Bixby Elementary School PTA FUNDRAISER
(January 1964)
Last Sunday was my Mr. AGPMan's birthday and we had a great time celebrating his life. We love getting together with our children and their families and doing what we all seem to do best, EAT! Now, I like to think I'm a DECENT cook although I readily admit to you I'm not great at it! For me to try out a new recipe is a big thing because both my children are incredible in the kitchen and they will certainly critique everything I place in front of them! If they don't like something they will tell me!
They must take after their Grandpa...
(That would be my Daddy!)
(Irish and Native American)
My family loves Italian food so this year I served homemade Chicken Parmesan with Spaghetti (Angel Hair) and it was fabulous! (Yes! Yes it was!) It's hard to go wrong when you follow a proven recipe to a T!
(He Reminded Me of Chef Boyardee)
In The Center
In The Center
When I was a child (and well beyond!) it was no secret that my father did not like what he called 'fancy food'. He wanted meat and potatoes and not much else. Oh~he would eat what my mother's hands prepared, but he did whine and complain a little bit make life miserable if she served him spaghetti...
aka: William Elliott
My Father hated pasta dishes of all kinds (who doesn't like pasta????) but he especially hated Spaghetti! And I promise you he would eat only a tiny little portion of what she had prepared so as not to insult her and her cooking. Then would fill himself up with bread and butter to keep the hunger pangs at bay...
My Mother is on the Left
(With My Grandfather's Hand Painted Sign)
So you can probably imagine how supporting my school (and mother) by attending our PTA SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER thrilled him! I remember it being a big deal that he agreed to even go! I was pretty little in 1964 (I was 5) but I recall the day very well! Can you imagine how we laughed when he was asked to help serve the Spaghetti to all the parents and their children? Just the sight of it made him sick! :) Now...of all the men in the photograph who were trying their best to look (and act) like Italian Waiters (including my Uncle who is to the left of my father) my Dad did the best job and played his part to the nines! I remember their scarves were red and white checkered cotton gingham and they wore black garters are their arms...
Such precious memories~
I couldn't help but reminisce a little last Sunday morning as I worked to prepare the spaghetti-laden dinner for my family in honor of my Mr. AGPMan. Thankfully he loves my cooking and will try most anything!
~MY Mr. AGPMan~
Food For The Soul
Had my Father been able to attend our family gathering he surely would have hated the entire meal (save for the cheese bread) and quite possibly would have told me so.
And just like I did when I was five I would have giggled at his words while slapping a pair of serving tongs into his big, strong hands...
"Plate it up, Daddy! Plate it up!"
Hope your day is awesome!
Love to you...

I just love that story. Would you have an interest in sharing it at a new vintage kitchen linky party at Etsy Cottage Style:
I know they would love it!
Hugs, Mary
This is so cute about your Dad! such wonderful memories. My husband lives for spaghetti! And hey, Happy Anniversary you guys!! xoxo
Cute story about your dad!! He did be a good sport and give in an SERVE the spaghetti for the Fund Raiser!! But I'm like you, who DOESN"T like pasta???
Looking back on my childhood (I am the same age as your parents) I do not remember pasta being served at our house, except for home-made macaroni and cheese...the first time I can recall eating spaghetti and meatballs, I was around 14 years old and we were visiting my aunt out of town, and she made it for dinner...I thought it was one of the best things I'd ever eaten! To this day, I will take pasta and Italian food first over any other kind!!! My mother just never cooked "fancy foods" either...I did not know what pizza was until I was 22 years old and lived out of Philadelphia and my husband brought one home one night!!!!
I am sure your Steve thought yours meal was delicious..you cooked another favorite of mine!!!
Have a happy week, my firend..
Hugs, Francy
This is a wonderful memory! I loved the pictures that are with it. Such priceless keepsakes.
Francy...I grew up in Cali so I was exposed to all kinds of food at a young age. My Mr. AGPMan grew up in a small (very tiny) Nebraska town. He didn't have a TACO until he was almost 20.
That is sinful!
I'm almost didn't date him because I thought he was backward and hickish! No TACOS? Bah!!!
And look what you almost
" passed over" for being a HICK!!!
He is definetely a "worldly" guy
now...handsome, refined, courtly, and sooooooo good to you!!
Love, Francy
More sweet memories, Rebecca! Love that you have your dad's pic from the paper and your mom's, too! Happy belated bday to Mr. AGP.
Hi Rebecca
We didn't eat much pasta while I was growing up, spaghetti occassionally with the sauce out of a can.
I wonder if this type of dinner would have gone over as a fundraiser in our community? Today, I've seen spaghetti dinners at different churches.
My hubby loves pasta so I could make anything with it for him.
Hi Rebecca... what an adorable story about your daddy!... such sweet memories... and Happy Birthday to Mr. AGP!... looks like he is enjoying your delicious meal you prepared... I have absolutely NO doubts that you are a fabulous cook!... xoxo Julie Marie
Dearest Rebecca,
Is your Daddy in the center of that three-men picture? You never made clear who he was. Sure you know which one was the pasta-hater! Funny story, my Dad would have acted the very same and he certainly made clear what he liked being cooked and served, all his life. Now they get their meals delivered and he's missed Mom's spoiling but she no longer can do it with her kidney dialysis.
Glad you all together had a great birthday.
Love to you,
What a darling story, Rebecca. It made me think of my own dad who did not like pizza pie! lol Love to you- xo Diana
Yep! He's in the middle! The one that is HANDSOME!
Love you~R
Hey babe, that was a great post. I had forgotten all about that event. You showed it to me many years ago. Knowing your dad, I am quite sure once he got into the role, he hammed it up all day long! LOLOLOL
As for the Chicken Parmesan meal for my birthday, well, it was nothing short of fantastic. I am glad it was considering the hours of careful preparation that went into it. Thanks for making my day so special, it means the world to me. I know it would have been so much easier to just go out and eat but this was much more memorable.
On a side note, after watching you work to flatten the chicken, I think you may have found a new form of therapy! :-) Next time I do something to upset you, I think I will just request Parmesan Chicken for dinner! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
All my love,
To My OkiHusker (aka: Mr. AGPMan)...
Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
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