Yesterday something wonderful happened in our family.
I've shared with you over the years my deep love for my only grandchild. I call her Miss K for privacy reasons even though I love her given name of
It means Beautiful One.
Ten years ago our sweet grandgirl was preparing to enter the world even though from the beginning she was already safely ensconced inside our hearts. She couldn't possibly have known it then but she would soon take her place within a family unit who would never waiver in their love, support and belief in her.
She is that special.
A decade ago my Mr. AGPMan and I watched from behind the scenes as our son became a young father, then a man and then a beloved daddy. He loved, supported and fought for his girl and has provided for her a wonderful home. When he married our daughter-in-love, Sarah, four years ago she became our Miss K's momma. We are blessed to have her in our family!
Although carried in the womb of another woman, yesterday the courts decreed that the adoption of our Miss K by our SarahGirl is legal and final and that she is, and always will be, our Miss K's mother...
Note to my Miss K:
Don't ever forget for a single moment that you've been CHOSEN!
I will love you forever,
Your only and forever,
Today I thank God for the difficult days of long ago because ultimately they became my friend. They helped drive me beyond a place of ease and into a quiet place of constant prayer.
Yesterday the long awaited answer
to hundreds of prayers came.
Celebrating with a grateful heart!
Love to you...

What a wonderful blessing for your family. It makes my heart happy to hear this!
All of you are so blessed to have Miss K in your lives! She is a beautiful little girl, inside and out. I am thrilled for your family!
The LORD is so good..Congratulations to all of you. What a joyous day!
I just came on and saw this post, sweetpea. I cannot tell you what my grandchildren and great granddaughter mean to us. We adore them!!! Absolutely adore them. With the 2nd great grandchild on the way, we are even more ecstatic. I told Mandy we wanted more great grands and she's accommodating us very quickly! LOL But they are truly life's blessings.
Now, that being said, can we please, please have a pix of Miss K and her forever mummy? Hmmmm, would love to see the family photo.
Hope you get more very soon, sugar. I don't know what we'd do without our grands and greats. Sounds like I'm talkin' 'bout biscuits, doesn't it? LOL
I'm thrilled for your new daughter-in-love because it takes more than giving birth to be a mummy...
Oh Rebecca... once again, the tears are just running down my face... I know aloy of what you have all been through, and I have prayed for all of you as well... and now, all of our prayers are answered... you know also what a special bond there is between dear Miss K and myself... each time I receive a card in the mail from her, my heart sings!... she is such a joy to me, as I have no children of my own, and my nieces are grown women now... this little girl has totally captured my heart as well... please give her a big HUG from her friend Julie Marie... and also to dear Sarah, who was truly meant to be her mama all along... love you all, Julie Marie
What a beautiful post and such and amazing gift.You all look beautiful in your photos.
I am so happy for Miss K and your whole family. I know how precious this is to you....congrats!!
What a beautiful and heartwarming post. Special days are always etched into our hearts forever.
Dearest Rebecca,
Congrats to ALL involved. Prayers indeed did get answered and for the best of Miss K.
Thanks for sharing this.
Love to you,
Oh Rebecca, I'm so happy for you and your family.... what wonderful news.
Hugs~~~ Daphne
What a wonderful, unforgettable day for you and your family. Its just wonderful.
Dear Sweet Rebecca,
Your family is so blessed that they have you and that you have them.
I'm so happy for you.
How wonderful! That is great news. She is a loved little girl. Lucky her!
This post made me teary-eyed, Rebecca. I can only imagine how Sarah must feel to finally become her mama.
I don't know why this is striking such a nerve in me, but I blather as I write.
I think it is because I still remember so clearly my eternal adoption and my brand new family in Christ when I was 18. What a joy it was to know that the brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers that He gave me are innumerable.
