel.
~Parent's Backyard-Kermit, Texas~
(Gotta Love Those Shades and WHAT Was I Wearing?)
I've shared with you many times the many blessings bestowed upon me by the husband of my youth. He's like no other man I've ever known and even after all these years he continues to steal my heart away.
No doubt a gift from the Most High.
~At a Friend's Home/Oklahoma~
(I'm Wearing His Class Ring)
Over the years I've had very, very few regrets.
I'm the kind of person who makes a decision and good or not so good, live with the consequences.
~Married and On Our Own - 1979~
(Quincy Apts. Ft. Smith, AR)
I don't pine away the hours with a bunch of "Wish I Had" or "Wish I'd Done" statements and if the truth be known I would change very, very little about where the two of us have ended up today.
~Lovin' Those White Legs Shorts~
(Disneyland - 1988)
~Gone Too Soon~
(Tiny Brandon and Adrienne the Ham)
Oh...there are little things I suppose I'd do differently as there have been moments of deep despair and even a hint of sorrow sprinkled upon our path. But mostly the wise choices we made prevailed over the questionable ones and for this I'm grateful.
~Back to Cali - 1992~
(Anniversary #14)
Like I said...if given the chance I wouldn't change much at all. LITTLE things that MIGHT be on my list would be:
I'd pass on purchasing the hunter green carpet I thought I couldn't live without...
I wouldn't buy a Vega...
I wouldn't buy a Vega...
I'd have invested early on in a great camera and learned to take fabulous pictures...
I'd have invested early on in a great camera and learned to take fabulous pictures...
~Six Flags Over Texas - 1995~
(Raising a Family)
There is one BIG CHANGE I would make if given the chance...
If I could turn back the time I would do ONE absolutely HUGE thing differently...
My guy was a "Straight A Student" in college and carried a 4.0 GPA. When I met him during my senior year in high school he was a Sophomore at SNU. He was majoring in Math and Music and was extremely disciplined and focused. His hair was a dark chocolate brown and his steely blue eyes spoke nothing but truth. He was rail-thin back then despite consuming more food in one sitting than one would ever think possible. He wore a medium sized shirt (always pressed) and never once used foul language. And no matter what, nothing could or would deter him from getting his degree. Finishing his education meant everything to him and it was his #1 goal.
Or so he thought.
When I arrived on campus during the Fall of 1976 his goals and focus would soon change.
~My Brother's Wedding - 2006~
(We desperately need new pics!)
As my hero and I began to date in January of 1977 our relationship grew serious and by December of that year we were engaged.
I wanted to get married.
And soon.
And soon.
And so~a September 8, 1978 wedding date was set.
And then...
A job offer (a good one that would support a new, young wife) came out of nowhere and with it a fretful decision to leave school...
And just that quick at least one of my guy's life-long dreams came to an abrupt end.
Whenever I remember our conversation about him "withdrawing while passing" I want to...well...
What a stupid love-sick girl I was.
Now...before you start thinking "It was HIS choice, etc.!" I have to beg to differ. If I had been the slightest bit supportive of what HE wanted he'd have graduated with the class of 1978 instead of walking down the aisle of a pretty little church that was dressed all in pink.
What I know now is that our love would have waited...
And as life usually goes, the babies came and with them parenting responsibilities. Life-altering events pressed in and so did the realization that we both had a family to raise. And so we did and loved every second of it...
The years blazed by like a flash of white-lightning and my guy went on to work for two major corporations and has always made a wonderful living. He's been an outstanding father and a kind, loving, gentle husband to me during our entire marriage.
Never once complaining, I've always known that getting his degree was NOT about making more money (although I know we both would have welcomed that side benefit many times)... No... For him it was about staying true to his calling. Keeping his word. Finishing the course. Reaching his personal goals and fulfilling his dreams of an education.
Now...I suppose it's important to tell you here that my Mr. AGPMan has known for at least 25 years the raw guilt I've lugged around over being so "into myself" and not caring as I should have about his goal of walking across that stage. He knows I've blamed myself for our 'joint' (?) decision and try as he might he's never been able to convince me otherwise.
And, he never will.
Today...after literally years of praying that my guy's time would come once again I'm over-the-moon excited to share with you that yesterday he finished some required testing at our old Alma Mater and will begin an accelerated program to complete his last year of college starting in January. I was so hoping he'd be able to begin this September but the program he wants isn't offered until the beginning of the new year. While working a full time job he will be cramming a full year of studies into a very short span of time. No doubt he'll soon have lots of big fat "A's" under his belt.
