Ah...sweet Sunday! A day of rest and reflection... With all the schooling, studying, working, building, repairing, creating and living that goes on within the walls of our La Chaumière de Briarwood I always look forward to the one specific day during the week we spend nurturing our souls.
One of my favorite inspirational and Christian authors is Max Lucado. I've followed his work and writings for many years and as I've grown older seem to enjoy his teachings more and more. One is never to old to learn from the best and I truly believe his work is blessed by the Most High.
I'm one of those people who skip around in books. Crazy I know, but I do it anyway. This morning as I was searching for something 'special' to read I came upon a small passage in Lucado's book called "When God Whispers Your Name".
In it he writes this:
It's easy to define; the noise of the soul.
The unseen irritant of the heart.
The relentless invader of silence...
The louder it gets the more desperate we become...
Some of you are thinking...
You don't have any idea how hard my life has been.
And you're right.
I don't.
But I have a very clear idea how miserable your future will be unless you deal with your anger.
You don't have any idea how hard my life has been.
And you're right.
I don't.
But I have a very clear idea how miserable your future will be unless you deal with your anger.
X-ray the world of the vengeful and behold the tumor of bitterness: black, menacing, malignant. Carcinoma of the spirit. It's fatal fibers creep around the edges of the heart and ravage it.
Yesterday you can't alter, but your reaction to yesterday you can. The past you cannot change, but your response to your past you can."
Psalm 37:8 says:
"Don't get angry. Don't be upset; it only leads to trouble."
Today, with God's help I've chosen to live life with deeper, greater peace. It's not always easy to do, mind you. There are moments every now and then when I slip and slide down the ramp of desperation and fall into a pit of self pity and destruction. I sometimes lose sight of God's purpose in my life. I make a wrong turn. Travel down the wrong path and I feel both anger and bitterness make it's way back into my heart...
I pray I will always remember He is my help! My name is written on His hand (Isaiah 49:16)...spoken by His mouth...whispered by His lips...my name.
He believes in me.
He believes in you.
Blessings and love to you today~

Precio pensamiento, me ha encantado.
saludos Inma''''''
Dear Rebecca, As always you get right to the message that I need to hear. I truly believe that it is better to let anger and spite go. It serves no purpose other than to glorify the devil who is exulted when we display any of these traits. Thank you always for writing and saying what needs to be said, blessings always, Maureen.
Hi beautiful friend, Great post; we need to shake off any anger(you know it robs our health as well-studies have shown a direct correlation between anger and cancer). I love that we can start anew each day and ask for help.
Sending love your way.
What a beautiful post today, Rebecca. An issue I struggle with when I see so much injustice around our world. I love Max, too! Happy Sunday- xo Diana
I adore Max Lucado too. This was a wonderful addition to my day...a powerful reminder. Thank you. Enjoy your day!
Me too. Thanks for sharing. Hugs ~ Mary
Remember the note I wrote you...well that incident is involving me to let go of some anger....little by little, with the Lord's help! Love ya!!
Hello Rebecca... as always, I enjoyed your Sunday post today... I admit I sometimes get very angry, and I am the one who suffers... I will remember your post... xoxo Julie Marie
Happy Sunday - I love Max too. I think anger does more to the vessel it's stored in - then the one it's spilled out over. sandie
Dearest Rebecca, daughter of your FATHER! He could not have done a better job on a given Sunday...
Lovely post and so true!
Have a great week ahead and may the dust settle soon and the cold stay away till you've finished.
Love to you,
Needed this today, Rebecca. Spent last night in anger over something someone did that was thoughtless. Lost an entire night because of how it made ME feel, not gonna allow myself to feel anger about it any more. My God is bigger than any wrong suffered. Love you.
The one gift I've promised myself this year is peace. I choose peace, happiness & joy in my heart. I choose to fill my heart with with good memories, playful spirit & a wiser understanding of things learned. Hugs to you. Tammy
Hello Rebecca, thank you for your message at my blog, I also love the books of Max Lucado, I think I have them all, the first book I bought for my grandchild was also a book of Lucado.
Hi beautiful Lady yep it's me again... this post right now sums me up with a lot of self doubt & self pity thrown in.... I am asking myself why I am always drawn to you in my darkest of days after reading this it has calmed my heart just a tad today.... thank you Hun
Love to you always
Lyn xxx
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