(Rusty and Wonderful)
On Wednesday I had to make a postal run and the closest Post Office to me is in the downtown area of my Oklahoma town. Funny how just across the street from our mailery is an antique mall and market.
Now you KNOW I had to go inside...
I'm a self-confessed bargain hunter! I know right where to go to look for good deals and my eye is super good at scouting out those hand-printed 25%-75% off discount signs!
I found this amazing set of antique/vintage door knobs for 75% off. They were originally marked $18.00 but I snagged them for CHEAP! I'm hoping to make something wonderful out of them! Not sure yet just what tho! I also found several packages of vintage linens marked down 50% off!
The best of the lot was a white linen tablecloth and four matching napkins... All hand embroidered with white floss...simply lovely! I haven't measured if the tablecloth will fit my round table as of yet (the cloth is square), but I'm sure hoping it will! It's in perfect condition and I rarely (if ever!) use beautiful old linens as cutters!
Just can't bring myself to snip, snip, snip!
Now...every once in awhile I hunt down some of my favorite finds via the eBay route. I've sold a ton of neat collectible stuff on eBay over the years and lots of handmade things as well! It's still a GREAT place to pick up great old finds... I think I paid $20 for the shoes you see above a few weeks ago. Not a great price (that would have been $10) but still not a bad deal. Plus I love how they look on my cabinet below...
(Because I love them that way!)
On Monday I received a little surprise in the mail from my sweet blogger friend, Tammy. About a month ago I mentioned that I was trying to hunt down a certain print of a lovely lady wearing a pretty white frock. Tammy found the name of the print for me and the artist who did the painting, too!
Well...Miss T not only sent me the print called THE NEW HAT by Margetson, but she also sent me the one below called SPRING by Sir John Lavery!
I'm in love with both of the copies of these two gorgeous paintings and have big plans for them! I have several old frames that I'm hoping will work with the prints! I will keep you posted on what I come up with!
Thank you so much, Tammy, for being so gracious! You KNOW I'm crazeee about both the prints and it means so much to me that you found them and sent them my way! What a lovely, kind and giving lady you are! Bless you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I'm still working on product for my A Gathering Place website. It's been slow going with our new floors being installed and all but I'm pressing on! More about this as soon as I KNOW what I'm doing!
Have a great Thursday! Isn't today the day we all find out if all our followers go POOF? Argh!
Love to you...

Love your door knob find at the antique shop. Also your vintage shoes from ebay. I have a beautiful ceramic front door knob from my parents farm house, circa 1885. I wanted to mount it onto a pine island bench I had made for my kitchen (out of old timber from this same farmhouse). So I asked my dad to attach a bolt like 'thingy' to it so it could be mounted into the pine and used as decoration/potholder hook. He being a man's man decided to weld a steel rod into it and all but shattered it from the heat. I was so cranky. Can't be used like want now but still have it.
I love your bookcase with the books backwards. I love all things blue and white and my bookcases are filled with blue and white. Lots of white makes such a calm pleasant feeling!! I also just got a great deal on a set similar to yours, too funny. Thanks for sharing, Di@cottage-wishes
Hi Rebecca,
I love finding great stuff like those old door knobs of yours!
I once had a framed picture of the girl in the white dress. Not sure what happened to it. Wish I had it back! LOL!
I can't wait to see your new shop items.....I know it's well worth the wait.
Love thos doorknobs and prints! The shoes are beautiful and I love the linens placed inside them. Perfect!
What a lovely shoes!!!!!!
Have a nice day,
Dearest Rebecca,
Just testing if you have commenting on...
Great finds at a great price, can't wait to see what you do with them! Love the shoes and YES, I love the way they look on the shelf:) Have a blessed day dear Rebecca, HUGS!
This is silly for having typed a long comment and not being able to send it...
As for the poof of followers, that is NOT true. People hear something and run with it without ever checking for details and the FACTS.
I've done a post about it several days ago.
As for your new finds, your eyes have been lucky for spotting all this. The prints from Tammy are the highlight of this post as they speak of beauty and beauty of the heart from a generous giver!
You snagged some great finds.LOVE those door knobs.Lots of fun things to do with those.Beautiful picture too.
You sure did score well at the antique mall. Love those old door knobs! Wish we had one across from our post office...I wouldn't be sending Mr. Wild to mail my stuff! LOL! Love the prints and what a sweet friend to give them to you!
xoxo Faye
What a special friend Tammy is to remember you in this way. I have a picture that I just love too and haven't been able to identify it...I hadn't thought of asking my blog friends but that is just what I'm going to do. - I spent some time yesterday looking through blogs that I follow and the ones that are .com, I signed up to have delivered to my email, I guess I had better try to figure how to put that on my blog also. xo
If your vintage knob plates were wider I'd be begging you to sell me one!! I'm hunting for a 5" wide plate & probably as long as yours are. No luck so far but Spring demolition is coming up so I'm hoping to get one that route or just patiently wait for my local antique place with a 100 booths or more to come up with one. I fear I may have to adapte the hole in my door somehow but i'm going to hold out for now and may be put a hat on a hook to cover it for now.
Your are most welcome. Sometimes prednisone gives me a chance to do things I might be too inpatient to do otherwise. I know you will enjoy them. Small price for all the wonderful things you share with us in all of your tutorials. Hugs. T
Rebeca, everything is beautiful, as always on your blog! I LOVE old doorknobs and skeleton keys, and even ones made to "look" old. I have a VERY small collection of them. They symbolize to me the opportunities of opening doors to new things in our lives. Here's the link if you'd like to see them! http://beckypovich.blogspot.com/search/label/doorknobs
ooooo love a good bargain too and those shoes are really cute on your shelves :)and I just love old keys :) love mouse xxxxx
ps how's Mollie's back ??? mines a wee bit better but now lost my voice somewhat to DH's joy !!! lol
I can hardly wait to see what you do with those door knobs. I just know it will be great!
Hello Rebecca, I love both prints and cannot believe how generous Tammy has been tracking these down for you, enjoy. I am sure they will look beautiful in the frames once they have had the Rebecca touch, blessings, Maureen
What fabulous gifts from your friend!... and I am in LOVE with those doorknobs!... I love them just the way they are, but I know you will put your midas touch on them and they will be even more beautiful!... (and then I will have to order one!)... xoxo Julie Marie PS Will you be making any of those Boho bags for your shop... or can one (like moi) special order one???...
Love all of your finds! I occasionally snap up good ebay deals too. I set a price in my head, submit it and then sometimes I am surprised when I get the winning bid. How is your puppy?
Those vintage shoes are so pretty - but painful. sandie
Love that boho bag, Rebecca. Now what will you do with those door pieces ... let me guess!
I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick. Maybe you can get Miss K to write to her again.
Thank you.
Have a beautiful PS weekend ~
What a great post!! Chock full of so much eye candy!!
Google connect will stay put for all those who have their blogs with Blogger.
Thank you for stopping by dear Rebecca!
I love your door knobs and your white bookcase with books backwards is lovely. I'll do the same with mine - hope you do not mind!
have a great weekend!
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