(Handsome As Ever)
Yesterday evening as we talked about our newly set goals I watched as a familiar little smile began to crawl across the face of my beloved.
Has it really been over three decades since I last saw it? That indescribable look of joy that speaks softly the words only my own beating heart can hear?
"I love you MOST, Baber. I love you, MOST!"
Blessings as you remember the heart is not judged by how much it claims to love but by how much it is loved by others...
Love to you~

Rebecca...I am looking forward to your photo's. I want to cry when I see them and remember my own. Enjoy every single blessed moment with each other.
Our sweet children got together and sent us on a honeymoon on our 32nd anniversary. We had never had one. I thank God they did that for us. I will always miss him until I die.
I will be sending you loving thoughts for another 32 years of joy!
Love always,
that is the sweetest love story EVER!!! you guys are sooo perfect together...good luck to your guy in school!!!
What a lovely lovely post! I so enjoy hearing about true love, love that lasts, couples who are truly partners My first husband was a cheater, my second abusive. Although it is not for me, I teach my children it IS for them, and I am honestly thrilled to the core to hear about it for others.
I am glad your hubby is able to pursue his goal, and I hope you can forgive yourself for a decision you encouraged in your youthful experience!!
Congratulations as well!! Your photos are beautiful anyway, and I wish you many more years, and many more joys!!
I love, love, love your photos. It was like watching your family grow before my eyes. I am so very happy that he will return to complete his degree. I have always told my girls, even if you find yourself in a situation where you don't have to work, at least get your degree. It does give you that personal "umpf" to know that you accomplished that. I am so very, very happy that his (y'alls) dream will be realized!! Many congratulations!!! And this was truly a beautiful post!!!
Oh My Rebecca, What a moving and inspirational story and your youthful pictures scream out 1970's, what a beautiful journey. Now I need kleenex! Mine in some areas was similar but we married in 1961 and he went to Heaven in 1981, We had 20 wonderful years and 4 children ,the only difference is I have NO regrets or 2nd thoughts as I am blessed to have had him in my life and would do it all over again and boy were we young. 19 and 20 yrs old, but if we didn't start young we would never had enough time and I would have missed a wonderful journey, I just wished we could have grown old together, God had other plans and I have to accept even though I didn't have to like it. Happy Anniversary. Life is a precious Gift! Hugs to you sweet women and blessings and congrats to your wonderful man, he did get there and in the big picture the fact that you are still both here is is the Blessing, May you have many more wonderful years together and enjoy the treasure of LOVE. XOXO Marilou
Oh my goodness, Rebecca... I have tears from this sweet, sweet story! I love the pictures (even the bad ones) and the LOVE that you and your sweetie share is precious! It has come full circle and he will now get that degree. He will feel good for doing it but I think YOU will feel better for him doing it:) Hugs to you my dear friend and thanks for allowing me to walk thru these years with you! Have a most blessed evening!
You are just the cutest couple. This sounds so much like us. We got married after knowing each other only 3 months. He worked and went to school to finish his last year in college. We hardly saw each other. We had NO money and ate with our parents several nights a week. I'm so glad your husband is getting to live his personal goal out. Blessings to the two of you in this. God's timing is perfect.
hugs and love,
How lovely Rebecca.I cant help but think of my husband and me when I looked at your pics.LOL I will have to post my young pics sometime.My guy had a fuzzy beard to and long hair ha.Just reminded me of us.
I wish you all the best Happy Anniversary in case I forget.
Isn't it amazing the life story we weave through the years. DH & I just had our 42nd & we are both stunned that we will celebrate our 59th in 8 years... God Willing.
Loved your story...... Love You ! !
Happy Anniversary & may you have many more years together in happiness & good health!!
Rebecca, your story is amazing! I know you are so happy for him that he can finish that last year. Isn't it wonderful the knowledge we acquire as we age - and to look back and say 'if I had known then what I know now'. Congrats to your hubby, wishing him the best in his quest to complete what was started so many years ago.
I enjoyed this post and I am feeled with delight that your beloved will be going back to class,this story has made the tears cloud my eyes.Excited about future pics and post.
