Sometimes, believe it or not, I am at a loss for words. To this day it's impossible for me to describe how I felt the day I married my beloved or the feelings I had when I bore his two children. Those three single moments will always remain the highlight of my life. Lots of other wonderful things have happened to me since~ Watching my children graduate and then go to college and/or serve in the military and then subsequently marry ushered in feelings of great joy. Seeing the miracle of my Miss K come into the world changed my life... I love being a Nana, even if right now it's only to one little girl...
Like many of you, no doubt, I've experienced my share of heartache sprinkled upon the pathway of my life. I'm grateful the rough times have been far outweighed by the good times and although I shouldn't be, I'm always surprised when super-wonderful things come my way. Today I was reminded of the words to a favorite old hymn,
that says...
God has not promised skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through;
God has not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
Flower strewn pathways all our lives through;
God has not promised sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God has promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
God has not promised we shall not know
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;
He has not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.
Toil and temptation, trouble and woe;
He has not told us we shall not bear
Many a burden, many a care.
God has not promised smooth roads and wide,
Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;
Never a mountain rocky and steep,
Never a river turbid and deep.
Swift, easy travel, needing no guide;
Never a mountain rocky and steep,
Never a river turbid and deep.
But God has promised strength for the day,
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above,
Unfailing sympathy, undying love.
A couple of months ago I was contacted by the editors of the Italian Magazine, CASA ROMANTICA, in hopes of doing an article showcasing my work and my La Chaumière de Briarwood. I was shocked at their interest and was once again left speechless. No words came to me...just sheer excitement that anyone would think anything I've ever done would be worthy of publication (OK! I admit I might have run through the house screaming at the top of my lungs for a wee little bit, but no one was home to see me so I don't think it counts!).
Just hearing from the editors brought back the feelings I had when the American Magazine, ROMANTIC HOMES, first contacted me in 2005 about doing the same thing. Back then I was pretty new to selling my wares and was totally clueless as to what I was doing. I'm a firm believer that once we know better we should do better and I hope over the past seven years I've learned how to better dress my home while staying true to her simple, yet beautiful, lines...
Today I'm grateful for both change and progress and for the nod given to me by those who are far more gifted than I. There are so many incredible homes worthy of attention and talented people who never fail to inspire me every single day. And so I press onward doing what I love in hopes that someone else out there will be inspired to do the same.
I'm sharing with you a few photos a fellow blogger, Rosetta from sent to me this morning of the article published in the June 2012 edition of CASA ROMANTICA (Thank you, Rosetta! You bless me!) Incredibly they showcased nearly every room of my home and lots of my work as well. I'm hoping one of my sweet Italian friends (Valeria, Debby, Rosetta, Maria, Evelena and Angelina, Marta, Cherie' and Colona) can locate at least one copy for me and send it my way.
Many, many more photos where included in the article, but I'll save them for another time. Right now I'm working on translating the article so I can read for myself what all they had to say. So far I've only managed to decode :) the first page!
I leave you today with this...
Stay true to your calling and hold fast to your dreams! Don't think for a moment God doesn't care about you or them. What seems big to you isn't to Him! After-all, He was the one who placed those desires deep within your heart.
Dream on friends...DREAM ON!
Because I'm trying to be tender to my hands and arms I will be blogging only a handful of times a week instead of every day for awhile. That said, I'm going to let this post serve as my Thoughts on a Sunday Morning post as well.
I'm linking up with Kathleen over at Faded Charm for
White Wednesday! Hope you'll visit all the gorgeous whites when you can. You are sure to be inspired!
I'm linking up with Kathleen over at Faded Charm for
White Wednesday! Hope you'll visit all the gorgeous whites when you can. You are sure to be inspired!
Blessings and love to you for a wonderful day!
Love to you...

Oh Rebecca, thats just wonderful, congratulations! Your home is so beautiful, I love seeing photographs of it. And your work is stunning, so of course the magazine would show lots of those creations as well. If only I could get hold of that magazine....
