With all the hammering and nailing going on in our home you can imagine my Mr. AGPMan and I have experienced some harried days of late. If you've followed my little blog for very long then you know we are in the middle of a pretty intense floor and kitchen makeover project. The process can be a bit overwhelming at times and Saturday evening's work proved to be just that. Since we are doing most of the labor ourselves (saves some super-big bucks!) we have to keep a good steady pace while being mindful to at least try and enjoy the process of the renovation. It's not always easy to do I can assure you! Although my guy and I are very excited about the changes taking place (it's been nearly a twenty year dream!) it's common for us both to get antsy, tired and even a little grouchy during the transition. This is especially true if we focus too long and too hard on reaching the final results. We've calculated the makeover (with us doing most of the work) and it looks like it's going to take us about a full year to complete.
That's a long time to live with our home 'torn up'...
This morning I came across a wonderful little quote that helped plant my feet back on solid ground. I'm always amazed ('tho I shouldn't be) how God leads me gently to a message of peace when I'm living in a less than peaceful state...
"Live your life each day as you would
climb a mountain.
An occasional glance toward the summit
keeps the goal in mind,
but many beautiful scenes are to be observed
from each new vantage point.
Climb slowly, steadily,
enjoying each passing moment;
and the view from the summit will serve
as a fitting climax
for the journey."
~~Harold V. Melchert
Amazing, huh?
Have a wonderful day in His presence...
Love to you~

HI Rebecca,
wow, you'll be really happy when the remodel is finally completed. I really enjoyed that quote you shared too. Keep your eye on the goal, but enjoy the journey along the way :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Beautiful quote! I always remind myself of the mustard seed when feeling overwhelmed by too many projects or too little time, otherwise known more honestly as taking too long. I can't always conquer my tasks at my pace but in the end, I find the slower pace to have caused less havoc in my mind. I'm more at ease. Hugs this Sunday. T
Lovely quote. I can't wait for you to get your job completed and the mess to be cleaned up and only a memory. xo Diana
I love this quote Rebecca! It is something I am going to copy and read everyday so that I can keep our future in perspective. Good luck in with your remodel!~Hugs, Patti
Beautiful quote! Thank you for sharing it with us.
What a lovely post. I enjoyed every word--and I love your illustrations.
I thought the quote was lovely, too, Becca girl. A YEAR to complete the re-modeling...??? I KNOW I'd be "chomping at the bit"...I do not like living in messes either...but you have got to look 'way down the tunnel and see that gorgeous make-
over at the end. You will be so very proud of it all when you are finished...but I am with you, it is going to take a LOT of patience to live through it to the completed part!!
Well, in the meantime, you can have more time to focus on the way you want your "new" look to be and do a lot of work preparing things to go in the esty, and ebay shops! I took a peek at the ebay site and see you already have some items listed...
How was your jaunt yesterday? It probably did you both good to be away from the remodelng work and out enjoying something you both love to do....
I hope you have a happy week and accomplish things you are working on.....
Hugs and love, Francy
Beautiful post. A real encouragement to me. My husband and I hope to relocate and have been praying about it for some time. It is scary for me yet exciting. Sometimes just the thought overwhelms me. You've helped me to enjoy the journey the transition and not to project to the final destination. Blessings
Just beautiful Rebecca... as always, love your Sunday posts so... xoxo Julie Marie
I got a chuckle out of your last post. Been there, done that. My hubby and I have done and re-done every room in our house (from floor to ceiling). With every project we have "those" days. We are currently re-modeling our kitchen (for the second time). My husband is one who goes in "spurts" and I am a perfectionist. Needless to say "we have our days". Hopefully our re-model will be complete this Spring. If you can live and "love" through it... you can get through anything. LOL. Can't wait to see photos of the finished product once it is complete.
Amazing quote, just the right words at just the right time:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!
Hey Rebecca...you changed your blog! Looks lovely of course!
I admire you and the hubby for doing your remodel project together. You both will appreciate it so much when it is done. And I even think the adventure of doing it together would be fun too...(sometimes).
When John and I worked on picking things out together when our house was built we both loved it! We have been here 5 years now. Time is flying by.
Glad you got your new sofa. I know you are loving it! I am so happy for you. God knows how to delight us doesn't He?!!!
Love, Linda
You are so very lucky that your guy is handy! Joe is a lot of things but handy , he is not so we have to hire out all the time. I miss my Dad because he built houses for a living and when he was alive, all I needed to do was pick up the phone but he has been gone for 24 years now. I would be chomping at the bit to have the remodel take so long but I can understand why. Patience will have to be your virtue and I am sure it will be worth the wait!
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