Hi Rebecca,
You brought tears to my eye's. I know true love, I have that with Gary and you have it with your Mr. GPA Man. I can hear it in your written voice how much you love him and he you...
You have been blessed in so many ways (Love is Beautiful!)
I had my first daughter in 1977 and my second daughter in 1979. Gary had short guy shorts too LOL.
Our girls just laugh every time they see the old 70 and 80 photo's (what were we thinking)LOL.
Happy, Happy Anniversary to two very special people.
Two thumbs up to Mr. GPA Man. My sister is 56 years old and is finishing up her Master degree!
Good luck and good for you both for following your dream of higher education.
Big hugs-Elizabeth
Hi Rebecca,
What a beautiful love story and one that I can so relate to. Mr. Sissie and I married in 1975 and your photos reminded me of ours with the clothing styles, the hairdos and the bad photo prints! LOL!
I'm so glad that your darlin can complete his dream of a college degree. Just shows it's never too late. You have been a loving supporting wife and your life together is just beginning into a new phase!
hugs sweet friend.
Congratulations to Steve - I'm so proud of him! Thank you for the sweet walk down memory lane, too!
I love you both!
that is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy that he has the courage and determination to do this!! What an inspiration!!
Hi Rebecca: What a beautiful story. You are such a sweet lady, you deserve the best and it looks like you got it. I am happy for both of you. Blesssings, Martha
Hi Rebecca, what lovely photos! I had to giggle as I had the exact same hairstyle as you back then and I also have a photo of hubby and I on a lounge at my mums's. I totally agree about feeling one day you're young and then you're not. I've been married 22 yrs and don't know where the time went. I am so happy to hear your hubby will finally fulfill his dream..even if it is a bit later than planned. I'm sure your whole family will celebrate together when he's graduated! Just a note on your previous post, those favours are just to die for.. they really are beautiful Rebecca! Always love your work! take care, Maryann
Hello,dearest Rebecca!
Congartulation with you 32 anniversery day,my beautiful friend!!!
What a great and graceful post:-)*
You and you Hero looks amazingly happy and absolutely fabulous Familie!!!
You can be very proud of you life and you familie,Oh,I enjoed these post beyond much:-)))*
I understand a lot of what you said. I too have very few regrets, but I am sorry that I didn't finish my college ed. My husband did though. Finally finished after he got his Doctorate. Congrats to your hubby for going back....but I differ with you on one thing....I would have married my husband even sooner if I could have!!! And deep down, I think you feel the same way!! When you love someone like we loved our sweeties, it would have been almost impossible to wait one day longer. Every day with them is one more precious day together...I want sooooo many more!!! We have something very special....we are so blessed.
Oh Rebecca this is truly one of the most beautiful, touching, inspiring, amazing posts I've read in a long while!
Congratulations on your anniversary, Rebecca. The longer I have been married, the more special they become. It will be 24 years in December. I so enjoyed the story of your journey together. To me, true love prevailed and just maybe, your husband knew that someday he would achieve his goal. In any event, I am so happy for you both. You look like a such a sweet couple!
My Darling Rebecca,what a beautiful post and thank you for all the kind words. You have been the most incredible wife and outstanding mother I have ever known. I do not understand however, how I keep getting older and you just stay as beautiful as ever.
Thank you so much for caring about the fulfillment of my studies. I am very excited but nervous at the same time and I know it will be very difficult as many honey-dos will have to be put on hold during this time.
Thank you for your love and support. I appreciate it more than you could possibly know.
However, I am going to tell you for the gazillionth time that my leaving school was not your fault as I became very ill from my rigorous schedule and the doctor told me I had to quit work or quit school. Since I had to eat and pay bills it was not much of a choice. And then, as you have already pointed out.....life got in the way as it always does. But, I would not have it any other way and God always provided whatever we needed and usually, just in time. :-)
You always amazed me how you could do so much with so little whether it was decorating, making the most gorgeous dresses for Adrie, or preparing tasty meals out of whatever we had at the time. Which often times wasn't much. By the way, when are you going to make me those little miniature "tuna on rye" sandwiches again. He! HE!
All my love my darling and Happy 32nd. WOW!!!!! Did I say 32nd??
This is a beautiful post!!! And I am rejoicing with you over the fact that Mr. AGP Man will be getting his degree after all.
Remember your recent post about letting go of your business...God is already blessing that decision, isn't he? With you less stressed from being pulled in too many directions, you will be able to support and help your husband as he marches toward his goal.