Bellissimo Rebecca!... Ciao!... xoxo Julie Marie
Hey baby, I am so excited for you. I know how many hours you worked getting everything ready for all the pictures. I am always amazed at your talent for display. I always said I felt like I was walking into the pages of a magazine when I came home from work......I guess I was right! :-)
Now, as for this speechless thing, I must admit, I would have like to been home to witness that one! LOLOLOL Loooooovvvve You!
I love the article and maybe by this time next year you will have it all translated so we can read it!
Proud of you,
Congrats Rebecca, I can see why they featured your home and your work in the magazine, everything is so beautiful. I'm so happy for you!!!
Hugs~~~ Daphne
Congratulations Rebecca! Very deserved. :)
Congratulations my friend.Your home is beautiful and deserves to be showcased.You are a true inspiration for me.
YAEH !!! For you Miss Rebecca girl !! ALL the pictures are quite lovely !! Everything soo romantic, and beutifully displayed !! Uumm .. I see a sylist in the future !! You truly are blessed with the touch !! You are !!
Wish I could read this as well .. I can only imagine the words written !! Doesn't matter tho, cuz your beautiful pictures speak tons !! Very well done my friend, now, sit back, look and enjoy !! You've done it yet again !!
Blessings on this beautiful week-end .. enjoy your time ~
Hugs as always ~TeA~ xo
How wonderfully exciting for should be excited...I am excited for you!
You mean the publishers didn't send you a copy?? What the heck?
I had a ball looking at all the photos...your home is stunning, Rebecca...truly stunning. I'm not surprised that they gave you so much copy. The editors probably couldn't bring themselves to discard one single picture!
And you look lovely! Is your hair really that long? I've never seen you with a braid before!
How exciting! I am so excited for you. It looks so beautiful! Did they come and take the pictures or did they have you send them to them? It is so exciting. Your talent for decorating is something that should be acknowledged!
Hi Rebecca ~~~ Such a beautiful post and congratulations!!!! I really enjoy the words about God's Promises ~~ It touched my heart and thank you Rebecca
Pearl 13.1
Rebecca! Congratulations! This is just wonderful and an Italian magazine. Your style is just gorgeous and you really are talented and gifted and beautiful - all at the same time! :)
I'm really proud for you and appreciated your humbleness and your love of God.
You are the sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Rebecca so very happy for you and your magazine feature!! God has his ways of giving his children kisses and I say this is one of His kisses to you!!
Just saw that Mr. AGP Man left a comment for you- isn't that just the sweetest thing!!
bee blessed
I am always surprised that YOU are suprised by these things. You are SO talented. YOU should write a decorating/inspriation book. I am so happy for you. I wish it was in English and I could buy a copy. As always, your words of faith inspire too. Going thru a bit of a crapfest here (our house was hit by lightening yesterday) and I needed to be reminded of the Good Lord's love.
I hope your arm feels better soon!!!
Congratulations Rebecca!! You are so deserving having your home featured!! It looks like they did a fantastic job, as I knew they would! I am surprised that they didn't send you a complimentary copy of the issue, as they did when I was featured last year. You could contact Cinzia and ask for one, as I am sure she would :) I can't wait to get my copy of this issue, as I had pre-ordered it on Cindy Robert's webpage, as she is expecting them to arrive this coming week!
Congratulations again my sweet friend!! Warmest hugs, Brenda
Congratulations Rebecca. How wonderful to have your pretties featured in a magazine. I love that you shared the poem. It is a good one.
Congratulations Rebecca, now others can enjoy all the sweet things you share on your blog. Hopefully you will get a copy of the magazine too.
Your sister's shop is looking nice, best wishes to her for a successful business.
Well done Rebecca. Very exciting indeed. Every now and then it's great to have such an exciting event occur in our lives. Hope you can translate it all soon. PS I had such an excitement this week and it's amazing what a lift it gives on so many levels.
Congratuations! That is so cool! But then again you do have one BEAUTIFUL home! Lived in by beautiful people who care each other without question! That kind of love shows through. So why shouldn't your home be shown in a romantic style magazine.