I know she had your heart the moment you first saw her face! BTW, Sarah is a good name!♥♫
I know you must be very happy. My sweet niece came into our lives 20 years ago and never left. She also was carried in another womb but my sister and her loving husband brought Hope home when she was one week old and made it official at the age of four. I was fortunate to be at the ceremony but that little piece of paper didn't change what we already knew in our hearts. She was where God wanted her to be. Congratulation to your family and many blessings to come.
Thanks for sharing this precious story! God is faithful!
Oh that just about did me in...
Hold on a sec...gotta get a tissue.
Thank you for posting that. And thank you for sharing it with us and for sending me a little note to come take a look at it.
Oh my goodness. You have started the teardrops and I can't seem to get them to stop.
Blessings to you and yours.
In Him
Congratulations to a beautiful and wonderfully complete family..;j
Congratulations! It is about time!!!! I am so happy for all of you. I need to catch up on some back posts- we have been traveling with limited internet access. Love to you- xo Diana
I am thankful for you that it has all turned out for, His glory!
Oh, Rebecca! How wonderful is this post! You are all so blessed to have each other in your lives. Beautiful ending for a happy family! Not really ending! As their lives will go on to a life of happiness. Not that there won't be pain sometimes, but love has gottem through so much already! Congratuations to everyone!
What a wonderful thing to happen. Thanks for sharing.
Tears in my eyes.
What wonderful news for your family.
A sweet little girl, so loved.
She is really blessed.
(and so are you)
What a wonderful story with a special happy ending!!
Congrats to all of you and many more blessings to your family!!
P.S. Your booth looks stunning! I wish I could come and shop!
Oh Rebecca I have been busy with my new grandson so had not read this yet ~
Congratulations to your family!! That is wonderful news!!
Just getting a chance to catch up on your postings and read with utter joy about Miss K. and Sarah..
I am thrilled everything has settled into place and that beautiful little girl has a Mommie of her very own. I know Sarah feels
the same way. How blessed all of you are on this day...God shines HIS love on those who patiently wait for HIS timing.
May your precious family continue
to always be so blessed.
Love and big hugs, Francy
A truly joyous occasion for you, your family & yor pecious Miss K. It is wonderful she will know the comforts of calling one "momma". HIS blessings have touched your family in a most personal way. I pray her chosen momma will be blessed in all the years to come from an angel chosen for her by HIM. What an awesome gift indeed. Hugs and congratulations to your family. T
Oh my oh my! I didn't check blogland yesterday and I missed a huge event!! I have GOOSEBUMPS!! So very happy for you all!! I don't know if I missed this fact of fighting 4 legal custody for beautiful Miss K but I am thrilled 2 death 4 her! She looks sooo much like my granddaughter that Miss K has a special place in my heart...that I could cry! GOD IS SO GOOD! :)
Xoxo Carolyn
What wonderful news Rebecca. I am so happy things worked out, I know you have been working on that for awhile. What a wonderful sweet family you have.
I love what you have done to your booth, lots more shopping room!! Can't wait to get back there. The chalkboard frame I bought..........I'm in love with it.
Congrats to your beautiful new motherhood, Sarah. May your parenting continue to be a wonderful reflection of love for your family. Miss K is truly blessed.
Congrats to the entire family ...
What a wonderful blessing that your family has been bestowed with.
So glad Miss K is the sparkle in your families eye.
God bless your family.
Oh Rebecca........you made me cry......what a blessed little girl.......Mommy and Daddy and Nana too... Isn't it amazing the joy a little one can bring? I'm so happy that everything worked out so perfectly. That's just how He does things, right?
Oh, Rebecca, God is sooo good always, isn't He?!? I've been missing reading your posts lately and for some reason I just clicked on this one to read first....I've truly got goosebumps and tears. So happy for your entire family!
Have a wonderful 4th ~ now I'm off to catch up on more of your past posts, tho none will be as sweet as this one!
I've missed so many posts...You have been one busy girl! Congratulations, what a relief this must be!!
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