By the way, you have a very handsome husband...I think he's better looking now than in your dating days...though maybe that's because I kind of gag over almost all the 70's styles now, especially 70's hair. Or maybe it's because my own dear husband has gotten some gray, and I think he's even better looking now than when I met him. Men with gray are just so dashing and handsome, aren't they?
Anyhow, thank you for sharing your beautiful story and your wonderful news.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us, this is truth and real love, you both grew into wonderful people, and praise God he will still be able to make his dream come true. I understand this, having been married to the love of my life for 28 yrs. I met him when I was a very "mature" :0 20! OH the lessons we have learned...
Blessings on you both!! (And yes, he is a hunk, you blessed girl you!)
Rebecca-What a wonderful,heartwarming story of love and growth-together and individually...as husband and wife and dad and mom. I am so glad that he is going to have a chance to realize his dream...as you have realized yours in becoming his wife and mom of those beautiful children.
True love is a blessing that many search for their whole lives and never find-they settle and, in doing so, are never completely at peace with their decision-always wondering about the "what-ifs".
Thank you for the wonderful tribute to your husband and the testimony of marriage as it should be~but seldom is....
And, hey...how did we get from sweet young babies to slightly aged babes? Diana
Rebecca...Look here at all of us girlfriends tearing up over your beautiful story of your life together! We are all a bunch of sentimental gals! (:>)
But it is such a beautiful love story. I also enjoyed the pictures as they progressed and showed your years together.
I have to say that YOU are even more lovely as you age...How do you do that? (:>) And you two make a handsome couple.
It is fun to see the old hairdos and style. When I married my husband he had an Afro and a full beard...so we have similar pictures of us.
We just had our 34th Anniversary, and we are more in love than ever before.
Thanks for writing this post.
I'm going to kiss my honey as soon as I see him! (:>)
Happy Anniversary!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I'm wiping the tears from my eyes to your beautiful story.
Wisdom is so much easier in hindsight, but you must wonder if that urgent feeling was not an instinct or drive which was a blessing by God. Perhaps the events which in hindsight were not the wisest course to take was prevention of something horrible which may have occurred.
I loved Gunne Sax dressed also:-)
Blessings to you and your dear husband.
Rebecca I think its just great that your husband is going to do this! Now your heart will rest at ease. God bless you both. Looking forward to more pics of your wedding day.My hubby and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary, but we've been together for 18 years. I love him more today than I did then.
Rebecca; What a sweet love story,,, thank you so much for sharing it with us... your family photos are so beautiful,,,, so full of joy and love. How Blessed you both are.... and how exciting that he is going back to school.....
This is a true love story and how wonderful your dh is going to study and complete his college degree. Let the guilt fly away and you two will have much to celebrate.
What a beautiful, heartfelt post Rebecca... and I am so happy for yoru Mr. AGP getting to realize his dream soon... I am sad to hear that you have carried the blame for his leaving school for all of these years, as in my eyes, you are one of the most unselfish ladies I have ever known, and I know MR. AGP knows that as well... Happy, happy anniversary to you both... you are gorgeous and he is so handsome... "and the greatest is love"... blessings to you... xoxo Julie Marie
Well here I sit teary eyed and cant see what Im writting. Awe I remember the selfish days..my dh just back from Vietnam and couldnt go anywhere do anything because of panic attacks...oh was the fighting on. I wanted to go places do everything..he couldnt even keep a job at the Railroad because of the loud noises...boy was I an idiot..but 42yrs later and he is soo much better...we do lots now...I sure do relate to your story...happy anniversary...you are certainly blessed..some how we make it dont we?
Your best post ever~! I too was in a rush to marry and have babies I can so relate.
Rebecca, what beautiful children you have. But of course, look at their gorgeous momma and poppa.
My biggest regret was that I did not finish my university education, so I know exactly what Mr. AGP Man is feeling in his heart. It's not just something one wants to do, it is something one has to do. He will do it, and he is so lucky to have you to support him.
Best of luck to you both.
Oh Rebecca... I was in tears after reading your post but after reading the loving comment from your sweet hubby... sniffs turned into the ugly cry! What a beautiful story!! You have touched my heart so deeply this evening.
My sweet Wes & I have been married for 31yrs and I feel the same way about him. I have always called him My White Knight In Shining Armour. We've been down some tough roads but never gave up til it was smooth again. And that's what it's all about isn't it... for better for worse, richer or poorer, sickness & health...