Oh Rebecca, what a beautiful tribute to your beautiful home and talent. Congratulations!
Jocelyn @
Dream on girl friend, dream on, and sometimes dreams do come true, as they did for you with this wonderful article about your home and art.
I think running around shrieking was well justified! Lovely words to that hymn.
Rebecca, what a huge honor to have been chosen for this wonderful magazine. You truly deserve it, your work is lovely and so is your home, you are extremely talented. Congratulations and hugs...Lu
Ребекка, примите и мои поздравления!!! С удовольствием читаю Ваш блог, вдохновляюсь... Гимн очень кстати, какие слова!!! Удачи Вам!
Ciao che emozione anche per me!La tecnologia sa essere anche romantica!Zac!Le foto da qui all'altra parte del mondo!Felice domenica,Rosetta
Congratulations Rebecca, your home is so beautiful. And by the way, you really have a sweet husband. His comments to you are so endearing.
Congratulations, this is so exciting. You certainly deserve this honor. Your work and your home is so beautiful!!!
My dear Rebecca, yesterday I was looking over some old posts on my blog and I saw a comment that you had made in response to one of my comments and you said that my words were of great comfort to you on that day for some unknown reason. I must return the favor for as I read your post today (as I do every day), I was moved to tears as I read your poem. Storms come into our lives and I was so comforted by those words and the knowledge that God is with us. So thank you for that.
And . . Congratulations! How wonderful to be pushlished again but your home is so beautiful and inspring, I am not surprised.
Have a great day and take care of your arm and hand.
Translated Russian Comment:
Rebecca, and accept my congratulations! I am pleased to read your blog, inspired by ... Anthem is the way, what words! Good luck to you!
Translated Italian Comment:
Hello what a thrill for me! Technology even knows to be romantic! Zac! The pictures from here to another part of the world! Happy Sunday, Rosetta
WOWZA!! I'm absolutely certain it is HIM on high who leads us, no? You must be so over joyed with this beautiful surprise. Good for you, go get em'!! I love love love your sign your painting on! Very pretty. Hugs. T
Dearest Rebecca,
Congrets to you! NO SURPRISE as you are exceptional at creating a most romantic home with your many talents. Did Casa Romantica not contact you and inform you about the feature in this month's issue? That is not very elegant and it looks like a repeat of the creative Michela from the blog Maison in Italym who was not informed either. You can check her story here:
Sure I do hope that one of the Italian readers can secure a copy for you.
As for reading the pages, no problem for me, it felt really sweet to read in Italian about your great work.
Hope your arms will soon feel better. I did sleep a lot, rested well and my whiplash is not bothering me much anymore. Today I biked for an hour, together with Pieter, even though I had difficulty turning my head but he looked out for me...
Love to you,
I'm not one bit surprised! You have truly been blessed with much talent and God is showing Himself faithful for your faithfulness. Great is His faithfulness!
My friend, your home is truly a haven-like a cottage that I could get used to:) Oh such talent and beauty!
Take care of yourself!
What an honour Rebecca... you should be very proud! I can't wait to see your Sister's shop too! Have a great week ahead & I hope your wrists are getting some relief. Take care..
Rebecca, I, too, am a true believer that God places people in our path for a reason! Our features in Casa Romantica brought us together! Your words about God putting our desires in our hearts touched me to tears. Yes, we are living the dream of our homes in magazines, but ANYTHING is possible with God! I never would have believed in a million years our home would be in magazines, but God knew!
Congratulations! You deserve to be recognized!
Dear Rebecca,
I read your post last night but was unable to type pass the tears falling from my face...As I was reading your post the song Heart-Eva Cassidy-I know you, began to play it touched my heart so deeply as if she was singing about my sister. I am still having a hard time writing you today. I just want to tell you your post was beautiful and that I am so happy and proud of you! Your home is lovely and what a honor to have it featured in Casa Romantica.
Have a sweet day and may it be full of blessings, Elizabeth
Congratulations!!!!! I am not in the least bit surprised. Everything you do is beautifully done and YOU are beautiful inside and out! What fun for you-xo Dina
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