"My little children, let us not love in words,
neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
(1 John 3:18)
The following story moved me...
"The tale is told of four scholars who were arguing over the beauty and accuracy of various Bible translations.
One scholar argued for the King James Version, siting its beautiful, eloquent old English.
The second scholar was in favor of the American Standard Bible. He cited its literalism, the way it moved a reader from passage to passage with confident feelings of accuracy from the original text.
The third scholar said he preferred the translation by Moffatt and praised what he felt were quaint, yet penetrating words. He believed they captured the attention of the reader.
After giving thought to each of the lengthy and impassioned arguments presented, the fourth scholar said, "Frankly, I have always preferred my mother's translation."
Knowing that his mother was not a Bible translator, nor a scholar, the other three laughed and said, No, seriously..." The man stood his ground. "I stand by my claim, " he said. "My mother translated each page of the Bible into life. And it was the most convincing translation I have ever seen."
"Her children stand and bless her...."
(Proverbs 31:28 (TLB)
Something to think about!
(PS: I have no idea what is wrong with the comment thingy today! Argh! Sooo SORRY to those of you who had your comments rejected!)
Hope your day is wonderful.
Love to you...

From Noreen:
Hi there, I just tried to comment on your blog but it wouldn't let me and I have to tell you I love today's post and the mother's living translation of the Word. Isn't this what our lives, as mom's & grandmother's, should be-a tangible interpretation. Thanks for sharing the story. Love you girl. Can't wait to see your new couch-I'm so happy for you!
Beautiful post....Just what every mother wants their child to say about them....
Comment thingy is working for me! I love that guy. He knew what he was talking about when he said his Mother was the best translation. How many Christians do we know that talk the talk but don't live it? Great story~ xo Diana
Rebecca, if you are using the new Blogger Feed, you need to change it. Apparently, there is a problem with it.
You can find the info and how to fix it here in my post:
Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday, God Bless!
Thanks for posting, such wonderful words to live by.
well, I'm able to comment here but I'm having trouble at other places.
Great post...always love your Sunday verses and make a point to come here specifically for them.
Lovely and inspirational post Rebecca. It kind of reminds me of the phrase, "Sometimes we are the only Bible people read". Very true...
Blessings Abundantly today!
~CC Catherine
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