God bless your hubby's new adventure to finish his learning years in college. Just remember, he's been doing "on job training" all this time!!
Love & hugs, Sherry
What a great post, filled with love and memories. So glad Mr.AGP is going to fulfill his dream and goal. I am sue he will have A's under his belt, you will be sure he studies and he will appreciate this opportunity. Lots of years of love represented in those photos, here's to many more.
Love to you,
Oh Rebecca..... this is the sweetest love story and pictures!!! I love looking at all the wonderful pictures of yesterday and today.
I agree with you on the camera, film and developing quality though..... sure wish we had the technology at that time that we have now... oh well, I'm glad we have what we have.
The relationship that you have with your MrAGPMan reminds me so much of mine and David's love story..... we are truly blessed!
I'm so happy that your husband can fulfill his dream of finishing school and also take away your unwarranted guilt.
What a great story, it is never to late to fulfill your dreams. You get another chance, for one year you will completely support him. you'll run all the errands, cook all the meals, and type his papers if you have to. It will release all of your guilty. I believe everything happens when it is suppose to, this is his time! Good luck.
AAAhhhh ... sniff .. sniff .. Loved this sweet heartfelt "love post" you two are adorable, and such a blessing to each other, your family, and all who are blessed enough to know you two .. An incredible team you do make !! It is a team .. right !! I LoVe you guys, and you never fail to make me crack up !! LoVe all these old photos, and what, just WHAT were we thinking, BiG hair, BiG clothes .. and I thought I looked HoT !! hahahaha .. I have to say you just continue to grow more beautiful, and that includes your BiG, beautiful heart too !!
Thanks for the giggles,and sweet words, have a beautiful anniversary week celebrating just LoVe !! xo
BiG HUgs ~TeA~
You both are showing how unselfish your hearts are through your love for each other. Sweet, sweet story.
Way back when (?) I visited my aunt in Dallas, she took me to Six Flags over Texas. Now I can't remember if it was after graduation or a couple of years later. That is a sign of being O.L.D.!! Thanks for sharing your pictures. ♥♫
Oh Rebecca ~~ what a sweet sweet tribute to your wonderful hubby. I was in tears by the end - especially when I read his comment. You two are just so very blessed, and are a testimony of your faith. It's evident in the way you write about each other. May God bless you, sweet Rebecca, with 32 more years of living in His love and grace together.
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
Hi Rebecca, A beautiful love story and brings back wonderful memories for us all through you eyes. Ours will be 47 years this October. My hubby's health isn't the best and it makes you appreciate every day that you are given. The joy of watching our children and grandchildren grow. You have a beautiful relationship that shows you will be there for each other no matter what. Congratulations on your anniversary and his going back to school. You are never to old for that. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.
Rebecca, I think what makes me come back all the time to read your posts is that you make it so relatable to everyone, but you know how to put it best in words. You really are an inspiration to so many. Thank you for never having a harsh word, just kindness .
Happy Anniversary to you both, and Congrats on returning to school .
A beautiful tribute to a wonderful husband--God bless you both!
P.S. If he can cook, I guess you can bring him too when you come to live with us. smile
What a beautiful Love story, Rebecca, I read and savored every word.I wish you and your dear husband much continued happiness, and may he be blessed as he fulfills his dream. And what a beautiful wife you are to want to have him fulfill this dream.
You have grown more beautiful and he more handsome as the years have gone by.
Much love,
Happy anniversary to one sweet lady and her dreamy hubby! I loved reading your love story. What a darling couple you have been through the years. I love visiting and wish you many more years of happiness together. God Bless both of you! Anne
Rebecca what a beautiful love story, thanks for sharing your journey together! I just love coming here to visit, it just warms my heart! Congrats to your hubby for going back to school!!! hugs~~~ Daphne
What a lovely and inspiring post! And what a nice surprise that he is going back to college. Rejoicing with you!
Gorgeous post.
So sweet.
Amazing how falling in love and the resposibility of having a family puts our dreams on hold.
Rebecca, your post brought tears to my eyes, too!! What a loving, heart-warming story of two special people!! Your Mr.AGPman wrote from his heart, too. You both are blessed to have each other and the wonderful love you have shared for 32 years....I see so much "giving" as each of you want to make the other happy...that is something so wonderful as it is not always the way it is in marriages. You can tell God is there with you and HE has blessed all that you have accompmlished.
