To encourage you today...
A pastor tells the story of how, during the twelve years of his pastorate at one particular church, he had a custom during the Sunday morning service of calling the children forward just before his sermon so that the children could go to a special "children's church" and hear a message geared especially for them. As the children walked past the pulpit the pastor made it a point to smile at each child. In return, he received their smiles. The pastor felt it was one of the high points of the service and looked forward to it each and every Sunday.
One day, however, the pastor apparently missed smiling at one little girl. The curly-headed four-year-old jumped out of line and ran to her mother where she sobbed as if her heart was broken.
After the service the pastor sought out the mother to find out just what had happened. The mother explained that after her child had quieted down, she asked the reason for her tears.
The little girl said,
"I smiled at God today, but he didn't smile back at me!"
The pastor later reflected,
"To that little child, I stood for God.
I had failed with my smile, and so her world went dark."
Maybe SMILES are more important than we think!?
Love to you~

I think so, too. I always tell my kids this true story: I once worked in an office and sat beside a young lady ... I smiled at her every day and she NEVER returned my smile. I decided to keep smiling anyway. Some time later I was leaving that job, on my last day, that young lady came over to my desk and said, "I'm really going to miss you. Your smiles have meant so much to me." So you really never know what people are thinking or going through, and how much your unreturned smile might mean to them! Thanks for sharing this and bringing back a really good memory for me. Hugs ~ Mary
I am a smiler. People have told me several times in their lives how much they enjoyed seeing my smile.
One time my son's lunch line lady (at school) said to me...I don't know what you are always smiling about but it's like you know a joke and haven't told us the punch line yet. I loved that gal!
I think that it is so important to smile and reflect the love that God has instilled in us. xo Diana
Dear sweet lady... thank you so much for stopping by today and your heartfelt comments... of course we will be forever friends!... and that goes for Miss K as well... I will still visit often... I am sad over doing this and have cried alot... but yes, today you made me smile... xoxo... Julie Marie
What a dramatic story! Just one little missing smile caused such sadness, and this shows how powerful our smiles can be.
This is a powerful reminder who important a smile is!
In my old age I find that smiling raises the wrinkles around my mouth just a bit. I'm smiling more now than any other time in my life.
Sometimes I forget to smile & then DH says "What's wrong?" I then realize that nothing is wrong & feel so bad that I worried him if even for a moment.
I love this story....
That is very powerful!
They certainly are important!!
And somehow, even when I am down, He manages to give me some to share.
blessings sweet lady
barbara jean
I've always thought that a smile was a hard thing to give away as you always get one back! sandie
Dearest Rebecca,
A smile is the cheapest GIFT we can pass on... It keeps our faces UPlifted as well as our spirits.
Love to you,
I am normally always smiling :) and I just loved your story too :) love mouse xxx
Beautiful story...Thank you for the reminder that even the littlest things we say or do have an effect on others...
Hi Rebecca~
A smile is free and an easy gift to everyone ;)
Good afternoon my Rose lovin friend! Stop by and see me today.. I am sharing my Vintage Rose postcard collection with everyone. I hope you enjoy them, I know you will find a good use for the images. Take care!
A smile, the touch of hand or a gentle hug. They can make all the difference to someone. I am learning to slow down & remember these very innocent & free acts of kindness. To display them proudly to anyone who would receive them. I also enjoy very much getting them back. What a wonderful story to remind us all we have the capacity to change someone's day in one second. Hugs to you.
From Francy Girl...(Because BLOGGER IS BEING STUPID AGAIN)
Hi, Rebecca.....what has happened to the comment portion of your blog??? I know you do not take anonymous comments but I was using ***email to leave yours (and a couple of others) comments and all of a sudden you now have to sign in after you write your comment before it can go to you for approval....... Well, I have spent two days trying to "set up" my account and I will think I have it correct, then it gets rejected again!!!! Not by YOU, you don't even know I have written anything... My point...I have been reading your blogs daily....even when you do not write one, I am still looking to see if one is there.......... Soooooo, if all is quiet from me, it's because something has changed, and I do not know what I am doing wrong trying to fill out the info for an account....... Probably because I don't have my own blog..........
Just wanted to let you know I am reading your blog, and am sorry I can't "put my two cents worth" in!!!!
Love and hugs, Francy
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