Congratulations to Steve as he gets to fulfill his dream....I know you will be right there helping and cheering him on, just like he has always been there for you.
You two are an inspiration to all young couples on what it takes for a happy marriage to work!
Much love and warm hugs to you, sweet friend. Thank you for sharing a beautiful story.....
xxxxx Love you, Francy
this was just soo sooo sweet.....and now being married to a "college man"....soon to be graduate....kudos to both of you...
Happy Anniversary to both of you...
You brought both laughter and tears to my eyes this morning with your story. What a great love you two have. And it's never too late to realize your dreams is it? Hugs and congratulations on your anniversary.
Hi Rebecca,
What a beautiful post. Happy Anniversary! Although your husband put his dreams on hold he did it for his love for you and his family. How wonderful that he is now getting to finish his degree. He is proof that it is never too late to fulfill a dream!
Thanks for sharing the fun photos too. I loved all of your captions.
Rebecca ~
What a beautiful love story ~
ahhhhh I have tears streaming down
my face right now ~
Happy sweet anniversary and
congratulations to your husband
for his wonderful accomplishment ~
This is a FABULOUS post!! I am soo happy for you and "Steven Kent"!! A true love story for sure!! Congratulations!!
Tim and I celebrated our 27th anniversary on Friday and I am now preparing a post very similar to this one, but,You beat me to it!
Drop in in a few days and have a visit!
Warm hugs, Laura
What a beautiful story of a dream deferred and then the miraculous happening of the dream coming true. This speaks to all of our dreams that we've put on the shelf for one reason or another.A dream sometimes delayed is not always denied. Blessings on you and your sweet husband.
Rebecca, I loved your post and great blessings on your 32nd wedding anniversary. That is a wonderful accomplishment!! I hope you do something special to celebrate.
I am thrilled for your husband to realize his dream. But you both will be achieving your dreams in that one accomplishment. That celebration will be oh so sweet! You know that God has His own timing for our lives and who's to say that maybe the order of events in your life together WERE His perfect timing.
Thank you God for a precious couple!
Love, Mary
Hi Rebecca~ I just hopped over from I Owe It All To Him, where you were featured on Cindy's lovely post! Your pillow is charming! I just wanted to say this post about you and your husband and your life together is probably the sweetest I have read while blogging...I identified with it and it brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing it...I am a new follower!
Dearest Rebecca:
Another post of yours that has me crying. Your love and devotion to each other is crystal clear. I am so happy that YOU are happy for your "hero". Best wishes to AGP man and his new endeavor. I hope this helps relieve some of the pain your have carried in your heart over your early "joint" decisions.
Thanks for sharing all of your lovely photos. Looking forward to your anniversary post/pics.
Love and admiration from:
Dear Sweet Rebecca,
This was such a beautiful post and I ENJOYED so much reading your romantic story....what is so utterly sweet is that you both don't point any fingers and love each other to the fullest, unconditionally! I love his comment back to you as well!
True love in these times of divorces being so prevalent is so beautiful ...and also encouraging to this woman who has been divorced and left for another woman much younger. I have been single for some time now and have not found any one that I can trust my life with...it is encouraging to know though that there are still good men around! :)
May God continue to bless you both with such delightful happiness and devotion! Praise the Lord for His wonderous blessings and His faithfulness!!
Love & Hugs to you!
That is wonderful . As I was reading I was thinking he could go back and finish . I am so glad he is . You two are the most wonderful couple. God Bless and Congrats on a great life you have made for each other and your kids.
You made me cry but it was a good cry.LOL!
Rebecca, I have learned that with age comes wisdom. It has been my experience that in life things happen the way they are supposed to happen, and when they are supposed to happen. Also a very big lesson for me has been that when something "unique" happens, the people that are supposed to share it with you are there to share it with you. The people that need to be there will be there. Debbie (Maine)
What a beautiful tribute to your Mr. AGP Man, spoken straight from the heart. You two really are a compliment to each other,as you go through the journey in life sharing the same dreams and goals.
Take care sweet, lady.
Carol from
Good 'Ol Minnesota
That was beautiful! Congrats to the both of you.
Wow, Rebecca, You should have handed out kleenex so I could read this post--it is amazing! Happy Anniversary! And it is wonderful his dream will come true and take it from someone who knows--it's so much better to go back to school "all grown up." It makes more sense and he'll breeze through--trust me on that one!
What a gorgeous couple you are! Many blessings of happiness to you both.
just beautiful. to have a long term marriage. you both made a good decision. that husband made the decision to stop school. he is now going back, he knew he would. stop the guilt, your careers as husband and wife have given you many blessings.God Bless rose
THis was such a lovely post to read. To share in your journey of love and comittment is a blessing. Love the hairdo!! I was so into the farah flip let me tell you. Still am If I'm held to the coals of truth.. hehe. Beautiful!! Hugs. Tammy
WOW...all I can say is WOW! *That* really spoke to my heart...we have all been there...the impatience of youth...and then we see it again in our children! But are we not so very thankful for *grace*...grace from our God that covers us and *grace* from those that we have unknowingly hurt. Rejoicing with you for that grace!
Happy Anniversary!
Oh my goodness..this was a sensational post! I had to laugh about the hunter green carpet and the Vega..how cute was that??? But ya know Rebecca..ME TOO! Had them both! Ha ha ha :)) Still laughing!
But on a serious note..yours is a true love story! Thank you so much for sharing it! Hugs, Terri
Inspiration, Courage, Perseverance, Love and Honor ~ all rolled into one beautiful story!
God bless you both ~ and congratulations on a lifetime of learning!
Sweet Rebecca...
What a touching and dear tribute to your beloved...as always sharing your heart. Many blesssings to Mr. AGP as he finishes his studies. How thrilling for him...not only to finish what he started but also to be supported by an amazing wife.
Happy Anniversary Wishes..
Huggies and Lovies,
Hi Rebecca - What a beautiful and loving tribute to your MrAGP man. I know you must feel so blessed that he is able to go back to college and get that degree....You have had a wonderful and loving marriage and you can tell by the wonderful things you each say about one another. I hope you have many more years of happiness to look forward to. The 9th of this month my hubby will have been "gone" for 5 years and I miss him still so very, very much.
When he golfed he would come pulling into the drive way and if a favorite son of ours was on he would turn up the sterio really loud and that would be my Q to run out and greet him and we would dance to the song right there in the drive way. He never went to sleep at night without telling me how much he loved me
He always told me "when alal the kidsare gone - the biggest kid is left at home". We had a wondereful life and I miss him so very much. He watches over me from Heaven and I can still feel his love.
May you celebrate many, many more Haooy Anniversaries.
A nice and charming tribute to your beloved.
Happy anniversary to you
Rebecca, your story is full of true love and commitment, which speaks volumes. It is such a wonderful thing to hear! I loved reading all the comments too, that is great to know that everyone loves you and supports you too, how exciting that even 32 years later your dreams are still coming true!!
Love the photos, we all have those, not to mention the hairdos and the clothes!!!!
Thanks for the most charming post!!!
Margaret B
A beautiful tribute...the label is perfect for this post. Pure inspiration!
Happy Anniversary!!
Hello dear Rebecca,
Happy anniversary to one of the sweetest couples I know! I so enjoyed reading your love story. I married my beloved in 1979. We just celebrated our 31st anniverary on Aug 4th. I wanted to get married right away, and left work to start our little family. I had regrets about not going back, but I wouldn't change a thing now if I could. Bless your hubby on his new adventure.
Love and hugs,
Rebecca, I want to simply say, BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I cannot wait for when Mr. AGP man graduates. Blessings from him most high.....
Happy Anniversary! Love your story.
treasures said...
Congrats on your 32 anniversary! We just celebrated our 32 as well! Wishing you more continued happiness!
I just received my lovely gift today!
So, come check out my blog. Thank you so much for the lovely giveaway! You are a gifted seamstress.
~ Julie
Rebecca, this is such a tear-jerker post! I'm sitting here with tears down my cheeks. I am so happy for your sweet, loving, giving husband that he will be able to fulfill that part of his life's plans. I can tell that the two of you are so meant for each other and can predict life long happiness together. (My dh and I have been married 53 years.)
Just found your blog...(through Barb's blog) loved your pic and your stories to go with them. I'm married a very long time...I guess we all have some regrets...mine is that we never had a wedding pic taken. (We eloped) If I had it do to over again, We would still elope...so money for a wedding, etc. but I would have borrowed a camera from someone (no money to buy one)
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